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New at SigmaNu.Org
Best Practices Library Updates

The Best Practices Library underwent another update this summer. Review of chapter ideas and examples from the spring semester consultations, as well as this year’s Pursuit of Excellence Program submissions yielded several new practices to share with chapters. This summer’s updates include new academic progress reports and a midterm self-evaluation, innovative ideas to improve the selection of high quality members during recruitment with a “Wall of Why,” a focus on what chapter values and needs a prospective member exhibits, sample risk management plans for outdoor and general events, and a sample Big/Little Brother ceremony. Check out these new practices, as well as the other 225+ ideas in the library at
Have an idea, example, or resource that should be featured in the Best Practices Library? Looking for help with something specific that you would like for us to be on the lookout for adding to the library? Send us an email at and put “Best Practices” in the subject line to let us know your thoughts.