Past Regent Howard Pickett Receives Interfraternal Award
Chapter & Alumni News
Alumnus Howard Pickett was awarded the Sidney H. Guller Interfraternal Award from Sigma Alpha Mu this August. "Howard Pickett represents the best example of selfless interfratenal service while being a true gentleman. He has provided sterling leadership as Chairman of the North-American Interfraternity Conference and President of the Fraternity/Sorority Political Action Committee by advancing the critical advocacy efforts for the fraternal movement," said, Sigma Alpha Mu Executive Director Andy Huston.

The Brothers of Beta Tau held their 2019 Oyster Roast and Golf Tournament this past April. There were many alumni in attendance and they had several amazing organizers and sponsors. They are looking forward to seeing many more alumni next year as they commemorate the 40th Annual Oyster Roast and the 125th Anniversary of the Beta Tau Chapter. This spring the chapter also held their Alumni Senior Dinner, which was organized by alumni Rick Tate and Buz Phillips.