History from The Delta
25 Years Ago
Coaches of the Year 1989-90

1989-90 proved to be a banner year for Sigma Nus in head coaching positions in professional sports. The National Football League Coach of the Year Award went to second-year Green Bay Packer coach, Lindy Infante (Florida), while Pat Riley (Kentucky), the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, captured the National Basketball Association Coach of the Year Award. Their achievements exemplify the leadership for which Sigma Nu is constantly striving; each man has reached the pinnacle of success in his respective sport — and in the same year!

50 Years Ago
Progress Report
An encouraging trend among national fraternities generally is the steady increase in the number of new chapters and members. About 65,000 young men took the vows of a fraternity initiate during 1964-65, and of these 2,511 we claimed as Brothers in Sigma Nu. The year brought the total all-time membership, living and dead, of national college fraternities to more than 2,225,000.
100 Years Ago
Installation at Idaho
A group of undergraduates, known as the Zeta Delta Fraternity, at the University of Idaho, has been granted a charter empowering it to organize a Chapter of the Sigma Nu Fraternity. The favorable vote of the Division was registered on May 26, 1914. The formal petition was promulgated on January 10, 1915, and the favorable vote was recorded on March 18, 1915.

The petition of this group was so strongly approved and the field of growth seemed so desirable that the Fraternity gave it an almost unanimous endorsement. The new group, to be known as Delta Omicron Chapter, enters the Brotherhood, therefore, under very promising and auspicious circumstances. We extend it a cordial welcome, confident that it will not disappoint its friends, but will grow into a secure place of helpful service among our sisterhood of strong and self-reliant Chapters.