Dispatches from The Legion of Honor
Chapter & Alumni News From the Summer 2022 Quarterly

Kappa Lambda Chapter alumnus Steve Bell facilitated a LEAD session for the collegiate members of the chapter. Steve drew upon his career experience with New York Life to provide the chapter with lessons on the importance of financial planning.

Theta Chapter collegiate Commander Walker Burley was inducted into the 109th Class of the Jason's Men's Honorary. Brother Burley was tapped for the honor society by previous collegiate Commander Jack Mason. The Jason's Men's Honorary is the oldest honor society at the University of Alabama and selects a competitive class of 40 men each year based on academic excellence, community service, and campus involvement.
Alabama in Huntsville

The Force is strong with Mu Beta Chapter alumnus Tom O'Connell, who made his "appearance" as the stunt performer for Darth Vader in the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi. Brother O'Connell assisted Hayden Christensen in bringing Vader's presence back to the Star Wars universe. Tom also portrayed other roles throughout the series, including a Dathomirian (Darth Maul's alien race) in the second episode.

During the month of April, the brothers of Epsilon Alpha Chapter took part in the Founders Month of Service by participating in multiple community service and philanthropy events. The brothers made tie blankets with the Zeta Beta Chapter of Chi Omega for the Salvation Army, volunteered at the Pets of Pima Parade, and raised $4,000 through their spring philanthropy event, Scoop N' Splash, which benefited Women Warriors.
Arizona State

Zeta Upsilon Chapter swept the major awards at the 2021 Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards ceremony. Zeta Upsilon won Chapter of the Year for the second year in a row. Chapter Commander Rudy Garcia won Chapter President of the Year, and Scott Rutledge won Alumni Advisor of the Year. This impressive performance follows an equally dominant performance from the chapter a week earlier, where 14 brothers were elected in the Student Government elections. This includes Andrew Kalthoff, who was elected Student Body President for the 2022-23 academic year.

In a Rise and Shine segment of ABC's Good Morning America, Correspondent T.J. Holmes interviewed Brother Coleman Warren of Gamma Upsilon Chapter to talk to him about the small-batch ice cream store he founded and the profits he's donated to provide more than 15,000 meals to those in need in northwest Arkansas. During the live broadcast, Holmes surprised Brother Warren with a donation of 20,000 pounds of food to the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank and a $5,000 donation to his ice creamery, Simple+Sweet, to help the business continue to tackle food insecurity.
Arkansas - Fort Smith

Nu Alpha Chapter continued its tradition of philanthropic support for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through its Sigma Cup event. The event is structured as a soccer tournament.
Arkansas - Little Rock

Eta Xi Chapter alumnus Dr. Sean Huss was recognized by the Arkansas Tech University student body with the 2021-2022 ATU Professor of the Year award. The award, which is voted on by the student body, recognized Huss for his more than seventeen years of classroom experience. In response to the award, Huss said, "I'll be honest, I coveted this one because it comes from the students. It's like the moment in 'Dead Poets Society' where the kids stand up on their desks and say 'captain, my captain'… that's what it's like for me. There's the salary, the professional payoff and all that, but in the end, that's what really matters. It's not so much adulation for me as it is recognition that we are making a difference."

In late April, Seniors of Beta Theta Chapter enjoyed Last Call at Willow Point Country Club on Lake Martin. The event, hosted annually by the Beta Theta Chapter Parent's Club, celebrated the accomplishments of the 29 senior members who oversaw the chapter during the difficulties of the pandemic and the chapter's receipt of Rock Chapter recognition.
Ball State

For Earth Day 2022, brothers of Theta Nu Chapter volunteered their time making their community cleaner and greener. The brothers helped pick up trash along a major highway in Muncie, Ind.
Bowling Green State

Brothers from Epsilon Chi Chapter made a pilgrimage to Lexington, Va., to visit the Fraternity's Headquarters. While in town, the chapter received tours of the Headquarters, Washington & Lee, and VMI and a LEAD session facilitated by staff member Nick Lanier (Midwestern State). While in town, the chapter also conducted an Initiation Ceremony for their newest members. Alumnus volunteer Mike Icenogle (Bowling Green State) and Vice Regent Shon Christy (Akron) traveled with the collegiate chapter members.

After two long years, Epsilon Mu Chapter resumed its annual White Star Dinner awards ceremony. At the White Star Dinner, the chapter recognizes brothers who go above and beyond our core values of Love, Truth, and Honor. Alumni, including Bill Dugan (Butler) and Butler Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Frank Ross, III (Ball State), were also on hand to celebrate the chapter.
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

In May, Kappa Pi Chapter partnered with campus sororities to raise $2,000 for Safer, an on-campus organization that provides resources for victims of sexual assault. Proceeds were raised through the chapter's philanthropy, Turn the Tables.
Cal State Fresno

In late April, Zeta Kappa Chapter raised money for the Down Syndrome Association of Central California with a week of philanthropy events. Fundraisers included "Pie a Snu," "Nachos at the Nu," and a Sigma Nu Softball tournament.
Cal State LA

In early April, the Fraternity chronicled the incredible career journey of Eta Phi Chapter alumnus Dr. Tim Huerta in an alumni profile. In the profile, Brother Dr. Huerta talked about his essential role in helping Ohio State navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of his Sigma Nu experience.
Carnegie Mellon

Brothers from Delta Sigma Chapter are celebrating the success of their 2022 Buggy team. Buggy, an annual student-led relay race, is one of Carnegie Mellon's longest-held traditions. The race, officially known as "Sweepstakes," partners designers, engineers, mechanics, and athletes together to produce a buggy, an aerodynamic vehicle with no engine. With incredible effort from the brothers, the chapter, led by Chairman Dan Xiao, was able to earn its first podium finish in almost 15 years.
Central Arkansas

Lambda Phi Chapter Commander Ricardo Guevara was recognized with the 2022 RSO President of the Year Award by the university's Office of Student Life. The award is presented to an RSO (recognized student organization) president who has consistently demonstrated passion for their organization and promoted activity on campus and within the community.
Central Oklahoma

Brothers from Mu Tau Chapter participated in Central Oklahoma University's annual philanthropy event, BronchoThon. The chapter helped the university raise over $51,000 for the Children's Hospital Foundation through the dance marathon event.

Over the weekend of April 1-3, the Iota Rho Chapter was officially re-chartered. Regent Tim Huffmyer (Michigan State) led the initiation ceremony for the collegiate members and presented the chapter with its charter at a celebratory banquet.

Several brothers from Gamma Kappa Chapter participated in the CUSG Sexual Assault Awareness 5k, hosted by the University of Colorado Student Government.

This semester, Gamma Theta Colony raised over $3,845 for various philanthropic causes. Most notably, on April 23, the men raised $2,147 for the American Cancer Society through their annual Relay for Life fundraiser. This was the most of all IFC chapters and the third most of any team this year.

100-year-old war hero Jack Hamlin of Epsilon Beta Chapter is still going strong as he makes a return visit to Normandy to mark the 78th anniversary of D-Day, which occurred on June 6, 1944. Brother Hamlin has returned numerous times to France, particularly for D-Day commemorations. In fitting Sigma Nu fashion, Brother Hamlin has been awarded the French Legion of Honor, the highest French decoration and the founders' inspiration for the Fraternity's badge.

Brothers Will Miller and Nick Shaffer of Kappa Delta Chapter have won the Provost Award for Best Presentation and Rangos School of Health Sciences Awards for Undergraduate Research at the Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Symposium at Duquesne University. Their award-winning research was titled Valve Replacement Combined Surgical Advice.
Eastern Illinois

Lambda Gamma Chapter brothers Hunter Kidwell and Reid Krausen are award winners following their community's recent awards ceremony. Brother Hunter Kidwell took home hardware for the Talented Student Award. Brother Reid Krausen was awarded the Order of Omega Member of the Year Award and the Dr. Charles and Mrs. Sharon Eberly Essence of Fraternal Values Award.
Eastern Kentucky

In late April, Theta Theta Chapter raised a total of $676.16 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through their Dunk-a-Palooza event. Dunk-a-Palooza took place over three days with opportunities to dunk brothers and local police officers to raise money for the cause.
Eastern Washington

During the Founders' Month of Service, brothers of Theta Lambda Chapter volunteered their time picking up garbage on the side of Highway 904. The effort is part of a larger commitment from the chapter and a partnership with Adopt-A-Highway.

In Early April, Epsilon Zeta Chapter celebrated its centennial anniversary with a large gathering of collegiate brothers and alumni in Gainesville, Fla. The chapter was chartered at the University of Florida on November 20, 1920. During the chapter's celebration, Vice Regent Steve Ratterman (Indiana) was on-hand to present the chapter with a plaque commemorating the chapter's milestone.

Kappa Chi Chapter took home the Initiative Award at Furman University's annual Greek Awards. The Initiative Award is given to the chapter, each year, whose executive council led the chapter in identifying lacking areas in the chapter, creating a plan to navigate those obstacles, and successfully bringing positive change and progress to chapter operations.

On April 24, Mu Chapter hosted their annual football game, the Classic City Bowl. The chapter raised $5,000 for Jam for Cam, a foundation for melanoma research, and the Sam Asbury Foundation, for suicide prevention. After the game, Mu Chapter raffled off football helmets and footballs signed by former Georgia Bulldogs quarterback Aaron Murray and hosted a crawfish boil at the chapter house. This was the 5th annual Classic City Bowl. Jam for Cam is an organization that raises hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to support melanoma research. The charity is named after Brother Cameron Fearon, who unfortunately passed away from melanoma in 2018.
Georgia Southern

Theta Kappa Chapter coordinated with the Georgia Southern IFC to collect canned goods and supplies for the Bryan County Family Connection. The supplies were distributed to disaster victims impacted by the system of tornadoes that devastated southeast Georgia in early April.
Georgia Tech

In late March, Gamma Alpha Chapter hosted "Soak A Snu," a fundraiser benefiting the Andrew Collins Project. The Andrew Collins Project is a non-profit dedicated to raising awareness about mental health disorders in college students and supporting those affected through affordable and accessible care. Through the philanthropy event, the chapter raised $6,000 for the cause.

Zeta Sigma Chapter hosted Sigma Nu Jam. Through the event, the brothers raised funds for the Earth Day Network.

Nu Beta Chapter celebrated its 10th chartering anniversary with a great weekend of fun and brotherhood. Collegiate brothers and alumni competed in a friendly game of softball, with collegiate brothers coming out the winners, 13-11. The anniversary was topped off with a formal banquet to celebrate the occasion.

Beta Eta Chapter at Indiana University is officially re-chartered! In early April, the Fraternity welcomed 114 new Hoosier Knights to the Legion of Honor. Serving as the Ritual team for the Initiation Ceremony were Regent Tim Huffmyer (Michigan State), Past Regent E.G. White (Indiana), Vice Regent Steve Ratterman (Indiana), Chapter Advisor Mike Regoli (Virginia Wesleyan), and past staff member Rhys Collins (East Carolina).
Jacksonville State

Country Music artist and Iota Lambda Chapter alumnus Jamey Johnson was recently inducted into the Grand Ole Opry. A summary of Johnson's induction, including a performance of his song, "In Color," can be viewed here. "The 11-time GRAMMY-nominated songwriter is one of few people in the history of country music to win two Song of the Year Awards from both the Academy of Country Music AND the Country Music Association."

Mu Pi Chapter Brothers continued their partnership with Adopt-A-Highway by volunteering their time cleaning up trash on Henry Avenue near the Thomas Jefferson University campus.

As Nu Chapter approached the end of the academic year, several members of the house corporation board and alumni chapter came to the chapter to celebrate the graduating seniors at the chapter's annual senior dinner. The brothers enjoyed steaks and senior speeches.
Kennesaw State

Iota Pi Chapter ended the semester with a solid donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. The chapter donated $6,900 on top of large donations of clothes, office supplies, and sports equipment.
Kentucky Wesleyan

Eta Epsilon Chapter alumnus Wyatt Foust was named Assistant Coach for the University at Buffalo's Women's Basketball team. Brother Foust joins Head Coach Becky Burke as the team prepares for the upcoming 2022-2023 season.

Knox College, home of Delta Theta Chapter, unveiled a new memorial to honor the memory of students, alumni, and staff who gave their lives for the United States during the wars of the 20th Century. Seven Sigma Nu brothers were identified during the college's research for the project. Their names are George William Hornaday, John Harold Kohrs, Merrill Vernon Lee, Kenneth Otto Nichols, Robert Murray Ritchie, and Carl Oscar Rosequist. More information on the project, our brothers, and the other men memorialized can be found at http://www.knox.edu/99lives.

Throughout the month of April, the brothers of Zeta Psi Chapter participated in community service. Among the chapter's activities were assisting a local organization with cleaning and setting up for a community art show and volunteering in the local community, providing service to a food pantry and community garden.
Louisiana at Lafayette

Eta Nu Chapter participated in the university's Big Event. Brothers helped participate in a community cleanup around the Acadiana Community.
Louisiana State

In May, Phi Chapter executed its first-ever charity music festival with proceeds benefiting the Reclaimed Project, a non-profit that addresses global oppression and injustice experienced by children. Through the chapter's music festival, the chapter donated $38,000 to the Reclaimed Project.
Louisiana Tech

Sigma Nu Fraternity believes that excellent chapters have members committed to enhancing their host institution by becoming engaged as leaders in campus and interfraternal activities and organizations. Ideally, through their leadership, members advance the purpose of both the Fraternity and their institution. Eta Zeta Chapter at Louisiana Tech recently exemplified their long-term commitment to campus leadership. Several generations of alumni and a current collegiate brother attended the campus' Orientation Student Leader 50th reunion. Brothers included in the photo are (from right to left) Daniel Dupuy, Grant Clary, Frank Potts, John Morgan, Calvin Howell, Wes Searcy, Graham Clary, Bankston Summergil, and Chuck Brouillette.

Mu Chi Chapter brother Matthew Gillett has a lot to celebrate. The recent Lynchburg University graduate was honored as a Class of 2022 Outstanding Senior at the Leadership Awards and was awarded the Freeman Award for Political Science. He was awarded Best Senior Thesis in Political Science at the Academic Awards. Brother Gillett recently completed his term as the 2021-2022 Student Body President.

In late March, the brothers of Eta Chapter hosted their "Dunk a SNU" philanthropy event. Through the event, the chapter raised $600 in proceeds benefiting St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Gamma Nu Chapter brothers made a difference in their local community by helping remove weeds at the Argo Canoe Livery.
Midwestern State

In late April, Lieutenant Commander Bailey Graham accepted the Annual Fraternity Academic Award on behalf of Eta Upsilon Chapter. This award is given for having the highest cumulative GPA out of all fraternal organizations on campus. This is the third time the chapter has received this award and recognition.
Minnesota State

In preparation for Memorial Day, brothers from Lambda Delta Chapter at Minnesota State University spent the holiday weekend in service to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The brothers worked alongside Honored Always to plant flowers to tribute veterans who performed their duties and now lie at rest in the Fort Snelling National Cemetery.

Epsilon Xi Chapter raised $300,000 through the 32nd Annual Charity Bowl. The event, which consistently sets the standard for top chapter-led philanthropy events in the nation, features a full-contact football game, a pre-kickoff sorority cheer competition, and a homecoming-style Charity Bowl Court. Each year, the chapter selects an individual living with paralysis as the primary recipient of the Charity Bowl. This year, the chapter selected Devon Corbett. Additional funds were donated through the event to support the Manning Family Foundation and the William Magee Center for Wellness Education. For more information on the Charity Bowl, visit www.sigmanucharitybowl.com.
Mississippi State

Iota Gamma Chapter alumnus Walker Price was honored as the 2021 Outstanding Young Alumnus by Mississippi State University. The 2022 Alumni Awards Ceremony was held on Friday, April 29. The university noted the following about Walker's distinction, "An important asset to the Memphis Maroon Club's efforts over the years, Walker regularly volunteers his time with fellow bulldog alumni to build support for areas including the Salvation Army, St. Jude Research Hospital, LeBonheur children's hospitals, and the West Cancer Center, as well as the club's annual Christmas toy drive and scholarship awards. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Walker was integral to the club's connectivity and outreach, boosting their social media presence and implementing remote meetings and events, which included a virtual 5k fundraiser."

Outgoing Epsilon Theta Chapter Commander Charles Coffey received the Frederick Gardner Fassett, Jr. Award at MIT's FSILG Awards Ceremony in late April. The Frederick Gardiner Fasset, Jr. Award is presented annually to up to three individual members of the FSILG community, one from each of the three student councils, who have most unselfishly demonstrated the qualities of spirit, dedication, and service in furthering the ideals of MIT brotherhood, sisterhood, and membership excellence.
Montana State

At the university's spring awards ceremony, Zeta Nu Chapter was awarded the Fraternity Academic Award. The award is given to the fraternity with the highest GPA on campus for the previous calendar year (2021).
Mount Union

On March 26, collegiate and alumni brothers of Beta Iota Chapter at the University of Mount Union gathered in Alliance, Ohio, for the chapter's 37th Annual Mike Hardy Basketball Tournament. The five versus five tournament had been on hiatus for the past two years due to the pandemic. However, the brothers were excited to see its return and spend time together exchanging stories and memories of past tournaments. Proceeds from the tournament benefited Noah Homes, a residential village in San Diego, Calif., that provides residential care for people with disabilities.
New Hampshire

In late April, collegiate brothers and alumni from Iota Sigma Chapter participated in the chapter's annual Sigma Nu Fishing Trip.
North Dakota

Epsilon Kappa Chapter hosted their spring philanthropy event, Sigma Noodles. The chapter sold plates of pasta raising money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness and supporting mental health awareness.
North Georgia

Kappa Chapter at the University of North Georgia took home plenty of hardware at this year's Fraternity & Sorority Life Awards Ceremony. Among the many awards were Fraternity of the Year, the Academic Excellence Award, the Leadership Excellence Award, and the Campus Engagement Award. Individual award winners included Chapter President of the Year for Jordan Cook and three Fraternal Legend Awards for Jordan Cook, William Peninger, and Alexander Haller.
North Texas

Brother of Zeta Omicron Chapter volunteered at the 3rd Annual Ride of Honor, a bike race conducted by the Dallas Police Cycling Team. Proceeds from the event benefitted the H.A.L.O. Fund.
Northern Illinois

Theta Eta Chapter at Northern Illinois University won their second consecutive Tugs event. Tugs is an annual competition hosted by the campus IFC similar to tug of war. The event has over a half-century history at the institution and is a point of pride among collegiate fraternity brothers and alumni. Congratulations and Hi Rickety to Theta Eta Chapter and the Sigma Nu Tugs team.
Northwestern State

In late May, collegiate brothers and alumni from Mu Rho Chapter at Northwestern State University gathered in Natchitoches, La., to celebrate the chapter's 25th charter anniversary. The brothers celebrated with multiple events, including a Friday night Crawfish Boil at the chapter house, the Eddie Erwin Memorial Golf Tournament, and a reunion event Saturday evening. During the reunion event, Division Commander Hamp Dye (Mississippi) was in attendance as a representative of the General Fraternity to provide leaders from the chapter with a ceremonial plaque recognizing the chapter's anniversary milestone. Mu Rho Chapter was officially chartered on May 5, 1997.

To kick off the Founders' Month of Service, Brothers from Delta Epsilon Chapter got involved with the University of Oklahoma's Big Event serving the Oklahoma City Community at Will Rogers Park and Horticultural Gardens and Shiloh Camp.
Oklahoma State

Epsilon Epsilon Chapter sophomore brothers Dylan McDaniel, Joseph Vasseur, and Derek Beach were recipients of the National Livestock Scholarship. Brother McDaniel was additionally awarded the Cal Major Memorial Scholarship.
Oregon State

In late April, brothers of the Delta Tau Alumni Chapter gathered in Corvallis, Ore., for their Annual Meeting and Joe Wood Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament raised more than $2,000 for the Delta Tau Scholarship Fund. Special awards were also presented during the Annual Meeting. Brothers Doug Eaton, Steven Langenberg, and John Johnston were each presented with a resolution from the High Council of Sigma Nu Fraternity recognizing their contributions to the Delta Tau Chapter and service to the Fraternity.

Brothers from Beta Zeta Chapter were given the opportunity to learn from and listen to Renee Thomas, the Associate Vice Provost for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Purdue University. She presented a LEAD session on why Diversity Matters and how to make a positive change in their brotherhood and the community.
South Florida

In May, the University of South Florida's Department of Fraternity & Sorority Life named two Sigma Nu alumni to its Hall of Fame. Brother John Greer and Brother William "Bill" Mariotti, both of Theta Alpha Chapter, were recognized for "their notable contributions to the fraternity/sorority experience, the University, the community, and their profession."
Southeast Missouri State

Mu Kappa Chapter is the recipient of the 2021 Chapter of the Year Award. The award was presented during Southeast Missouri State's annual fraternity and sorority life awards ceremony. The Chapter of the Year award is the highest achievement a fraternity or sorority can receive in the community.
Southern Mississippi

Theta Gamma Chapter hosted their second annual Sigma Smoothies event. The event raised money for the JED Foundation and the campus' Shafer Center for Crisis Intervention.
Stephen F. Austin State

Mu Upsilon Chapter hosted their philanthropy event, Bass Fest, in April. The fishing competition helped raise over $1,000 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

In April, Delta Mu Chapter partnered with Stetson PACT (Peer Advisory Council for Title IX) to host a workshop to increase awareness of sexual assault and prevention. The workshop was titled, The Power of Story: Learning from Survivors.

In coordination with Chapter Advisor Jerry Adams, the Epsilon Eta Chapter participated in a build with their local chapter of Habitat for Humanity.
The spring also saw the Epsilon Eta Chapter's celebration of its 100th Chartering Anniversary. The chapter was officially chartered on June 6, 1921.
Texas Christian

On a recent episode of The Gavel Podcast, the team interviews Mike Dilbeck, an alumnus of Lambda Epsilon Chapter at Texas Christian University. Mike is a professional speaker, former General Fraternity staff member, and chapter advisor for the Lambda Epsilon Chapter. In this episode, Adam, Christopher, and Mike discuss the Fraternity's partnership with Mike to create the DignityU curriculum. During the conversation, Mike talks about his Sigma Nu experience, the importance of dignity, and why chapters and our Fraternity benefit from this workshop's conversations. Listen to this and other episodes of The Gavel Podcast at https://the-gavel-podcast.simplecast.com or on your favorite podcast streaming platform.
Texas State

Brothers from Eta Tau Chapter volunteered with the 19th Annual Bobcat Build. Bobcat build is a tradition of giving back to their community by designating one day every year for citizens of San Marcos to come together and complete service projects across the city. The men gave back to the Wendland family by shoveling and laying out gravel for a new driveway and by picking weeds for their beautiful flowers.
UC Davis

In May, Zeta Xi Chapter at UC Davis partnered with Empower Yolo, a non-profit whose mission is to promote safe, healthy, and resilient communities, to host "CarΣNival." The carnival-themed event featured carnival foods, bounce houses, carnival games, a raffle, and live music, with proceeds supporting the cause.
UC Irvine

In late March, Lambda Omicron Chapter hosted an alumni cocktail. The event provided a great opportunity for collegiate brothers and alumni to gather and reconnect.
UNC Ashville

In April, brothers from Mu Eta Chapter volunteered their time tabling for a campus blood drive.
Virginia Tech

In late April, Theta Xi Chapter received the FSL Collaboration Award with the Virginia Kappa Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon for their joint work on the Nightmare on Progress Street philanthropy. The two chapters raised nearly $12,000 towards Feeding America and Flex Out Hunger, fighting food disparity in the community.
Virginia Wesleyan

Two Sigma Nu alumni recently connected at the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Pictured are Captain Jeff Whitmarsh (Virginia Wesleyan) of the Delaware State Police (Left) and Lieutenant Ernie Bille (Cal State LA) with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (Right). Brother Whitmarsh shared photos with the Fraternity after meeting Brother Billie.
The FBI National Academy is a professional course of study for U.S. and international law enforcement executives nominated by their agency heads because of demonstrated leadership qualities. The 10-week program—which provides coursework in intelligence theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets, management science, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, and forensic science—serves to improve the administration of justice in police departments and agencies at home and abroad and to raise law enforcement standards, knowledge, and cooperation worldwide.

In April, Gamma Chi Chapter Commander Andrew Hengstler was named one of the Husky 100. The Husky 100 is a distinction granted by the University of Washington on an annual basis to 100 undergraduate and graduate students from the UW Bothell, Seattle, and Tacoma campuses in all areas of study who are making the most of their time at the university. The Husky 100 are selected because they have actively connected what happens inside and outside of the classroom and have applied what they have learned to make a difference on campus, in their communities, and in the future. Through their service, passion, leadership, and commitment, these students have inspired their fellow classmates, faculty, and communities in countless ways.
Washington State

Delta Iota Chapter has always had a soft spot for animals. This past semester, the chapter spent time tying blankets for kittens and fundraising for animals in need at the Humane Society of the Palouse.
West Georgia

On April 14, Theta Pi Chapter celebrated its 50th chartering anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, collegiate brothers and alumni gathered for a special ceremony, where the chapter was presented with a plaque commemorating the milestone. Theta Pi Chapter was officially chartered on April 14, 1972.
Western Kentucky

This spring, past General Fraternity staff member Drew Logsdon was recognized with the Marilyn Simpson Ford Distinguished Service Award by the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA). The Ford Award is given at the FCA Annual Conference to individual members of the Association who have worked diligently to advance the Association's vision and purpose. Drew recently served as a past president of the Association, providing leadership during the height of the pandemic. Drew served the Fraternity as a staff member for eleven and a half years, including most recently as Sigma Nu's Director of Communications.

Alumnus Scott Kennedy (Valdosta) recently had the chance to attend his son's initiation ceremony at Wofford College. Scott's son Will Kennedy was initiated into the Eta Omicron Chapter as pin number 889 during the ceremony on May 4th, 2022.

Epsilon Delta Chapter has two big reasons to celebrate. At the University of Wyoming’s recent Greek Awards Ceremony, the chapter was awarded Fraternity Chapter of the Year. Brother Cooper Crockett was also recognized with distinction and took home the university’s Fraternity Man of the Year award.