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LHT and Hazing: An Incompatible Pair 

By Will Deviney (Idaho) 

Joining the Delta Omicron Chapter Sigma Nu at the University of Idaho has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. From the moment I became a candidate and pledged myself to the core principles of Love, Honor, and Truth, it has forever guided my life. These principles are not just words; they are the foundation upon which Sigma Nu is built and the guiding lights for every brother. 

Love in Sigma Nu is about more than camaraderie; it is about genuine care and support for one another. Whether through late-night study sessions, personal challenges, or celebrating each other’s successes, Love within Sigma Nu has created a brotherhood that feels like family—a family that has celebrated the greatest moments of my life with me, whether my marriage to the love of my life or the birth of my first child.  

Honor is Sigma Nu's second pillar. It is about integrity, respect, and doing what is right, even when difficult. Through various leadership roles and community service projects, I have learned the importance of honoring commitments and maintaining a high standard of conduct. The Honor principle has instilled in me a sense of responsibility and accountability, not just to myself but to my brothers and the community at large. 

Truth is the final cornerstone of Sigma Nu’s principles. It emphasizes honesty, transparency, and authenticity. In a world where it is often easy to hide behind facades, Sigma Nu encourages its members to be true to themselves and others. This commitment to Truth has fostered an environment of trust and openness, where we can share our thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. 

However, the practice of hazing runs counter to each of these principles. Hazing, in any form, undermines the very foundation that Sigma Nu was built upon. It is impossible to incorporate hazing into the fraternity experience while maintaining the principles of Love, Honor, and Truth. 

Hazing contradicts Love because it creates an environment of fear and humiliation rather than one of support and care. Instead of fostering a sense of belonging, hazing alienates and degrades individuals. It erodes the trust and respect that are essential for a loving brotherhood. True Love within Sigma Nu means uplifting and empowering each other, not tearing each other down. 

Hazing violates Honor by promoting actions that are inherently dishonorable. It encourages deceit, coercion, and abuse of power. Hazing practices often involve forcing candidate members to perform demeaning tasks or endure physical and emotional pain, which is a direct contradiction to the honorable conduct that Sigma Nu espouses. Honor means treating each other with dignity and respect, and hazing has no place in such a framework. 

Hazing undermines Truth by creating a culture of secrecy and lies. It forces candidates to hide their experiences and perpetuates a cycle of dishonesty. This goes against the principle of Truth, which calls for transparency and authenticity. In a fraternity that values Truth, there is no room for practices that require members to conceal the reality of their experiences. 

In a world in which the value of fraternities on college campuses is continually being questioned, I call on all our collegiate members to help us restore the true meaning of fraternity and carry out the principles of Love, Honor, and Truth as our founders intended. Our existence depends on it.   

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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