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10 Results for tag:"perspectives on our past"
The Delta - v133n1 - The Young Dead Soldiers Do Not Speak
...Perspectives on Our Past I often write about the importance of history, tradition and heroes in cementing the bonds between us as initiates and chapters of Sigma Nu. In this column, I focus on our
The Delta - v133n2 - "Wanted: Sigma Nuiana"
...Perspectives on Our Past This headline appeared in the October 1937 issue of The Delta. The Fraternity requested readers to donate Sigma Nu memorabilia to the general offices in Indianapolis for p
The Delta - v134n1 - Perspectives on Our Past
...Perspectives on Our Past This column, the second about our Founders, continues the events leading up to Sigma Nu’s 150th Anniversary in 2019. We’re focusing each of the preceding three years on on
The Delta - v134n1 - Perspectives on Our Past - Greenfield Quarles, Alpha #2
...Perspectives on Our Past This column, the second about our Founders, continues the events leading up to Sigma Nu’s 150th Anniversary in 2019. We’re focusing each of the preceding three years on on
The Delta - v134n2 - Brothers and Shipmates Forever
...Perspectives on Our Past President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared December 7th, 1941, as “a date that will live in infamy.” The Empire of Japan had just drawn the United States into World War II b
The Delta - v134n2 - The War Memorial & Remembrance Album
...The War Memorial & Remembrance Album Perspectives on Our Past By Grand Historian Bob McCully (San Diego State) As I've mentioned in prior columns, there are almost 700 Sigma Nu initiates kil
The Delta - v135n1 - Founders' Gravesites Renovated
...Perspectives on Our Past As we approach the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Sigma Nu, it is fitting that we remember and honor our three Founders. To that end, the fraternity and three of our
The Delta - v135n1 - Unsung: The Ray Ewry Story
...Unsung: The Raw Ewry Story Perspectives on Our Past By Bob McCully (San Diego State) In my “Perspectives on our Past” column in the summer 2013 issue of The Delta, I wrote about Ray Ewry, the
The Delta - v135n2 - Perspectives on Our Past - James Frank Hopkins, Alpha #1
...Perspectives on Our Past This column, the third about our Founders, continues the events leading up to Sigma Nu’s 150th Anniversary in 2019. We’ve focused each of the preceding years on one of the
The Delta - v136n1 - In Memoriam
...In Memoriam Perspectives on Our Past Hall of Honor inductee and Grand Historian Robert A. “Bob” McCully (San Diego State) entered the Chapter Eternal on July 3, 2019. As Grand Historian, Brothe

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9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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