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Cumulative Lifetime Giving

Sigma Nu Educational Foundation

Contributors to the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation—especially those who make Sigma Nu a philanthropic priority on an ongoing basis—are truly appreciated.  Donors who achieve cumulative giving level of at least $5000 or more are recognized for their extraordinary commitment to the educational and philanthropic missions of the fraternity.   Recognition levels for cumulative lifetime giving are as follows:

  • White Star Club $5,000 - $9,999
  • Regents Club $10,000 - $24,999
  • Order of Knights $25,000 - $49,999
  • Founders Club $50,000 - $99,999
  • 1869 Founders Circle $100,000 and above


1869 Founders Circle

Sigma Nu’s growth and excellence have been fostered by the commitment of like-minded individuals who believed that the development of ethical leaders for society should be a priority for higher education.  Our founders believed that such development rested on the principle of honor.  We are indebted to the following individuals who have made generous contributions totaling over $100,000 during their lifetime in support of ethical leadership and Sigma Nu’s role in its development.  These individuals are presented with a special lapel pin and gift at Grand Chapter to honor their commitment.

John M. Alexander (North Carolina State)

Joseph S. Baxter (Cal State Fullerton)

Carl G. Berry (Idaho)

Paul W. Broome (Carnegie Mellon)

Paul W. Bryant (Alabama)

John T. Davenport (South Carolina)

Margaret C. Davis  

Donald K. Densborn (Indiana)

Billy G. Dugan (Butler)

Charles R. Eitel (Oklahoma State)

Anthony B. Fair (Georgia Southern)

Jerry D. Fields (Texas State)

Joseph M. Gilman (Morehead State/Georgia)

Mary Gorman  

Richard D. Kinder (Missouri)

Peter McCausland (South Carolina)

Alan E. Petsche (Texas at Arlington)

Howard C. Pickett (North Carolina State)

David C. Ruegg (California)

William S. Spears (Texas Tech/Oklahoma State)

Randall L. Ward (North Carolina State)

William A. Watson (Stetson)

Albert W. Wurster (Purdue)

Lilly Endowment, Inc.


Founders Club

Nearly 150 years ago, James Frank Hopkins, Greenfield Quarles, and James McIlvaine Riley established a heritage for Sigma Nu Fraternity based on the principles of love, honor and truth.  We are extremely grateful for the following individuals who have expressed their own commitment to that heritage by making lifetime contributions of $50,000 to $100,000.  These individuals are presented with a special lapel pin and gift at Grand Chapter to honor their commitment.

Clifford R. Alexander (Miami - Ohio)

Thomas H. Anderson (Mississippi)

William D. Barron (Maine)

Jeffry W. Baum (Illinois)

Howard K. Berry (Oklahoma)

George T. Blankenship (Oklahoma)

Robert A. Boyette (North Carolina State)

Malcolm S. Burgess (North Carolina)

Thomas J. Carson (Oklahoma State)

James C. Cherry (Hampden-Sydney)

John J. Cummins (Washington in St. Louis)

James W. Davis (Mississippi)

Duane H. Dreger (M.I.T.)

Robert E. Durham (Georgia/Auburn)

Stefan H. Gleason (Florida)

Magnus M. Gorrie (Auburn)

Edwin A. Hancock (South Carolina)

Donald D. Humphreys (Oklahoma State)

W. Carter Hutchins (Mississippi)

Rupert H. Johnson (Washington and Lee)

Robert L. Johnston (South Carolina)

Robert E. Lowder (Auburn)

Ricardo A. Martinelli (Arkansas)

Ralph P. Moore (Jacksonville State)

Ronald L. Myles (Oklahoma)

William B. Oakley (Alabama)

Thomas E. Robinson (North Carolina State)

C.M. Butch Shaffer (Idaho)

J. Harry Shannon (Samford/Alabama)

Jewell G. Smith (Mississippi)

William K. Stoffer (Albion)

Thomas L. Thomason (South Carolina)

Charles R. Vaughn (North Carolina State)

E. G. White (Indiana)

Roy C. Williams (Mississippi)

Delta Alpha of Sigma Nu House Corporation

Epsilon Mu House Association, Inc.

Psi Home Association

Sigma Nu Aumni Association of Evanston

The McKale-Salmon Foundation Trust

Zeta Xi


Order of Knights

We are proud to recognize the following individuals as members of the Order of Knights based on their lifetime giving of $25,000 to $50,000.   Order of Knights honorees receive a blazer embroidered with the Sigma Nu coat-of-arms which is presented at the next Grand Chapter. 

Daniel P. Amos (Georgia)

William C. Ashford (Mississippi)

Dennis K. Aust (Florida)

Richard P. Bail (Indiana)

Dean A. Bergquist (Kansas State)

Robert L. Blevins (Alabama)

Robert M. Brackbill (Missouri S&T)

Lee H. Brandenburg (San Jose State)

Barney U. Brown (Oklahoma State)

Steven M. Brown (Oklahoma State)

James W. Bryan (West Georgia)

Thomas J. Buck (Indiana)

Patrick A. Conn (Houston)

John G. Corlew (Mississippi)

Robert S. Craft (Auburn)

James W. Derrick (South Carolina)

Richard W. Dodderidge (Kansas State)

Graham M. Doll (Texas Christian)

John B. Edwards (Mississippi)

Donald L. Foster (Indiana)

Joe B. Francis (Oklahoma State)

Lincoln B. Frazier (Michigan)

Wilson B. Garrett (Auburn)

Wayne H. Gillis (Samford)

Neil D. Gilpin (Oklahoma State)

Robert A. Gingras (Bowling Green State)

Joseph T. Gorman (Kent State)

Michael E. Grant (Oklahoma)

Johnson M. Green (Mississippi)

Daniel W. Hearn (Oregon State)

John A. Hearn (Georgia)

Paul W. Herman (Oklahoma)

Joseph A. Hourihan (Trinity)

Scott D. Howarth (Idaho)

Timothy C. Huffmyer (Michigan State)

Carson M. Hughes (Mississippi)

Wiley C. Hutchins (Mississippi)

Larry G. Kanning (William Jewell)

Richard G. Kirkpatrick (Knox)

Gilbert D. Kovener (Rose-Hulman)

Gavin R. Larrimer (Ohio State)

John L. Lauricella (Louisiana State)

Horst W. Lichtenberger (Iowa)

Michael D. Long (Drury/Missouri State)

Chester T. Lott (Mississippi)

Thomas H. Lowder (Auburn)

Jason M. Lyons (Thomas Jefferson)

Steve A. Malachowski (Southern California)

John A. Maloney (Mississippi)

E. Archie Manning (Mississippi)

Eli N. Manning (Mississippi)

Daniel W. Maslauski (Northwestern)

Jon T. Mason (Oklahoma State)

Robert A. McCully (San Diego State)

Peter J. Moss (Oklahoma)

Jerry R. Nichols (Oklahoma State)

Carl D. Nyman (Southern Utah)

Alfred J. Olsen (Arizona/Arizona State)

James A. Owens (Charleston)

Glenn M. Pugh (North Carolina State)

Arthur G. Raymond (North Carolina State)

Bruce A. Roullard (Southern Maine/New Hampshire)

Ned K. Ryder (UCLA)

Jeffrey P. Sangalis (Indiana)

Richard E. Schultz (Bowling Green State)

Robert W. Shackleton (Georgia Tech)

Edward L. Shearer (Michigan)

David S. Sims (Mississippi)

Bruce W. Skiver (Idaho)

Samuel J. Sliman (Mississippi)

Richard A. Symms (Idaho)

Steven D. Symms (Idaho)

Joseph F. Wood (Oregon State)

Richard D. Wood (DePauw/Indiana)

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program

Hawpe-Worrel Scholarship Fund

Sigma Nu/Zeta Rho House Corporation

Theta Sigma House Corporation

Zeta Gamma


© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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