Dispatches from The Legion of Honor
Chapter & Alumni News from the Spring 2022 Quarterly

Kappa Lambda Chapter at the University of Akron has a lot to celebrate. At the university's 2021 Greek Leadership Awards the chapter was awarded the Bronze Dean's Cup and awards for Philanthropic Excellence, Member Development, and Alumni Outreach.
Alabama in Huntsville

In January, the Mu Beta Chapter at the University of Alabama in Huntsville celebrated its 30th anniversary as a chartered chapter of the Legion of Honor. The event served as an opportunity for alumni, guests, and collegiate members to gather together. Highlights from the event included a $4,000 gift to the collegiate chapter by the Mu Beta House Corporation for the chapter's housing fund and a performance by the band Bad Camaro.


Several members of the Gamma Gamma Chapter competed at the 2022 MIAA Indoor Track and Field Championships. Trevor Knowles and Ronnie Puczkowski won first and second in the Triple Jump. Trevor also came second in Long Jump and third in High Jump. Jayden VanMaurick set a personal record in the 3000m.
Appalachian State

Kappa Epsilon Chapter at Appalachian State has been busy providing service to their local community. The brothers have completed two large service projects this spring; one involving a clean-up of Green Street and the other which saw the chapter cleaning forest debris in the surrounding area.


The Epsilon Alpha Chapter at the University of Arizona had a great showing at the university's annual Order of Omega Greek Awards. Epsilon Alpha brought home the following awards: Greek Life Outstanding Member for Douglas Kelham, Greek Life Chapter Advisor of the Year for Jason Turetzky, Most Improved IFC GPA, and Outstanding Community Service Award for Biggest Community Impact.
Arizona State

Earlier this year, the Commander of Zeta Upsilon Chapter Rudy Garcia and Brother John Hopkins accepted a plaque from Childhelp’s Chief Development Officer, Michael Medoro. In the same exchange, Commander Garcia presented Medoro with a check for $30,400, which was raised from the chapter's fall philanthropy, Sigma Boo. Zeta Upsilon Chapter has raised funds and volunteered for Childhelp dating back to the early 1980s.

Over the weekend of March 12, the Gamma Upsilon Chapter at the University of Arkansas hosted their annual Mom's Weekend event celebrating the mothers of members of the chapter.

Arkansas - Fort Smith

Brother Bao Ha of the Nu Alpha Chapter at the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith was crowned as the university's 2022 Homecoming King. When asked what the university meant to him, Bao had this to say, "The UAFS community is something that I value the most during my time here at UAFS. No matter where you are, you will always get the help you need and everyone welcomes you with open arms. Even though the end of my college career is near, I cannot wait to give back and support the UAFS community in the future. To say I am proud to be a Lion is an understatement and it is my honor to represent Sigma Nu as a UAFS Homecoming King.”

On February 9, 2020, the Beta Theta Chapter at the University of Auburn welcomed Jeff Struecker, decorated Army Ranger, combat veteran, and member of the Ranger Hall of Fame as a guest speaker for the chapter. Jeff served for ten years in the 75th Ranger Regiment in positions from Private to Platoon Sergeant. While serving in this unit Jeff competed in and won the David L. Grange Best Ranger Competition in 1996. He taught ROTC at the University of Louisville and was recognized in 1998 as the US Army ROTC, Noncommissioned Officer of the year. Jeff spent his final ten years in the US Army serving as a chaplain in Airborne and Ranger units. Brother Will Ramberg and his father helped to make the opportunity for Jeff to present to the chapter possible.
Ball State

Over the weekend of March 18-20, brothers from the Theta Nu Chapter at Ball State University made a pilgrimage to Lexington, Va. from Muncie, Ind. to visit the site of the Fraternity’s founding. While in town, brothers received tours of headquarters and VMI and were led through two LEAD Sessions facilitated by General Fraternity staff member Michael Lay (Arkansas - Fort Smith). The chapter was accompanied on their trip by two alumni advisors Trampas Whalin and Jesse Shawver.

In early March, Zeta Phi Chapter at Bradley University was highlighted with news coverage of their annual Game Ball Run fundraiser. The Brothers raised money by running from Normal, Ill. to Peoria, Ill. as a part of their rivalry with Illinois State University. For the chapter's 20th year of the Game Ball Run, the chapter was able to raise $21,042 for Almost Home Kids, a transitional home that is part of the Children's Hospital of Illinois.

Members of the Epsilon Mu Chapter at Butler University represented the Fraternity at the university's annual Dance Marathon event. The members were able to raise over $2,000 as a team for Riley Children's Hospital!
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Through their annual philanthropy, Ducky Derby, the Kappa Pi Chapter at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo raised $13,541 benefiting Jack's Helping Hand, a charity that provides assistance and programs to children with cancer and special needs. This year's event marks the chapter's ninth year in partnership with Jack's Helping Hand.
Carnegie Mellon

In late February, brothers of the Delta Sigma Chapter at Carnegie Mellon University participated in the Rise Against Hunger service event. The brothers prepared and packaged meals to be sent out around the world to benefit those in need.
Central Oklahoma

In early March, the Mu Tau Chapter at the University of Central Oklahoma celebrated the chapter's 20th anniversary. Collegiate and alumni brothers gathered for their annual White Rose Formal and also hosted a cookout to celebrate the milestone.

Theta Zeta Chapter at Clemson University presented a check to Clemson Football Head Coach Dabo Swinney for his All In Team Foundation. The chapter raised money through their annual Game Ball Run event, which occurs every fall.

During the weekend of March 5, Members from the Gamma Theta Colony at Cornell University ventured to Tuscarora Scout Reservation for their Leadership Retreat. There members engaged in team-building and leadership development exercises.

On February 5, brothers from the Kappa Delta Chapter at Duquesne University presented the American Gold Star Mothers with a $16,096 check raised through the chapter's philanthropy fall event. Unfortunately, the chapter was unable to make its annual trip to Washington, D.C. to present the check in person due to the weather. However, the chapter was able to organize a presentation with members of the organization to talk about how they will use the money raised to positively impact Gold Star families.

In late February, brothers of the Epsilon Zeta Chapter at the University of Florida spent their Saturday morning working with Keep Alachua Beautiful to pick up litter and clean up 34th Street in Gainesville, Fla.

Throughout the month of February, Kappa Chi Chapter at Furman University raised money for the Ava Claire Devine Foundation, which helps girls and women who are victims of sex trafficking. In early February, brothers hosted a car wash and later sold pizza outside the university library. In total, the chapter raised over $1,000 for the charity.
Georgia Southern

Brothers from the Theta Kappa Chapter at Georgia Southern University traveled with Georgia Southern Cru to the Dominican Republic during spring break. While in the DR, the brothers helped install roughly 300 clean water filters.
Georgia State

Brothers from the Eta Gamma Chapter at Georgia State University worked with the women of the Theta Beta Chapter of Phi Mu Sorority to plant an urban orchard for Community Foodscapes in downtown Atlanta, Ga.
Georgia Tech

In February, brothers from the Gamma Alpha Chapter at Georgia Tech partnered with the women of the Theta Zeta Chapter of Phi Mu Sorority to host a food drive for the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
High Point

On February 2, the Nu Delta Chapter at High Point University donated $11,000 to the American Heart Association.

On February 26, 2022, collegiate and alumni brothers of the Zeta Chi Chapter at the University of Houston gathered together at the University of Houston Alumni Center for a special occasion; the initiation of their 1,000th brother!

This past January, Gamma Mu Chapter alumnus Scott Walker was able to see his grandson, Rob Walker, become his fraternity brother. During Rob's initiation ceremony at the University of Oklahoma, he was initiated with his grandfather's 66-year-old badge from his time as a collegiate member of our chapter at the University of Illinois. Rob (left) was initiated into the Delta Epsilon Chapter as Delta Epsilon #2294 on January 24, 2022. Scott (right) is Gamma Mu #873. He was initiated in 1956.
Illinois State

Brothers from the Theta Rho Chapter at Illinois State University spent the weekend of March 19 volunteering with the Midwest Food Bank. Through their service effort, the men were able to feed over 700 families.

The Beta Eta Colony at Indiana University hosted a Sigma Nu Moms event at a local bowling alley celebrating their support of their sons and colony members.

Early in the morning of February 6, brothers of the Kappa Theta Chapter at Jacksonville University volunteered at the Donna Marathon in Jacksonville, Fla. Proceeds from the marathon support the Donna Foundation, which provides financial assistance to those living with breast cancer and funds research for cancer prevention.
Jacksonville State

Brothers from the Iota Lambda Chapter at Jacksonville State University hosted a Rent-A-Pup event supporting Rockin P Rescue, which helps in the care for and adoption of unwanted, neglected, and abandoned dogs.

Over their spring break, a few brothers from the Mu Pi Chapter at Jefferson University traveled to rural Guatemala to set up free clinics and give medical attention to hundreds of patients.
Kennesaw State

The Iota Pi Chapter at Kennesaw State University hosted a donut competition philanthropy event. The event raised over $650 for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Eleven brothers from the Gamma Iota Chapter at the University of Kentucky participated in the university’s DanceBlue dance marathon event. Five members served as committee members for the philanthropy event, which saw the university raise $1.43 million for the DanceBlue Kentucky Children’s Hospital Hematology/Oncology Clinic.
Louisiana at Lafayette

In late February, brothers from the Eta Nu Chapter at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette participated in a cleanup of the area within and around Holy Rosary Institute. The effort was done in partnership with Parish Proud, a local nonprofit assisting in cleaning up litter.
Louisiana Tech

For Christmas, the Eta Zeta Chapter at Louisiana Tech raised money through philanthropy to adopt ten kids and give them gifts this year.

In late March, brothers from the Eta Chapter at Mercer University volunteered at Backpack Buddies to help pack food bags for their local community.

In February, the Gamma Nu Chapter at the University of Michigan raised a record-setting $202,213 to benefit Autism Alliance of Michigan, Fisher House Foundation, and The Women’s Center of Southeast Michigan. The money was raised through Winterfest, the chapter’s ice hockey philanthropy.

The Gamma Tau Chapter at the University of Minnesota partnered with the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega and the non-profit charity Feed My Starving Children to pack 21,168 meals for children in need in Ukraine.
Gamma Tau chapter brother Devin Hunt placed second in the open division of the USA Powerlifting Minnesota State Championships. He obtained state records in squat, deadlift, and total for the Teen III 100kg Division.

Missouri S&T

To celebrate MLK Day, brothers from the Gamma Xi Chapter at Missouri University of Science and Technology gave their time to the Phelps County Faith Distribution to help set up for an upcoming food drive.
Missouri State

Theta Sigma Chapter at Missouri State University pulled double painting duty with their February service effort. The brothers volunteered their time setting up a fundraising event for a locally based rescue team, 4 The Love of K9s, and also painted a hallway for the Nixa Christian Church, where the fundraiser was held.
North Carolina State

In solidarity with children who lose their hair during chemotherapy, brothers of the Beta Tau Chapter at North Carolina State University participated in a head-shaving event in partnership with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. The chapter raised over $5,000 for the event to fund research and cancer prevention through the Foundation.
North Dakota State

The Eta Theta Chapter at North Dakota State University participated in a Green Bandana Project Training. The project seeks to help reduce the stigma around mental health.

For the chapter's 113th chartering anniversary, brothers and guests of the Delta Epsilon Chapter at the University of Oklahoma gathered at The Jones Assembly in Oklahoma City. The Founders' Day event was highlighted by food, fun, and fellowship with ~250 people in attendance.
Oklahoma State

At the beginning of February, the brothers of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State University celebrated a very special moment by hosting their topping out ceremony where their active chapter and alumni donors had the chance to sign the final beam of their new chapter house. Collegiate and alumni brothers are very excited for the chapter to get to move into their new home this fall.


Brother Luke Nemec of the Beta Zeta Chapter at Purdue University is a defenseman for the Purdue Men’s Ice Hockey team. The men’s team recently won the 2022 ICHC Championship.

On February 26, the Iota Chapter at Samford University hosted their inaugural Good Deed Day. For Good Deed Day, the chapter spent the entire day participating in a wide range of community service activities and fundraising events. Some of the service activities included participating in trash cleanups, providing food for the Samford police department and fire station, performing yard work for an elderly resident, donating coloring books to the Exceptional Foundation, and serving meals to more than 90 individuals without a home in the Samford community. In addition to the chapter’s service events, the chapter was also able to raise close to $4,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Alabama Kidney Foundation. Chapter service and philanthropy chairmen Matthew Guerra and Lucas Martin-Schimmelpfennig were central to the success of the chapter's event.

In mid-February, the Beta Omicron Chapter at Sewanee: The University of the South hosted a community engagement event with the Sewanee Police Department. The brothers welcomed the officers for coffee and breakfast.
South Florida

The Theta Alpha Chapter at the University of South Florida hosted their first-ever Battle of Greek Fields events. With the help of the USF Greek Community, the chapter was able to raise $11,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project.
Stephen F. Austin State

For MLK Day, the Mu Upsilon Chapter at Stephen F. Austin State University participated in community service. The brothers had the opportunity to clean up local parks in the Nacogdoches community.

Brothers of the Epsilon Eta Chapter at the University of Tennessee spent their afternoon serving the local Knoxville, Tenn. community in early February. The men helped extract invasive species at the Ijams Nature Center.
Tennessee at Chattanooga

Over the weekend of March 4-6, brothers from the Nu Epsilon Chapter at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga made a pilgrimage to Lexington, Va. to visit the site of the Fraternity’s founding. While in town, brothers received tours of headquarters and VMI provided by General Fraternity staff member Nick Murphy (Kentucky). The chapter was also able to initiate two new Knights and pin two new candidates.
Texas Christian

In February, the Lambda Epsilon Chapter at Texas Christian University held its annual Puppy Kissing Booth led by our Philanthropy Chairman Ash Harris. This year, the chapter raised over $5,000 for Saving Hope Animal Rescue.
Texas Tech

The brothers of the Zeta Pi Chapter at Texas Tech University volunteered at the 70th Annual Lubbock Lion’s Club Pancake Festival. Brothers cooked pancakes and sausages and served food to the local community. The event raised over $130,000, going directly back to Lubbock charities.
UC Davis

Last September, Zeta Xi Chapter at UC Davis checked off the last of the goals the members and alumni had set for themselves during their 2007 recolonization. On September 1, 2021, the chapter finally returned to their beloved chapter home at 101 Russell Blvd. after a 29-year absence. Brothers and guests gathered together in mid-October to celebrate the return with an alumni reunion BBQ that featured over 200 guests.
Below is a photo taken of the original handwritten goal sheet created by Chapter Advisor Mike Wheeler (UC Davis) during an early recolonization meeting with former General Fraternity Staff Member Chris Healy (Fresno State).

UNC Asheville

Over the weekend of February 18-20, brothers from the Mu Eta Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Asheville made a pilgrimage to Lexington, Va. to visit the site of the Fraternity’s founding. While in town, brothers received tours of headquarters and VMI and were led through a recruitment workshop provided by General Fraternity staff member Christopher Brenton (North Carolina State).

Brothers from the Gamma Chi Chapter at the University of Washington participated in a local cleanup of Green Lake near Seattle, Wash.
Washington and Lee

In early March, two Lambda Chapter alumni from Washington and Lee University were recognized by the university as this year's Distinguished Five-Star Alumni Award Winners. Brother Dr. Preston C. Manning Jr. and Brother Henry Coke Morgan Jr. received their awards virtually during the university's Five-Star Festival. Profiles of the alumni and their accomplishments can be found here.

Westminster College will recognize the outstanding achievements and leadership of college alumnus and trustee emeritus William W. Rankin by awarding him with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree at the institution’s 168th commencement exercises on May 14. While a student at Westminster College, Brother Rankin served as the Commander of the Epsilon Psi Chapter. A complete summary of Brother Rankin's accomplishments can be found here.
West Georgia

The Theta Pi Chapter at the University of West Georgia coordinated with the university to host a LEAD Session on creating a vision and setting chapter goals.
West Texas A&M

In February, brothers from the Eta Delta Chapter at West Texas A&M University spent a day cleaning up a local highway through the state’s Adopt A Highway program.