Dispatches from The Legion of Honor
Chapter & Alumni News for the Summer 2023 Quarterly

In April, brothers from the Kappa Lambda Chapter kicked off the first week of the Founders' Month of Service with an Akron community cleanup. The chapter partnered with the Omega Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta for the service effort.

In late March, Theta Chapter co-hosted a BBQ philanthropy event with the Alpha Zeta Chapter of Phi Mu. The event raised $14,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, Phi Mu’s national philanthropy.
Theta Chapter Eminent Commander Chris Crane (right) and Recorder Christopher Edwards (left) have been tapped into the 110th Jason’s Senior Men’s Honorary class. Jason’s is the oldest honor society at the University of Alabama and recognizes men who display exceptional character, service, and commitment to academics. Former Commander Walker Burley (center), recently awarded IFC’s President of the Year and a member of the 109th Jason’s Class, tapped Chris and Christopher in.


After a four-year hiatus, Gamma Gamma Chapter finally organized the return of the chapter’s annual Alumni Golf Outing in early April. The event serves as an opportunity for collegiate brothers to connect with Gamma Gamma alumni and celebrate the chapter's legacy.
Appalachian State

As a part of the Founders’ Month of Service, Kappa Epsilon Chapter partnered with two local Boone, N.C. bands, Satellite Dog and Deep Pocket, to raise money for the Hospitality House Northwest of N.C. The event was a great time and a huge success raising just under $1,500 for the charity. The mission of Hospitality House is to rebuild lives and strengthen community by providing a safe, nurturing, healthy environment in which individuals and families experiencing homelessness and poverty-related crises are equipped to become self-sufficient and productive.

The Epsilon Alpha Chapter recently welcomed home alumni for the chapter's annual alumni golf tournament. Alumni and collegiate members socialized over a round of golf and dinner at the El Conquistador Golf Course located in Oro Valley, Ariz. (just north of Tucson). Nearly thirty alumni members returned to Tucson, Ariz., to attend the event where the entire collegiate chapter was there to greet them.
“Each year, this event has offered a way for our newly recolonized chapter to reconnect with our brothers who help build the foundation for the Epsilon Alpha Chapter. We cannot wait to host our graduated brothers again next year!” – Caleb Mueller
Epsilon Alpha Brother Greg Abraham has been selected to join the North American Interfraternity Conference’s 2023-2024 IFC Advisory Council. Brother Abraham will join five other collegiate fraternity leaders serving for one year on the council. The IFC Advisory Council is a unique opportunity allowing undergraduate fraternity members to engage with industry leaders while helping to influence and shape the fraternity experience. They will assist with developing IFC resources, inter/national policy, and mentoring other IFC officers. Brother Abraham serves as the current Interfraternity Council President at the University of Arizona. Prior to this, he served as Epsilon Alpha Chapter Commander.

Arizona State

For the third year in a row, the Zeta Upsilon Chapter was recognized by Arizona State University with the IFC Chapter of the Year Award. The dominant performance from the chapter also earned the chapter additional recognitions, including Outstanding Philanthropic Endeavor, Perfect Score: Chapter Operations, and individual merit awards for Stegner Bell as Emerging Leader of the Year, Alex Arnold as House Manager of the Year, and Campbell Siskron as a finalist for Fraternity Member of the Year.
Zeta Upsilon alumnus Past Regent Dan Rodriguez, former University of Oregon Alumni Association executive director, has been honored with the university’s 2023 Jeanne Johnson Service Award. The award, named for former UOAA staff member Jeanne Johnson, recognizes individuals like Brother Rodriguez who have gone above and beyond, dedicating extraordinary service to the UOAA. Brother Rodriguez served as executive director for the UOAA and associate vice president for alumni affairs for the University of Oregon for 23 years.
“All of our efforts to engage UO alumni stand on the shoulders of Dan Rodriguez and his many years on staff," said current UOAA Executive Director Raphe Beck. "It is with great pleasure that we recognize Dan for his long service to the university and our alumni."

In late April, the Gamma Upsilon Chapter hosted the chapter’s annual White Rose Bowl. The powder-puff-style flag football tournament has been hosted by the chapter since 2007. Proceeds from the philanthropy go to support Canopy Northwest Arkansas, a refugee assistance organization, and the winning team’s philanthropic effort of choice. The chapter was able to raise $1,500 from this year’s event with the Zeta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Sorority winning the tournament.
Arkansas - Fort Smith

Nu Alpha Chapter at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith capped off an impressive academic year by winning the fraternity/sorority community’s Chapter Excellence Award. The award recognizes the Chapter of the Year among all organizations within the community. Also photographed wearing the sash is Brother Jesse Witt, the 2023 UAFS Homecoming King.
Arkansas at Little Rock

On February 18, alumnus brothers of the Eta Xi Chapter held a reunion celebrating initiated members from the 80s and 90s. This is the alumni chapter’s third reunion in the past seven years, with attendance increasing at each event. Over 55 brothers and guests attended this year’s event, which Brother Chuck Tenney organized with help from Brothers Byran Hosto, Lance Walters, Vince Wren, and chapter sweetheart Liz Reves. During the reunion, the alumni chapter honored brothers who passed into Chapter Eternal and celebrated the personal and professional accomplishments of those in attendance. The next reunion is planned for 2025.

On April 27, Beta Theta alumnus Jay Evers and his wife Kelly hosted a 1980s-era alumni reunion and dinner. The event follows a trend of generous and hospital Beta Theta alumni who have organized events in the Birmingham area for brothers to gather with their spouses for fellowship and opportunities to reminisce about past memories. Seated are Jay Evers, Diggie Retief, Jim Moss, and Glen Allen. Standing, Ed Wright, Alan Lott, Chip Powell, Mike Baker, Mike Culwell, Maury Gaston, Mike Lamb, Tom Pankey, Steve Carroll, Chip Dillard, and Charles Kelly.
Ball State

In the May episode of the Gavel Podcast, the Fraternity interviewed Theta Nu Chapter alumnus Wade Catts, Registered Professional Archeologist and son of Elmer Paul Catts, Jr. (Delaware). During the episode, hosts Adam Girtz (North Dakota State) and Christopher Brenton (North Carolina State) talk with Wade about the legacy of Elmer Paul Catts, Jr. and his painting, A Serpent, A Rose, and A Star. You can listen to the Gavel Podcast wherever you get your podcasts or by clicking the link here.
Bowling Green State

In late March, the Epsilon Chi Chapter at Bowling Green State University hosted the chapter’s annual Bike-a-Thon fundraiser. Proceeds from the event went to support the Brown Bag Food Project, a local nonprofit seeking to address food insecurity issues in Wood County, Ohio. Through Bike-a-Thon, the brothers raised $1,100 for the organization.
Cal Poly Pomona

Earlier this year, alumni from the Kappa Gamma Chapter and the chapter’s predecessor organization, Pi Sigma Chi, attended the Cal Poly Pomona Broncos Baseball Family Day with an opportunity to participate in pre-game festivities. The event was attended by over 80 fraternity members and their families. The alumni presented the university with $7,000 to the Cal Poly Pomona Philanthropic Foundation, benefiting the university baseball program. The university athletic department and players from the baseball team were on hand to greet the chapter alumni, and one alumnus was given the opportunity to throw out the first pitch to start the game. The most exciting moment of the event was the alumni’s opportunity to announce the return of the Kappa Gamma Chapter. The Fraternity is set to re-establish the chapter during the second half of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Cal State Fullerton

Congratulations are in order for Lambda Upsilon Brother Joseph Norena. Brother Norena was awarded 2023 Emerging Leader through the CSUF Interfraternity Council.
Cal State LA

For this year’s philanthropy effort, Eta Phi Chapter at Cal State LA looked to the past to revitalize a chapter tradition that had fallen victim to the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter, with Commander Andrew Adanto and Philanthropy Chairman Daniel Solorzano, reached out to Eta Phi Alumni Matthew Chiou, Salvador Munoz, Christian Gomez, Henry Cifuentes, Eric Huang, Rodolfo Hoyo, and Douglas Torres for coaching and advice on how to bring back Nu Games, a week-long philanthropy event started by the chapter in the 2010s. This year’s week of events included activities such as Spot-a-Nu, Pie/Clown-a-Nu, Car-Nu-Val, and a talent show/pageant to cap off the week. The chapter raised over $2,500 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital through the week of events.
Carnegie Mellon

Brothers from Delta Sigma Chapter are celebrating the successes of their 2023 Buggy teams. Buggy, an annual student-led relay race, is one of Carnegie Mellon's longest-held traditions. The race, officially known as "Sweepstakes," partners designers, engineers, mechanics, and athletes together to produce a buggy, an aerodynamic vehicle with no engine. For the 2023 event, the chapter organized teams for both a men’s competition and a women’s competition. The chapter earned 8th place in the men’s division and 5th place in the women’s division with their buggy, Jaeger.
Central Oklahoma

Brothers from Mu Tau Chapter participated in Central Oklahoma University's annual philanthropy event, BronchoThon. The chapter helped the university raise over $27,058 for the Children's Health Foundation through the dance marathon event.

In early April, the Theta Zeta Chapter at Clemson University continued its longstanding support of Dabo Swinney’s All In Foundation. The chapter hosted its annual Powderpuff Tournament at the Clemson Football Indoor Practice Facility and soon after hosted a check presentation and reveal with Coach Swinney. In total, the chapter was able to present the All In Foundation with approximately $6,000. The money raised for the foundation will support critical education awareness, breast cancer research, the ClemsonLIFE program, and countless other great causes and organizations.

Several brothers from Gamma Kappa Chapter participated in the 2023 CUSG Sexual Assault Awareness 5k, hosted by the University of Colorado Student Government.

Over the weekend of April 28-30, 27 members of the Delta Kappa Colony and two staff expansion consultants, Mac McNeilly (Huntingdon) and Ryan Ewing (Drury), traveled from Newark, Del. to Lexington, Va., for a colony retreat and pilgrimage. The retreat marked the conclusion of the Fraternity’s re-establishment efforts at the University of Delaware and began the transition of colony operations to the collegiate members as they work toward chartering and the official return of the Delta Kappa Chapter. While in Lexington, the colony members had the opportunity to stay at the new Spears Family Epsilon Epsilon Center for Excellence. They also received tours of the Fraternity’s Headquarters and VMI as they learned about the Fraternity’s history and participated in several LEAD Sessions and strategic planning meetings focusing on the road ahead.

Drury University's chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha put on their annual Big Man On Campus, with Brother John Rice representing the Epsilon Beta Chapter by answering questions, sharing his talents, and raising money for breast cancer awareness. Brother Rice took first place in the competition and raised over $200 himself the night of the event.

In February, the Kappa Delta Chapter hosted its annual White Rose Ball fundraiser benefiting American Gold Star Mothers. American Gold Star Mothers is an organization committed to assisting veterans and their families and is named in recognition of the gold star that families hung in their windows in honor of deceased veterans. On March 21, the chapter met representatives from the organization virtually to present the $16,800 raised on their behalf.
East Carolina

Over the weekend of March 30-April 2, the Eta Beta Chapter at Easter Carolina University made the pilgrimage to the Fraternity Headquarters for the initiation of their Omicron class of Candidates. While in Lexington, the men were treated to tours of the property by General Fraternity staff member Levi Lunceford (Idaho).
Eastern Illinois

In mid-April, the brothers of the Lambda Gamma Chapter enjoyed a fun night of honoring leaders from across Eastern Illinois University at this year’s Panther Leadership Awards. Former chapter Commander Hunter Kidwell was recognized with the Outstanding President of the Year Award for his role as Lambda Gamma Chapter president. He also took home the award for RSO Program of the Year for his work in putting together “Greek Kart-Karting for a Cause” for the EIU Interfraternity Council.
Eastern Kentucky

Over the weekend of April 15, brothers from the Theta Theta Chapter at Eastern Kentucky University participated in a trash pickup in Berea, Ky. The men covered 3.5 miles during their volunteer service.

In late March, the Kappa Chi Chapter at Furman University raised over $1,000 for the Ava Claire DeVine Foundation through its Sigma Nu Car Wash. The Ava Claire DeVine Foundation supports women and girls who are victims of sex trafficking.

On Sunday, April 16, the brothers of Mu Chapter took on Sigma Chi in the annual Classic City Bowl. With questionable no-calls in the final minutes before a 14-7 loss, emotions ran high for the brothers representing Mu Chapter. However, the event was a huge success, with over $10,000 being raised between the chapters for Jam4Cam and The Samuel L. Asbury Foundation. Highlights include the introduction of a sorority “Dr. Pepper Halftime Toss” competition, watching UGA Linebacker Graham Collins level several Sigma Chi’s, and colorful commentating by Brother Harry Kahn.
Congratulations and Hi Rickety to Brother Emilio Ferrara, who was named a 2023 Barry Goldwater Scholar, the highest undergraduate award of its type for the fields of math, engineering, and natural sciences. Brother Ferrara is majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Georgia. Earlier this year, Emilio was selected to serve as a Collegiate Grand Councilman, a collegiate board member of the Fraternity’s High Council.

Georgia Southern

In mid-April, members and friends of the Rotary Club of Statesboro and the Rotary Club of Downtown Statesboro gathered at the Forest Heights Country Club in Statesboro, Georgia, to watch as Theta Kappa Chapter alumnus Billy Hickman was named 2023 Citizen of the Year. Brother Hickman was recognized for a legacy of community service and leadership, including roles as past president of the Downtown Rotary Club, the Statesboro-Bulloch County Chamber of Commerce, and the Southeast Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants. Brother Hickman currently serves as a Georgia State Senator.
Georgia Tech

The Gamma Alpha Chapter at Georgia Tech got thrifty with SNU Secondhand, a flea-market/yard-sale style event featuring second-hand clothes from the community. The event was a great success, with several thousand dollars raised for The Andrew Collins Project, a non-profit memorializing the life of Brother Andrew Collins and raising awareness around mental health disorders in college students while supporting those affected through affordable and accessible care.

It was a successful 2023 University of Hartford Greek Awards for the Mu Iota Chapter. The chapter had two members recognized for individual merit awards, including Matthew Krycerick for Outstanding New Member Educator and Trey Gehret for Greek Man of the Year. The chapter was also awarded Most Improved Chapter.
High Point

On April 15, the Nu Delta Chapter hosted its 8th annual car show benefiting the American Heart Association. The event was a great success for the chapter with Nu Delta raising over $9,770 for the cause.

This spring, the Zeta Chi Chapter hosted its three-day philanthropy, including Pie-a-Sigma Nu, an outdoor cookout, and a powderpuff tournament. The chapter and five organizations across campus raised $4,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project. Since the Zeta Chi Chapter has two active military members and one veteran, it holds the Wounded Warrior Project in high regard. Through the events, the chapter helped raise awareness for the daily struggles veterans face due to their heroic service to the country.

Brothers from the Delta Omicron Chapter took home hardware from the University of Idaho’s 2023 Student Achievement Awards. Brother Dawson Becker, past Commander and current Delta Omicron Recorder, received the Outstanding Junior Student Award, and Brother Owen Crowley, current Recruitment and Alumni Relations Chairman, was awarded the Outstanding Sophomore Student Award. Dawson and Owen were one of ten students in their respective grades selected for the university-wide distinction.
Illinois State

Brothers from the Theta Rho Chapter volunteered with the Midwest Food Bank in late March. The men spent time packing food for over 750 people. Midwest Food Bank’s mission is to alleviate hunger by gathering and distributing food donations to not-for-profits and disaster sites.
Theta Rho Chapter alumnus Jim Mounier and his wife Carole (a Delta Zeta alumna) were honored for their philanthropic impact by Illinois State University during the university’s inaugural Gratitude Gala on March 25. The Mouniers were recognized for their long-term support of the university, including the largest single-gift commitment in the university’s history. During the gala, the Mouniers were presented with the Redbird Philanthropist Award, which recognizes an individual or couple demonstrating outstanding civic responsibility to Illinois State University through voluntary commitment of their time, talent, and financial contributions. The award recipients have also served in leadership roles, provided vision, and involved others in philanthropic activity.
In addition to Brother Mounier’s support of Illinois State, he has also been a dedicated volunteer for the Fraternity, including time spent as Theta Rho Chapter’s Chapter Advisor and Alumni Advisory Board Chairman and most recently as a Member-at-Large on the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors.


Every year, Jacksonville University celebrates its birthday and the signing of its charter. In honor of its founding, the University hosts Charter Day, involving service to the community and celebratory activities. The brothers of Kappa Theta Chapter got into the Charter Day spirit by partnering with the JU Shooting Team for community service. The brothers volunteered to pick up trash along Jacksonville Beach.
Jacksonville State

Iota Lambda Chapter’s Rent-a-Pup event was hosted on April 18 and supported Rockin “P” Rescue, an animal rescue in Jacksonville, Ala. The chapter’s event raised $200, which will go toward care for the dogs at the rescue. The Iota Lambda Chapter holds the event every year during midterm/finals week, providing students with an opportunity to take a break during exam season.

In late April, the brothers of the Mu Pi Chapter worked with the university’s Title IX office and It's on Us Jefferson to host a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event. The event is designed to help raise awareness about the serious causes, effects, and remediations of sexual violence against women. Photographed with the chapter and other members of the community is Dr. Henry Humphreys, Dean of Students.
On April 18, Mu Pi Chapter alumnus and Division Commander Dr. Sean Killion was recognized with the 2023 Thomas Jefferson University Faculty Award for Outstanding Adjunct Teaching. Brother Dr. Killion is an Adjunct Professor within the Kanbar School of Design, Engineering, and Commerce. Since 2006, he has taught courses in the School of Business covering marketing and management topics.


Nu Chapter brothers reunited with special Nu Chapter alumnus Paul Rudd while serving as volunteers for the 14th Annual Big Slick. The Big Slick is a fundraising weekend created by celebrities Rob Riggle, Jason Sudeikis, and Brother Rudd benefitting Children’s Mercy, a leading independent children’s health organization dedicated to holistic care, translational research, breakthrough innovation, and educating the next generation of caregivers.
In the Spring 2023 issue of The Delta magazine, the Fraternity’s cover feature chronicled the historic legacy of Nu Chapter’s residence in “The Governor’s Mansion,” a home previously belonging to Kansas Governor Walter Roscoe Stubbs. PBS recently aired a 90-minute feature on “Historic Buildings of Kansas,” in which Nu Chapter’s home for the last 100 years was featured. An eight-minute episode segment focusing on the Stubbs Mansion is available here. We encourage you to check out this wonderful deep dive into Nu Chapter and Fraternity history. We also welcome you to read more about Nu Chapter’s history in “The World of Strife Shut Out, The World of Love Shut In” by Keith Sevedge, available at sigmanu.org/thedelta.

Kennesaw State

On May 1, brothers and alumni from the Iota Pi Chapter hosted the annual Teal Cup, a golf tournament benefiting the Ovarian Cancer Institute (OCI). OCI is a nonprofit organization funding ovarian cancer research at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The tournament started in 2013 when the chapter decided to rename their annual golf tournament, The Kathryn Whitlow Memorial Golf Tournament, in memory of the wife of Brother Dana Whitlow, who passed away in December 2019 from complications of ovarian cancer.
In 2018 the tournament was renamed The Teal Cup, and it has become an official OCI event. Brothers and alumni continue to serve as volunteer staff for the event, with many also forming teams to compete in the tournament. For the 2023 tournament, The Teal Cup raised $110,000 for OCI. Over the past decade, the tournament has raised $850,000 for the cause.
Kent State

The Zeta Gamma Colony at Kent State University hosted a tug-of-war philanthropy event raising money for Freedom House, an organization with the mission to support homeless veterans in the community in their efforts to achieve greater self-sufficiency and obtain permanent housing.

On March 26, 24 brothers from the Gamma Iota Chapter participated in DanceBlue, a 24-hour dance marathon supporting the kids and families at the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinic at the University of Kentucky Children’s Hospital. The Gamma Iota chapter raised $10,000 for DanceBlue, contributing to the final $1,650,807.26 raised throughout the marathon.
Later in the semester, the chapter kept busy during the Founders’ Month of Service, with two achievements in community service and philanthropy. The chapter was presented with the IFC Commitment to Community Award during the University of Kentucky’s Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards. The award recognizes a chapter on campus for placing significant emphasis on giving back to the community and forming partnerships with those within it. The chapter also partnered with the UK chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority to host its annual Beach Bash fundraiser. The sand volleyball tournament helped raise money for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and the Lexington, Ky. community at large.
Kentucky Wesleyan

Eta Epsilon Chapter closed out the 2022-2023 academic year with several awards and honors to celebrate. Graduating brother and Former Commander Kelton Boyland was inducted into the Kentucky Wesleyan College’s Greek Life Hall of Fame. The chapter also received an individual merit award for Harrison Sallee, who was recognized with the Outstanding New Member Award. Finally, the chapter was awarded Most Improved Chapter of the Year.

Two members of the Delta Theta Chapter at Knox College were recognized during the college’s spring FSL banquet. Former Commander Conner Uplegger (pictured) was declared the 2022-2023 Outstanding President of the Year, and Brother Chris Andreou was recognized with an Emerging Leader Award.

In early May, the Zeta Psi Chapter partnered with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to build beds for people across the Beaumont, Texas area. Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a national non-profit that helps to build, assemble, and deliver beds for children and families in need.

Over the weekend of April 1, brothers and alumni of the Mu Phi Chapter at Longwood University held a long overdue alumni weekend to celebrate the chapter’s 20th chartering anniversary. The Mu Phi Chapter received its charter on January 24, 2003.
Louisiana at Lafayette

On April 22, the Eta Nu Chapter hosted a crawfish boil to celebrate the chapter’s 60th anniversary. More than 200 guests, including founding members, current members of the collegiate chapter, alumni, friends, and family, gathered at the Alumni Center on the university campus to reconnect and celebrate the chapter’s history. The Eta Nu Chapter received its charter on May 18, 1963.
Several brothers serving in the Louisiana State Legislature recently gathered to celebrate their service and bonds as brothers. The group came together at the request of Kaleb Moore, Director of Teaching & Learning Support Services for the Louisiana Department of Education, and Rep. Beau Beaullieu. After learning that Louisiana Senate President Page Cortez was a Sigma Nu alumnus during a reading of the Senate Resolution honoring his service, the two set out to identify and bring this group together. The brothers seek to develop stronger relationships between Sigma Nu alumni working in state government to improve the lives of Louisiana residents.
Photo: Front Row Left to Right: State Rep. John Stefanski (R-District 42) (Louisiana State), State Rep. Vinney St. Blanc (R-District 50) (Louisiana at Lafayette), State Rep. Beau Beaullieu (R-District 48) (Louisiana State), State Senator Page Cortez (R-District 23) (Louisiana at Lafayette), State Senator Cameron Henry (R-District 9) (Louisiana State), State Rep. Stuart Bishop (R-District 43) (Louisiana State), State Rep. Jeremy LaCombe (R-District 18) (Northwestern State), Kaleb Moore (Louisiana at Lafayette) – Director of Teaching & Learning Support Services for the Louisiana Department of Education. Back Row: Eric Sunstrom (Louisiana State) – President of The Chesapeake Group.

Louisiana State

Closing out the academic year, two Phi Chapter members were recognized with prestigious campus awards. Freshman Andrew Jewell was awarded the Emerging Leader of the Year Award. He was selected out of all first-year students at LSU. Former Commander Harper Doerr was selected to Tiger 12. This award is given to 12 graduating seniors that best embody LSU’s values. These two individual merit awards follow additional recognition the chapter received during the LSU FSL Unity Council’s inaugural Greek Awards. Taking place in late March, the chapter was awarded multiple awards, including Academic Excellence, Greek Leader of the Year for Harper Doerr, and Excellence in Service and Philanthropy for the chapter’s Rock for Reclaimed event.
In honor of the 149th Kentucky Derby, the Fraternity published an alumni profile of Phi Chapter alumnus Tom Amoss, who celebrated his 4,000th career win in horse racing last August. Brother Amoss says the beauty and pageantry of horse racing first drew him to the sport as a youth. Four decades later, Amoss has ascended to the top tier of horse trainers with no signs of slowing the pace. Read more about Brother Amoss’ career in horse racing and how Sigma Nu put him on the right track here.

Louisiana Tech

Eta Zeta Chapter finished the 2022-2023 academic year on top! The chapter was awarded Greek Chapter of the Year during the annual awards ceremony organized by the Order of Omega. In addition to the top honor, the chapter also had two brothers, Brennan Barber and Graham Clary, nominated for Greek Man of the Year, with Brother Barber earning the distinction.
Looking back over decades of accolades and accomplishments, Eta Zeta alumnus Kyle McDonald says his life’s journey – professionally and personally – began with a single decision he made years ago as a freshman. In an alumni profile, the Fraternity interviewed Brother McDonald to learn more about how his decision to join Sigma Nu set him on a path to become the founder and CEO of Argent Financial Group.


The Gamma Nu Chapter earned several awards during the 2023 University of Michigan FSL Awards Ceremony. Commander Ben Gordon and Treasurer Aidan Spizz accepted chapter awards for Leadership and Personal Development, Philanthropy, and Community service. Brother Thomas Sheldon was also recognized as an Emerging Leader with an individual merit award.

In early April, the Epsilon Xi Chapter at the University of Mississippi hosted its 33rd annual philanthropy event, Charity Bowl, which benefits an individual living with paralysis. Charity Bowl is a multi-faceted event that features a full-contact football game, sorority cheer competition, and a homecoming-style Charity Bowl Court. The 2023 Charity Bowl recipient was John Derek Mills from Collierville, Tennessee. JD was a passenger in a car accident in late December 2021 and was left paralyzed from the chest down. The 2023 Charity Bowl also benefited the William Magee Center for Health and Wellness and the Manning Family Foundation. Through Charity Bowl, Epsilon Xi members raised over $230,000 for the recipients.
Epsilon Xi Chapter alumnus Bill Courtney recently launched a new podcast focusing on inspiring conversations with people who are catalysts for change in their communities. Frustrated with governmental and bureaucratic inaction, Brother Courtney hopes to motivate An Army of Normal Folks to find ways they can make an immediate impact for the better. College of Chapters participants and audiences who viewed the Oscar-winning documentary Undefeated will be familiar with Brother Courtney’s talent for telling hard truths and inspiring others to see their change-making potential. You can check out An Army of Normal Folks wherever you get your podcasts and learn more at https://www.normalfolks.us/.

On Friday, April 28, the Rho Chapter partnered with Delta Upsilon fraternity (white jerseys) to play Alpha Tau Omega and Beta Theta Pi (black jerseys) in the inaugural Day Dreams Bowl tackle football game. Ticket sale proceeds, business sponsors, and other donations combined to total approximately $20,000 to benefit the Day Dreams Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Columbia, Missouri that eliminates financial barriers to participating in extracurricular activities so that every child can fulfill their dream of participating in an extracurricular activity without ever worrying about the cost. Day Dreams also promotes healthy lifestyles, goal setting, academics, teamwork and respect for others. Twenty-five members from each of the four fraternities formed the two teams. Two sororities held a cheer competition during half-time. Approximately 300 Mizzou fraternity and sorority members filled the stands, along with parents, alumni, and other students.
Missouri S&T

For the last 115 years, Missouri University of Science & Technology has celebrated St. Pat’s with longstanding campus traditions and festivities. The celebration lasts ten days, with student groups competing in games and competitions against each other to see who will win St. Pat’s. Included in these festivities, a person is named St. Patrick, and alumni of the school are named Honorary Knights of St. Patrick and his court. Being named St. Patrick is one of the highest honors that can be earned at Missouri S&T. For the first time since 2001, the Gamma Xi Chapter had a brother named St. Patrick. Gamma Xi Chapter Eminent Commander Andrew Winingar took home the top honor, and chapter alumnus Ellis Short was named an Honorary Knight.
Missouri State

On March 31, the brothers of the Theta Sigma Chapter held a fish fry to raise money for the kids of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! In total the chapter was able to raise over $730 for the cause.

Richard Young, a member of the Gamma Phi Chapter at the University of Montana, spent his spring break competing in the Great Canadian Classic, a loggers’ sports competition held annually at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Richie ended up on the podium taking third place overall for the underhand chop.
Morehead State

In April, alumni from the Theta Tau Chapter gathered in Morehead, Ky., for the chapter’s 50th Anniversary Reunion. Past Regent Joe Gilman, an initiate of the Theta Tau Chapter, provided the following event recap, including a spotlight on the dedicated alumni that made the reunion possible.
“Theta Tau Chapter was chartered at Morehead State University in Morehead, Ky., on April 29, 1973, along with the initiation of 25 collegiate members and three alumni advisors. A 50th Anniversary reunion to mark the anniversary was held in Morehead on April 20-23, 2023, with 15 of the charter members present. Thanks to the tireless work of Terry Harmon, all but 14 of the chapter’s 194 living alumni were located in the period leading up to the reunion. While the chapter has been dormant for 25 years, 56 alumni and their significant others attended the reunion.
Dan Parke planned the weekend’s activities with the support of MSU’s Office of Alumni Affairs and Clyde James. On Friday afternoon, Keith Miller led an inspirational memorial service that he planned for the 22 brothers who are now in Chapter Eternal. On Saturday, brothers were invited on a campus tour followed by a Rededication of Honor ceremony led by Steve Hoersting, Joe Gilman, Dan Parke, Terry Harmon, Keith Miller, and Mark Myers. A reception and banquet were held at the Student Center ballroom with approximately 100 attendees and a program emceed by Clyde James. After dinner, all present were treated to a 20-minute video of photos and videos from the 1970s, 80s, and 90s produced by Tim Walden. Joe Gilman provided remarks that recounted Theta Tau’s earliest days and Sigma Nu’s current successes and challenges. A letter of congratulations from Regent Tim Huffmyer (Michigan State) and Executive Director Brad Beacham (Texas Christian) was read at the conclusion of the event. The evening and weekend wrapped up Saturday evening with more stories and memories shared at the hotel’s conference room.”
Mount Union

The Beta Iota Chapter had a very successful 2023 Greek Awards. The chapter was named the 2022 University of Mount Union Chapter of the Year. When Fall of 2021 started, the chapter had fallen to 13 brothers. In two short years, the chapter has doubled in size and been named the best fraternity on campus. In addition to the chapter’s recognition as a top-performing chapter, Eminent Commander Jake Raynor was named the recipient of IFC Executive of the Year, and the chapter was awarded the scholarship and service awards.
New Hampshire

In mid-April, brothers from the Iota Sigma Chapter at the University of New Hampshire traveled to NuDay’s warehouse in Derry, N.H., to assist with loading an 18-wheeler with clothes for earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey. NuDay is a nonprofit working to secure dignified and empowered aid for women and children affected by humanitarian crises worldwide.
North Carolina State

This spring, the Beta Tau Chapter hosted its inaugural White Rose Open Golf Tournament benefiting the American Cancer Society. Sixteen teams participated in this year’s tournament with hope from the chapter that it will be able to expand participation in future years. The tournament is part of a larger partnership between the chapter and the American Cancer Society, which the chapter adopted as its primary philanthropic cause this past year.
North Dakota State

On April 3, brothers from the Eta Theta Chapter hosted their inaugural Sigma Noodles fundraiser at Crossroads Lutheran Campus Ministry. The chapter sold and served plates of pasta during the event, with proceeds going to support the Mission 22 Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides support for veterans and their families. The fundraiser was a great success for the chapter, with the brothers raising over $2,000 for the organization.
North Georgia

Over the weekend of May 27, brothers from the Kappa Chapter at the University of North Georgia, volunteered at a local community 5k to raise money for the Armed Forces Mission. AFM is a leading organization working to reduce suicide through rapid response intervention of those at risk and the training of others to do the same.
North Texas

This Spring, the Zeta Omicron Chapter hosted Tiki Week, a week of philanthropy events raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The events included in the week were coach bidding, soak, penny wars, and a sand volleyball tournament. The chapter raised over $3,000 for the cause.
Northern Arizona

Over the weekend of April 17, alumni and collegiate members of the Eta Iota Chapter gathered for an important milestone and celebration; the initiation of their 1,000th member. Notable alumni attending the ceremony included Eta Iota alumni Pat Madden, Russ Furstnow, Dominico Gelati, Daniel Reggio, current Chapter Advisor Dave Klensin, and Division Commander Jordan Wu (Cal Poly Pomona). The celebratory weekend included a BBQ at the chapter house, the initiation ceremony, and an affirmation of knighthood ceremony for the graduating brothers to be welcomed into the Eta Iota Alumni Chapter. Collegiate Brother Kyle Zuanich was bestowed with the honor of the 1,000th Eta Iota badge number.
Northern Illinois

Theta Eta Chapter at Northern Illinois University won their third consecutive Tugs event. Tugs is an annual competition hosted by the campus IFC similar to tug-of-war. The event has over a half-century history at the institution and is a point of pride among collegiate fraternity brothers and alumni.
Northwestern State

In April, brothers from the Mu Rho Chapter volunteered at a local animal shelter. The men spent time helping clean the shelter and provide food and care for the animals.

In May, the Delta Epsilon Chapter at the University of Oklahoma presented a check to the Cavett Kids Foundation for $18,000. The chapter partnered with the Foundation throughout the 2022-2023 academic year, and this donation will cover Discovery Camp for 40 kids, ages 8-12. Cavett Discovery Camp is a 4-day summer camp, and the efforts of the chapter will fund lodging, food, activities, medical supplies, and more. The mission of the Cavett Kids Foundation is to develop character, coping, and connection for kids battling life-threatening illnesses.
Oklahoma State

On April 21st, 400 brothers, family members, and guests of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State University traveled to Stillwater, Okla., for the chapter’s new house dedication and annual alumni golf tournament. During the celebration, brothers and guests had the opportunity to hear from the alumni organizers and volunteers that helped make the construction of the new chapter home a reality.

Gamma Zeta Chapter brought home hardware during the University of Oregon’s 2023 FSL Excellence Awards. The chapter received two awards during the banquet, including recognition for excellence in membership development and an individual merit award for Brother Jason Steele, who was awarded the Fraternity Emerging Leader Award.
Oregon State

In late May, brothers from the Delta Tau Chapter volunteered time participating in beautification projects around Corvallis, Oregon. The chapter members got their hands dirty cleaning up Avery Park and Central Park for the community.

In April, the Zeta Theta Chapter at Presbyterian College partnered with the PC Multicultural Student Union to host a car wash fundraiser for the Sounds Of Summer Music Festival.
Puget Sound

Wine-making seems to run in the Zeta Alpha Chapter bloodline with several alumni celebrating successes in the industry. Brother Chuck Reininger celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Reininger Winery this past August. Brother Paul Stone and his wife Tracey recently launched their family winemaking venture – Baldacchino Cellars. Finally, Dick Boushey continues to impress with his world-class vineyard, Boushey Vineyard.
On May 14, Brother Bill Baarsma was invited by the University of Puget Sound to be the commencement speaker for the 2023 Commencement Ceremony at Baker Stadium. Brother Baarsma was presented with an honorary degree Doctor of History, the highest distinction bestowed by the university.


Congratulations are in order for Beta Zeta Chapter Commander Chandler Terrell (Left) who won the 2023 IFC Thomas B. Robinson Fraternity Man of The Year. Brother Terrell was recognized for his dedication to leadership, service, and brotherhood. Beta Zeta Chapter Advisor Jeff Hollings (Not Pictured) also walked away an award winner being recognized as the IFC Father Phil Bowers Outstanding Advisor.
During the June episode of the Gavel Podcast, the Fraternity interviewed Beta Zeta alumnus Luke Nemec, a recent Purdue graduate, and athlete on the Purdue Men’s Ice Hockey team. During the episode, the podcast team and Luke talk about the student-athlete experience, Luke's journey to playing hockey in college, and what it is like for student-athletes to balance college athletics and active membership in a collegiate chapter. You can listen to the Gavel Podcast wherever you get your podcasts or by clicking the link here.


Brother Dylan Morris (Left) was recently selected as Fraternity Member of the Year and Omicron Delta Kappa's Sophomore of the Year at the Rhodes Campus Life Awards.
Dylan joined the Epsilon Sigma Chapter during his Freshman year. Currently, he serves as Philanthropy Chair. When asked about Sigma Nu and his time at college Dylan said this: "Being in Sigma Nu has meant being with a group of brothers that I can rely on and depend upon. I love my Sigma Nu family and the guys are extraordinary. I love how diverse we are as a fraternity and being around a diverse group of perspectives allows me to learn, grow, and mature every day."
Brother Timothy Turcotte (Right) was one of four Rhodes students selected to receive the Fulbright U.S. Student Award. Brother Turcotte is specifically the recipient of a Fulbright Austria U.S. Teaching Assistantship. As part of this, Turcotte will spend a year in Vienna, Austria gaining teaching experience while also immersing himself in a new culture.
Turcotte is an International Studies and German double major. He hopes to pursue a career in international policy later on and is excited about the chance to live in a new country for the length of the Fulbright award.
San Jose State

During the 2023-2024 academic year, Sigma Nu Fraternity will return to campus at San Jose State University (Fall 2023) and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Spring 2024) to re-establish the Zeta Iota and Kappa Gamma Chapters.
If you are aware of any young men who will be attending or are currently attending either of these universities, we would appreciate it if you would submit a recommendation at https://www.sigmanu.org/referral. Finding the right group of outstanding men to restore these chapters is essential, and we appreciate your support in identifying the next generation of Knights of the Legion of Honor.
Southeast Missouri State

In early April, the Mu Kappa Chapter hosted its annual Mark Hudson Classic philanthropy event. The event, a charity sand volleyball tournament, was a great success, with the chapter raising $14,000. The Mark Hudson Classic is named in honor of Mark Richard Hudson (Baylor), a Sigma Nu from the Mu Alpha Chapter with family connections to Southeast Missouri State University, who was lost to suicide in 2006. The Mu Kappa Chapter remembers him annually at the MHC (Mark Hudson Classic), raising awareness and funds for suicide prevention.
Southern Mississippi

On March 30, the Theta Gamma Chapter was given a lot to celebrate during the university’s annual Student Awards Day. Brother Reed Roberson and Joe Lee Flynt were recognized with Who’s Who at Southern Miss distinctions. Brother Roberson was also inducted into the Southern Miss Hall of Fame, the highest distinction a student may achieve at the university.
Stephen F. Austin State

This spring, the Mu Upsilon Chapter at Stephen F. Austin State partnered with the It’s been an honor to work with the Texas Epsilon Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity to collect canned food for the Nacogdoches Hope Food Pantry.

During the Spring 2023 FSI Award Ceremony, the Delta Mu Chapter took home the FSI President of the Year Award and the Alumni Relations Award. The President of the Year Award was given to Brother Anthony Rivardo.
This Spring, the Delta Mu chapter is hosted Sigma Nu: Living Legacy, the weekend-long event was a celebration of 110 years of excellence and honor. In preparation, the brothers made several home improvements, and worked alongside Ella Swartz, sister of Zeta Tau Alpha, to create a mural commemorating the chapter.


Hi Rickety and congratulations to Gamma Delta Chapter brothers Nathan Lancia, Chris Varseveld, Phillip Bone, and Louden Moran, who became national champions in men’s volleyball in late April. Nathan, Chris, Phillip, and Louden helped the Stevens Ducks defeat North Central College to win the title. This is Stevens’ second national title since winning its first in 2015. Brother Moran was also awarded Most Outstanding Play after totaling 145 assists over 13 sets (11.15 per set average) across the Ducks’ four NCAA Tournament wins, while also guiding the team to a .336 hitting percentage.
Texas Christian

The Lambda Epsilon Chapter is celebrating a strong close to the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. The chapter was recognized as Chapter of the Year along with an award for Excellence in Professional Development. Brother Brandon Fox earned an individual merit award, winning IFC Man of the Year.
Brother Brandon Fox and Brother Ash Harris of the Lambda Epsilon Chapter traveled to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. over Spring Break as members of TCU's Student Government Association. As TCU's Student Government President and Presidential Chief of Staff, Fox and Harris regularly travel across the country, advocating for TCU students. This spring, Fox and Harris traveled with other members of TCU's SGA as well as TCU Chancellor, Brother Victor Boschini, to lobby with national leaders to provide more mental health resources, make college more affordable, and promote NIL policies for student-athletes.

Texas Tech

Each spring, the Texas Tech University IFC hosts the Dust Bowl, a large-scale all-star football game coordinated in collaboration with the Texas Tech Football Team. For the past two years in a row, Zeta Pi Chapter’s own, Joseph McHenry (Right), has been named Dust Bowl MVP, selected by Head Football Coach Joey McGuire (Center).

In mid-April, the Zeta Lambda Chapter was awarded the Circle of Excellence Responsibility Award at the University of Tulsa’s Greek Banquet. Chapter Commander Sean Thorup was on hand to accept the award on the chapter’s behalf.
UC Davis

In mid-May, the Zeta Xi Chapter hosted Sigma Zoo, with proceeds going to the Empower Yolo Foundation. Empower Yolo Foundation’s mission is to promote safe, healthy, and resilient communities by providing crisis intervention, shelter, counseling, and legal assistance to individuals and families impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Zeta Xi Chapter raised over $1,000 through the petting zoo event.
UC Irvine

During the weekend of June 3, the brothers of the Lambda Omicron Chapter volunteered at Laura’s House, a domestic violence-related emergency shelter for women and children. The brothers were more than thrilled to lend a helping hand and make a difference in the community.

This spring, UCLA introduced the UCLA Affordability Initiative, a campuswide effort to make an undergraduate degree more affordable by raising money for scholarships to eliminate the burden of student loans. The initiative aligns with a 2022 commitment by the University of California and state lawmakers to provide state residents with pathways toward a debt-free education by 2030.
Epsilon Pi Chapter alumnus Peter Merlone, a real estate investor who earned two degrees from UCLA in 1979, has made the lead commitment toward the UCLA initiative — a $15 million gift to create new undergraduate scholarships for California residents.

In April, Epsilon Lambda Chapter held a service day in collaboration with Project Embrace, a medical device refurbishment nonprofit. This spring marks the seventh consecutive year that the Epsilon Lambda Chapter has worked with Project Embrace. Members were in attendance to repair, clean, and organize donations before they were sent off to those in need. The chapter hopes to continue its relationship with the charity to ensure that all people, regardless of financial status, have access to functioning medical equipment.

The Fraternity congratulates Sigma Chapter alumnus William S. Brewbaker, III, who was recently named Dean of the University of Alabama School of Law. Brother Brewbaker is set to become the dean on July 10. He currently serves as the William Alfred Rose Professor of Law at the university.

During Villanova University’s annual awards ceremony celebrating the fraternity/sorority community, Kappa Zeta Chapter was recognized with the Best Membership Development – Values in Action Award. Brothers Joe Hasson and Alec O’Reilly were present to receive the award on the chapter’s behalf.

A strong week of giving caps off an amazing semester of philanthropy for the Beta Chapter. The chapter has been raising money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for years, but this year, it expanded its impact to include local Charlottesville charities, like the Yellow Door Foundation of Charlottesville and SARA (the sexual assault research agency of Charlottesville). In total, the chapter raised $5,390 for charitable causes. The chapter hopes to build on the philanthropic momentum from this semester while continuing to be innovative and creative in its efforts.

This past May, the Gamma Chi Chapter at the University of Washington hosted its annual Founders’ Day celebration. The event was a great success, with over 150 alumni plus friends, family, guests, and members of the collegiate chapter in attendance. During the event, the chapter and alumni talked about plans for the chapter's future, listened to stories from influential brothers, and bonded over tales of shared time in the house. The chapter also welcomed special guest Kalen DeBoer, Head Coach of the Washington Huskies Football Team, to talk about the future of Husky football. Gamma Chi Chapter was chartered on May 19, 1896.
West Georgia

During the Founders’ Month of Service, brothers from the Theta Pi Chapter spent time volunteering with UWG Athletics. The brothers helped with track and field maintenance for the Legends Invitational Track Meet, which was held at the university in Carrollton, Ga.
West Texas A&M

The Eta Delta Chapter partnered with The Wesley at WT in early April to host a crawfish boil, raising almost $2,000. Proceeds from the event will go to support The Wesley’s mission trip to Romania.
West Virginia

Nearly 30 years after longtime West Virginia University supporter Patricia Bright was first introduced to the artwork of renowned American modernist Blanche Lazzell, she and her husband, Gamma Pi Chapter alumnus William Bright, are helping to bring the Mountain State native’s work home to Morgantown with a $1 million gift to the College of Creative Arts.
The Brights’ contribution supports a $1.5 million fundraising effort to expand the Lazzell collection at the Art Museum of WVU.
Western Kentucky

Luke Blair (Right), Former Eta Rho Chapter Commander and current Marshal, has been chosen to serve on the Executive Board of Dance Big Red, the university's largest campus-wide charitable fundraiser of the year. He was selected from a record number of applicants, placing him among very few fraternity men to have ever been chosen to serve in this position.
Congratulations are also in order for alumnus Brother David Sturgeon (Left) for winning Outstanding Advisor of the Year.

Greek Week 2023 was a major success for the Eta Omicron Chapter. The chapter was awarded IFC Chapter of the Year, and Brother Drew Sellers was recognized as the IFC Outstanding Greek Scholar.