20 New Year's Resolutions for Your Chapter

1. Partner with a local non-profit (e.g. Boys and Girls Club, Habitat, food pantry) to create monthly opportunities for brothers to participate in community service together.
2. Have the humility to use the resources that are right in front of you. Schedule regular meetings with your school’s fraternity/sorority life advisor. Call the General Fraternity staff when you need help with something.
3. Have every member commit to meeting and recruiting at least one high-quality new member this semester.
4. Commit to following an agenda during all chapter meetings.
5. Commit to participating in National Ritual Celebration Week.
6. Organize a LEAD session facilitated by an alumnus, staff, or faculty member. Tailor the content of the session around the goals and interests of the chapter.
7. Create senior-specific programs in conjunction with alumni events (e.g. A Phase IV networking session during alumni weekend or homecoming).
8. Commit to hosting chapter meetings in formal business attire.
9. Prepare for and make the most of the leadership consultant visit.
10. Send five officers to a Sigma Nu Institute in your area.
11. Develop a set of chapter goals and assess your progress at each meeting.
14. Apply for an award (Sigma Nu or campus).
15. Schedule a pilgrimage to Lexington.
16. Send more than two members to Grand Chapter.
17. Improve the chapter’s PEP rating in at least one area.
18. Co-host LEAD session with another campus organization that’s open to the entire campus.
19. Develop an academic assistance program that goes beyond study hours and cash rewards.
20. Ask “Why not us?” more often.