Once A Sigma Nu, Always A Sigma Nu - Investing in Tomorrow, Today
Let’s play a quick game. I will provide you with a definition and what you think of the word being defined. Ready? Here it is:
To provide or endow someone or something with a particular quality or attribute.
Let me give you a hint. This definition describes something we, as brothers of Sigma Nu, are bound by our oath to do every day- Invest.
As collegians, we make considerable investments in the Fraternity.
- Our time as an active member and the fraternity experience.
- Our talents help the Chapter grow and provide the best experience possible.
- Our treasure in the form of dues and fees.
What do we invest as alumni? Tens of thousands of alumni invest their time and interest to stay informed about what is happening in the Fraternity. It may seem like a small thing, but reading The Delta magazine, The Gavel newsletter, and keeping up with Sigma Nu on social media – like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter – are critical investments. As alumni, we recall our collegiate experience with ease, but times have changed, and staying current on what is happening in the Fraternity ensures that we are well informed about the current realities facing Sigma Nu. In fact, one might argue that being informed may be the most important investment we can make as alumni, but there are other means of investing in our Fraternity.
Of the almost 190,000 living alumni, about 1% invest their treasure by giving to the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation. In fact, the 2020 fiscal year showed a 10% growth in the number of donors compared to the previous. The importance of these contributions cannot be overstated. In the ever-evolving environment of today’s society. These contributions are investments in the long-term sustainability of the Fraternity’s leadership and educational programs. Again, though, financial contributions are not the only investments we make, as alumni, in Sigma Nu.
There is an amazing group of more than 2,000 alumni who invest in our Fraternity with their talent, knowledge, and experience through volunteer positions. These attributes – talent, knowledge, and experience – are tremendous investments that help to advance our mission, “To develop ethical leaders.” This dedicated corps of alumni is committed to advising and guiding our collegiate chapters to have the best fraternity experience possible. So, if rolling up your sleeves and making an investment of “sweat equity” is more your style, there are lots of opportunities available.
Understandably, you may be thinking, “I get it. It is important to invest in the Fraternity, and there are many ways I can make that investment, but what about me? What does Sigma Nu invest in me?” It is a reasonable question and one I am glad you would ask.
As collegians, Sigma Nu invested its trust and faith in you to learn and grow by the principles of Love, Honor, and Truth. As alumni, the Fraternity continues to invest in the importance of your place in our brotherhood. This investment is evidenced in the quality of Sigma Nu’s communications – The Delta magazine, The Gavel newsletter, the Sigma Nu LinkedIn group, Sigma Nu Fraternity (@sigmanuhq) on Facebook, and The Gavel podcast, to name a few.
The Fraternity’s investment in us, the alumni, is further evidenced in the opportunities available for us to continue our fraternity experience through alumni chapters and clubs, as well as regional events, both in-person and virtual. Moreover, alumni voices continue to matter as we are welcome to join our collegiate brothers, and elected representatives, at the Grand Chapter each biennium.
To go a step further, the Fraternity has begun to expand its investment to include professional and career development opportunities. Most notably through the professional networking and mentoring opportunities of its LinkedIn group and the Sigma Nu Mentor Network.
Investment is a two-way street that exists on many levels – locally, regionally, nationally, even globally. As collegians, we invested a lot in Sigma Nu, and the Fraternity reciprocated by providing us a sense of belonging and growth. Alumni investment protects, strengthens, and advances not only our personal opportunities but ensure those opportunities for our collegiate chapters. Ultimately, our investment today shapes our Fraternity for tomorrow, and it is incumbent on us to not only continue to experience our brotherhood each day but guarantee that same opportunity for our brothers yet to come. Once a Sigma Nu, always a Sigma Nu.