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The Hunger Games


Dwayne Ingraham (Southern Mississippi) shares his experiences as a pastry chef from the initial jump to culinary school to being featured on Food Network's Cutthroat Kitchen and how brotherhood played an important role along the way.

Taming the Data Beast


Co-founder and CEO, 27-year-old Ryan Frazier (Arkansas), is perfectly comfortable in his role as a technology startup executive. Frazier’s low-key demeanor gives way to a keen entrepreneurial acumen that has caught the eye of investors and customers alike.

The Power of Quality


Bill Watson (Stetson) can trace his interest in real estate back to one of his business professors who had a special skill for getting students excited about real estate. “He created so much excitement about real estate opportunities to the class and painted the image that we’re not training you to be real estate salespeople, we’re training you to be leaders and entrepreneurs, to control your destiny. He asked us, Where is the wealth in the US? Who is in a better position to understand what a good value is?”

An Authentic Shave


Andy Katz-Mayfield (Duke) waited patiently for a drug store attendant to unlock the display case holding razor cartridges. A full ten minutes passed before the attendant came with a key allowing Katz-Mayfield to select his razors. After adding shaving cream, the cash register showed $25 for the cartridge of razor blades. “I wasn’t buying jewelry, I was buying razor blades,” says Andy Katz-Mayfield. “I knew I was getting taken advantage of as a consumer and thought it was pretty ridiculous to spend that much but there was no alternative.”

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