"He who starts out on a road, not knowing where he is, where he is going, or how he is going to get there, is lost. He may reach no worthwhile desitination - or if he does by accident - how will he know that he has arrived?"
This quote, from The Way of Honor, is precisely relevant to your time in the Fraternity today. Think about what you've experienced, thus far:
a Completed Candidate Education
a Initiation
a The Ritual
a Introduction to the operations and governance of the chapter
a Camaraderie of social and brotherhood events
Has everything gone perfectly? Probably not, but in addition to these specific accomplishments, there is also the unseen – the intrapersonal growth and development that has begun to take place in you.
- You’ve experienced part of the LEAD Program and some development of your skill set as a leader.
- You’ve engaged in conversations about important matters – chapter business, your personal beliefs and those of your chapter brothers, to name a few.
- You’ve likely been exposed to societal topics that you may not have thought much about.
- You’ve had to manage and prioritize your time unlike any other previous point in your life.
You may not see it, yet, but a transformation is taking place in you and you can be intentional about your ongoing development. As your journey continues, you will be presented with more opportunities to learn and grow, and you can choose to make these moments purposeful with study, reflection, and participation. These opportunities will vary from personal to organizational, and professional.

Sigma Nu’s LinkedIn Group – With more than 10,000 brothers in the group, joining Sigma Nu’s LinkedIn group is a wonderful introduction to the vast network of the Fraternity. This group is a closed/unlisted group; therefore, you will need to request to join and be verified by a group administrator.
Just as your Sigma Nu membership is for life, the opportunities for you to grow and develop will continue to present themselves for the rest of your days. The opportunities above are just a few of the chances for you to take an intentional step forward, on your own, to prepare yourself for the days, months, years, and the lifetime that follow.