Georgia's 14th Annual Commander's Dinner
Chapter & Alumni News

On January 10, Mu Chapter alumni and actives gathered for their 14th annual Commanders’ Dinner in Atlanta. This special event provides the opportunity for the newly elected Commander to meet all past Commanders and to gain wisdom through their advice as he begins his term. This year was one of the most highly attended dinners during the long-standing tradition, and alumnus Tom Johnson shared a special presentation called “Lessons Life Has Taught Me,” the outline for what will hopefully become a book. Eminent Commander Riley “Bing” Bishop received a standing ovation for his “State of the Chapter” address, in which he shared his vision, objectives, and goals for 2019. Notable Mu alumni present included Regent John Hearn and past Regent Robert Durham, as well as guests from other chapters such as Vice Regent Maury Gaston (Auburn) and Division Commander Bill Geddy (Georgia Southern).