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17 Results for tag:"the delta fall 2018"
The Delta - v135n1 - 2018 Individual Awards Winners
...2018 Awards Winners Merit Awards Man of the Year Connor graduated from Butler University with a 3.68 GPA majoring in Pharmacy and Business Administration. He served Epsilon Mu Chapter (Butler)
The Delta - Fall 2018 - 2018 Chapter Awards Winners
...2017 Awards Winners Scholarship Awards These awards recognize the chapters with the highest GPA over the course of the 2016 calendar year nationwide in ranking order. Gallaher Cup Duke (3.65)
The Delta - v135n1 - The Longhairs
...Features Editor's Note: On March 16, 2019, Zeta Kappa (Fresno State) alumni Chris Healy and Lindsay Barto will be hosting a charity hair-cutting event, The Great Cut <https://thegreatcut.us/>, whe
The Delta - v135n1 - Amore, Onore, Verita
...Features I join Academy Award-nominated alumnus Peter Spears (Northwestern) by phone as he drives through upstate New York. He’s been traveling out West, where he lives for part of the year. Unfor
The Delta - v135n1 - Founders' Gravesites Renovated
...Perspectives on Our Past As we approach the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Sigma Nu, it is fitting that we remember and honor our three Founders. To that end, the fraternity and three of our
The Delta - v135n1 - Unsung: The Ray Ewry Story
...Unsung: The Raw Ewry Story Perspectives on Our Past By Bob McCully (San Diego State) In my “Perspectives on our Past” column in the summer 2013 issue of The Delta, I wrote about Ray Ewry, the
The Delta - v135n1 - In Memoriam: Freedom of Association at Harvard University
...In Memoriam: Freedom of Association at Harvard University Higher Education For several issues now, The Delta has been covering the developments at Harvard University regarding the fate of single-
The Delta - v135n1 - Thinking Differently
...Thinking Differently Letter from the Editor In 1997, Apple unveiled their new advertising slogan of “Think different.” At the time, it was perceived to be a response to IBM’s slogan, “Think.” Thi
The Delta - v135n1 - Letter to the Editor
...Letter to the Editor Conversation I enjoyed your article about 3819 Walnut Street (Spring 2018 issue of The Delta). I believe I first saw it in the chapter newsletter but did not have time to com
The Delta - v135n1 - Five Questions with Man of the Year Connor Ganly (Butler)
...Five Questions with Man of the Year Connor Ganly (Butler) Interview “I can assure the committee that Connor is a man of the highest character who lives out the values of Love, Honor, and Truth…
The Delta - v135n1 - Heard on Social Media
...Heard on Social Media Conversation
The Delta - v135n1 - 2018 NHPW Recap
...2018 National Hazing Prevention Week Recap Updates from Lexington As a part of this year’s National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW), we published several articles on our website intended to provoke
The Delta - v135n1 - Additions to the Library
...Additions to the Library Bookshelf The Unconventional Thinking of Dominant Companies: The New Formula for Market Dominance <http://a.co/d/hhGI0Kn> By Jim Bramlett (Missouri State) Publisher
The Delta - v135n1 - Book Recommendations
...Book Recommendations Bookshelf An educated man is also a reading man. We asked some of our new Leadership Consultants for some of their recommendations on books that impacted them during their co
The Delta - v135n2 - 150th Anniversary Celebrations
...150th Anniversary Celebrations Underway Updates from Lexington On January 1, 1869, The Legion of Honor publicly announced its existence as Sigma Nu Fraternity. Our founders had no idea that what
The Delta - v135n2 - Bring Back the Kegs
...Bring Back the Kegs? Updates from Lexington Section III, Item D and H of the Fraternity’s Risk Reduction Policy and Guidelines <https://www.sigmanu.org/file/collegiate-members/risk-reduction/risk
The Delta - v135n3 - On the Shoulders of Giants
...On the Shoulders of Giants Letter from the Editor While the principles of Sigma Nu have stood stalwart over 150 years, the Sigma Nu of today looks entirely different from the Sigma Nu of the late

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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