Brothers from around the country gathered in Nashville in July to elect new leadership, deliberate changes to The Law, celebrate milestones, and honor Sigma Nu’s heroes. In the photo essay that follows, two Nashville-based photojournalists capture the unfiltered Grand Chapter experience. Visit our flickr page to view the full collection of photos from the 66th Grand Chapter.
1. Representatives from the Gamma Zeta Chapter (Oregon) visit the Credentials table to pick up their voting ribbon.

2. Brothers from Mu Iota Chapter (Hartford) check out the merchandise table.

3. An empty CMA Theater awaits Grand Chapter attendees before doors open for the Opening Ceremony.

4. Sigma Nu’s 2012 Talent of the Year and Nashville-based singer/songwriter Patrick Thomas (Vanderbilt) performs at the Opening Ceremony.

5. Chuck Eitel performs the Star Spangled Banner.

6. Patrick Thomas and Jennifer Young perform a duet during the Opening Ceremony.

7. Regent Charlie Eitel (Oklahoma State) welcomes brothers and guests to the 66th Grand Chapter.

8. Brothers and guests enter the convention floor for Ritual opening and Business Session I.

9. Parliamentarian Dr. Tim Huerta (Cal State Los Angeles) reviews the rules of order and business for voting delegates.

10. Voting delegates converse on the convention floor.

11. A brother takes notes during a debate on the convention floor.

12. The ceremonial Mace sits in front of stage during a business session.

13. Don Humphreys (Oklahoma State), retired principal financial officer of ExxonMobil, delivers the Maddox Honor Lecture.

14. Dave Mainella (Bradley) speaks with voting delegates during the forum for candidates running for High Council, Sigma Nu’s elected board of directors.

15. The Elections Committee – composed of five alumni and four collegians – prepares to distribute ballots for the High Council election.

16. Regent Charlie Eitel (Oklahoma State) signs a copy of The Story of Sigma Nu for the silent and live auction benefitting the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation.

17. Brothers read a display during tours of the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.

18. Past staff member Chris Healy (Fresno State) leads a session with standing room only during the educational breakout blocks.

19. A bagpiper plays during the Chapter Eternal report honoring brothers who passed away in the last biennium.

20. Regent Charlie Eitel (Oklahoma State) offers closing remarks during the awards banquet, joined on stage by the High Council and their guests.

21. Incoming Regent Joe Francis (Oklahoma State) takes the oath of office.

22. Newly pinned Regent Joe Francis (Oklahoma State) delivers his first speech as Sigma Nu’s national president.