History of The Delta

100 Years Ago…
Fraternity Problems
The fraternity of today, with its vast financial resources and property assets, is quite different from the fraternity of a few chapters housed in club rooms. Sigma Nu has had an unusual growth. Much has been said and done to develop and round out its ideals, but no progress whatsoever has been made in its business organization. It would seem that it cannot be a smooth working organization until its business methods are reorganized into an absolutely centralized authority. This must reach out into and include the finances of each and every chapter.
50 Years Ago…
To The Fraternity: An Annual Report
The year has brought us both satisfying triumphs and conspicuous failures. We hope we’ve learned from both. We feel we’ve moved ahead on many important fronts, notably in undergraduate member understanding of the real meaning and purposes of fraternity in general and Sigma Nu in particular. That task has no end.
But who is to say whether or not we are really making substantial progress towards our goal . . . helping Family, Church, and State produce a better man by helping our members achieve a better education? It’s like Dick Vaughan said . . . “The Fraternity will be as good as you are.”

25 Years Ago…
Sigma Nu’s LEADership Program Addresses Societal Need: Ethics
LEXINGTON, VA—Sigma Nu is embarking on one of the boldest undertakings in the collegiate fraternity world as it launches a unique LEADership development program for its undergraduate members, announced Robert L. Marchman III, president of the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation.
Designed to address the ever increasing need for ethical leaders in today’s society, the Sigma Nu LEAD Program (The acronym stands for leadership, ethics, achievement and development) presents a “window of opportunity” for college men to prepare for future leadership roles, said Brother Marchman.