College of Chapters 2016 Photo Essay: Day Two
1) Participants board several buses early Monday morning before heading to Lexington, Va. for a morning of tours at VMI and Sigma Nu Headquarters.
2) Attendees take a tour of the Parade Ground at VMI just outside of the barracks.
3) Associate Director of Leadership Development Christopher Brenton (North Carolina State) leads a tour of VMI starting at the Limits Gate.
4) Attendees tour the museum at the Headquarters property where original paintings, badges, and personal items from Sigma Nu's founders are displayed.
5) College of Chapters attendees gather around a map in the Hall of Fame that offers a spatial representation of every Sigma Nu chapter in North America.
6) Sigma Nu Educational Foundation Board Member Carl Berry (Idaho) discusses with a collegiate participant outside of the Richard R. Fletcher Honor Memorial Library.
7) Recruitment & Expansion Consultant Raymond Fackler (South Florida) explains the history and significance of the Headquarters property.

8) Colonel Keith Gibson, executive director of the VMI Museum System, provides a keynote lecture on the concept of classical honor in VMI's Jackson Memorial Hall.
9) Attendees gather for a group photo in Jackson Memorial Hall.
10) Dr. Maria Dixon Hall, professor of communication at Southern Methodist University, provides Monday night's keynote lecture on cultural intelligence.