2014 College of Chapters Photo Recap (Day 1)
Collegians and alumni braved blizzards and endured long travel days to arrive in time for the beginning of the 2014 College of Chapters in Roanoke, Va. Below we recap Day 1 in a series of 15 photos.
All photos by David Hungate/Dominion Images.
1. Staff Member Bill Morosco hands registration materials to a new Commander at the registration area.

2. Commanders wait to check in and pick up participant materials. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

3. Faculty members attend a pre-conference meeting to review curriculum and make final preparations before collegians arrive in Roanoke. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

4. A collegian talks with members of the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation staff. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

5. Participants fill their plates in the buffet line after a long travel day. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

6. Staff member Todd Denson leaves the staff office for the Ritual rehearsal. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

7. Chris Graham recites the long Creed from memory during the opening session. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

8. Regent Charlie Eitel welcomes students and faculty members to the 2014 College of Chapters. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

9. Staff member Spencer Montgomery facilitates a core session on visionary leadership. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

10. Members of the High Council – Sigma Nu’s elected board of directors – sing the national anthem during the opening session. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

11. Regent-Elect Joe Francis introduces his chapter brother from Epsilon Epsilon, Regent Charlie Eitel. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

12. The Ritual team prepares for the opening ceremony. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

13. A Division Commander badge hangs from a blazer in the staff office. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

14. Grand Chaplain Maury Gaston delivers a poetic invocation during the opening ceremony. Sigma Nu Leadership conference

15. Past Regent and SNEF Board Chairman Joe Gilman promotes a student giving campaign for the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation. Sigma Nu Leadership conference