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The Fight Against the Greek Life Stigma

By Cole Murdoch (UC Davis) 

As brothers, we have instilled the principles of Love, Honor, and Truth—nothing less. These three words are the pillars of our institution. 

During this year’s National Hazing Prevention Week, I call upon all fraternity and sorority members to reflect on how these core principles must be the cornerstone of our efforts to eliminate hazing from all institutions nationwide. 

Our Love for Sigma Nu transcends brotherhood; it represents a deep respect and care for our national organization, fostering an environment where every member feels valued and supported. Hazing, in any form, is a direct violation of this principle. It undermines the bonds of brotherhood by creating hierarchies of power and fear rather than mutual respect and equality. Love compels us to protect each other to ensure our new members are welcomed with open arms and treated with the dignity they deserve. Our responsibility is to create a fraternity culture where love is evident in our actions—where each member is nurtured, uplifted, and empowered to grow. 

Our Honor is about integrity and doing what is right, even when difficult. In the context of hazing prevention, honor demands that we stand against practices that harm others, even if they are so-called traditions or widely accepted norms. Although hazing might be considered a supposed tradition, it is wrong. We can honor our traditions by developing resolute men without breaking them down. Honor requires us to speak up, to challenge behaviors that are inconsistent with the values we hold dear, and to lead by example. It is not enough to abstain from hazing ourselves; we must actively work to ensure that our fraternity is a safe space for all members. 

Truth in Sigma Nu is about authenticity and transparency. It is about being honest with ourselves and with each other, recognizing when something is wrong, and taking steps to address it. Truth calls us to confront the uncomfortable realities of hazing and to reject the false narratives that justify or minimize its impact. Even when that means going against hazing proponents within our chapter or the perceived pressure of other chapters. Hazing often thrives in secrecy, hidden behind closed doors and rationalized as harmless fun or necessary rites of passage. But truth demands that we shine a light on these practices, expose them for what they are, and work tirelessly to eradicate them. Hazing can result in lifelong mental damage, physical abuse, or even death. By embracing truth, we commit to a fraternity experience that is open, honest, and free from the shadows of hazing, with a commitment to protect every member that comes through our doors.  

Love, Honor, and Truth are not just words we recite during rituals; they are the principles that must guide our every action as Sigma Nu brothers. National Hazing Prevention Week is a powerful reminder that these principles are not just aspirational—they are essential to creating a fraternity experience that is safe, supportive, and truly reflective of our highest ideals. As we move forward, let us commit to living these principles fully, ensuring that our brotherhood is one that every member can be proud of—built on the unshakable foundation of Love, Honor, and Truth. Nothing less. 

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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