Dos and Don'ts of Sigma Nu Merchandise
Updates from Lexington
With fall semester comes recruitment, social events, Homecoming, and many other impactful events for every chapter. It also means new men beginning their journey on the pathway of honor to becoming initiates of Sigma Nu.
And with those two paths comes a desire for Sigma Nu merchandise. Your chapter may want to have a custom designed shirt for Homecoming, candidates may want their first badge-emblazoned piece of apparel, and returning brothers may want some new items to accompany their wardrobe.
With all of this comes the importance of protecting Sigma Nu’s over 150-year-old brand.
This is exactly why all chapters and individual members are required to purchase Sigma Nu merchandise through specifically licensed vendors. Licensed vendors are required to adhere to specific standards when it comes to utilized Sigma Nu’s trademarked symbols, graphics, and names. This means ensuring that no piece of merchandise runs the jeopardy of bringing the Fraternity into ill-repute and assists chapters from accidentally doing the same.
Licensed vendors also pay a small royalty for use of Sigma Nu’s trademarked items, which in-turn plays a small part in assisting the Fraternity in executing its mission.
Fortunately, the Fraternity has made the process of utilizing licensed vendors as simple as possible.
All you have to do is visit the Fraternity’s website, hover your cursor over “About Us,” and click on “Merchandise” in the drop-down menu.

On this page you can see an explanation of the Fraternity’s trademark and license policy and several links to direct you to a search for licensed vendors,, and Headquarters merchandise. For most members, will be the first stop to find individual merchandise for purchase
But let’s say your chapter wants to design a shirt for a social event that members and guests can purchase or receive. In that event, you’ll want to click on the “Find Sigma Nu Vendors” link.
That will take you to FindGreek, a website that also offers individual merchandise for sale, but more importantly has a menu option at the top titled “Vendors” that will allow your chapter to search through all the licensed vendors for Sigma Nu.

From there, you can search through many of the most popular vendors for fraternity and sorority merchandise, including vendors that allow for customized designs that adhere to the Fraternity’s trademark and license policy and specialize in bulk orders.
In summary…
DO use licensed vendors for purchase of all Sigma Nu merchandise. It helps you, your chapter, and the Fraternity.
DON’T use unlicensed vendors and put your chapter or yourself in the unwelcome position of bringing dishonor upon Sigma Nu’s distinguished legacy.
DO use the resources on the Fraternity’s website to find licensed vendors or shop for merchandise. Why make it harder on yourself? DON’T hesitate to reach out to us at with any questions or concerns you may have about licensed vendors.