Dispatches from The Legion of Honor
Chapter & Alumni News for the Winter 2021 Quarterly

On November 7, brothers from the Kappa Lambda Chapter at the University of Akron held their Kornhole for the Kids philanthropy event. The event, a bracket-style tournament where participants competed in competitive cornhole matches, raised over $3,300 in funds benefiting the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

On October 18, the Theta Chapter at the University of Alabama welcomed Regent-Elect Maury Gaston (Auburn) for dinner and a special message for the entire chapter. During his visit, Regent-Elect Gaston delivered a presentation on the organizational structure of the General Fraternity and spoke about the rich history of the Theta Chapter.
Alabama in Huntsville

The Brothers of Mu Beta Chapter at the University of Alabama in Huntsville helped The Huntsville Margarita Society set up and work their annual Margarita Ball. The event, hosted in The Van Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama, collected over 5,100 toys for the children in need during this holiday season. The Mu Beta Chapter has been involved with the Margarita Society for over 20 years and this year was a record number of attendees and toys donated. Twenty-five brothers worked the event. The chapter also has alumni who have stayed involved because of the motivating mission of the Society. The Ball was canceled last year due to COVID-19, which the Brothers think motivated people, even more, to help out this year. One of the chapter's goals is to recruit more brothers to help provide even more workers for next year!

On October 16, Brothers from the Gamma Gamma Chapter at Albion College partnered with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority members to participate in a community beautification project sponsored by Citizens to Beautify Albion. The members participated in clean-up efforts and gardening at the Weatherford Garden.
Appalachian State

Brothers from the Kappa Epsilon Chapter at Appalachian State University continued the chapter's partnership with Adopt-a-Street. Pictured are members of the chapter after participating in a recent clean-up effort.

In alumni news, Kappa Epsilon Alumnus Mitch Purgason was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 in the Art & Style section. Forbes had this to say about his recognition, "Bespoke clothing designer Mitch Purgason has made clothes for Bubba Wallace, Gary Vaynerchuk, Christian McCaffery, and over 300 others. Making suits, shirts, leather products, and shoes, he's generating upwards of $1.4 million in annual revenue."

Pictured are Epsilon Alpha Chapter Philanthropy-Co-Chairs Ethan Wells and Tucker Blanksma donating blankets from a recent in-house blanket drive benefiting The Salvation Army.
In a chapter news submission to the General Fraternity, the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at the University of Arizona provided the following update, "The Epsilon Alpha Chapter is happy to be approaching the end of our first complete semester since our re-chartering in February. As a chapter, we grew our brotherhood by initiating 20 young men in October. The Epsilon Alpha chapter is excited to see what they will do in their collegiate careers and beyond as brothers of Sigma Nu.
In the first week of November, Epsilon Alpha was able to host its first Homecoming Week since rechartering with the Chi Omega Sorority chapter at the University of Arizona. The chapter participated in social events capped off with a joint philanthropy event on Friday at the Scented Leaf. The Epsilon Alpha Chapter will also participate in a community service event with Chi Omega on December 4 with Serve Tucson to help the local homeless community and put up Christmas decorations.
Epsilon Alpha finished Homecoming week with an open house on Saturday after Arizona's victory over Cal's football team. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, alumni have not been able to visit the Epsilon Alpha house since its re-chartering, so the chapter was extremely grateful to host alumni at the house during Homecoming!
Epsilon Alpha hosted a 5K memorial walk for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with the University of Arizona Veterans Center and the Omega Psi Phi fraternity. This event would not have been possible if not for the hard work of brother Christian Flores, a US Navy veteran and assistant at the Veterans Center. Epsilon Alpha hopes to continue this tradition annually and expand the event to provide further support for the Veterans Center at the University of Arizona.
Epsilon Alpha is also extremely proud of Jose Hernandez and Jerah Francone for finishing their terms as the IFC VP of Communications and VP of New Members Services. Brother Jose Hernandez opted to reprise his role as VP of Communications for the IFC this coming year. The chapter is proud of other brothers for their continued service to the betterment of the overall Greek community.
Finally, Epsilon Alpha would like to thank our chapter advisor, Jason Turetzky, and the other members of our Alumni Advisory Board for their unwavering support and insight."
Arizona State

During the month of October, Zeta Upsilon Chapter at Arizona State University hosted their annual fall philanthropy, Sigma Boo. Sigma Boo is a week-long philanthropy composed of several unique events, including a haunted house, a bachelor auction, and the chapter's signature event, "Dancing with the Snu's." This year's Sigma Boo event saw unprecedented success, with the chapter raising a total of $30,400 to benefit ChildHelp, a national charity whose mission is to prevent child abuse.

On November 10, General Fraternity staff member Scott Smith (Central Arkansas) attended and served as a guest speaker at a luncheon of 1960s era Gamma Upsilon Chapter (Arkansas) alumni. The group of alumni gathers at least twice annually for lunch at Café Bossa Nova in Little Rock, Ark., which is owned by a fellow alumnus. Alumnus James "Jim" E. McClelland, Jr. organizes the gatherings. The Gamma Upsilon brothers use their time together to reconnect, share stories from their time in Fayetteville, and hear from a guest speaker. This particular luncheon was about a two-hour affair and included badge numbers as old as the 700s, up through about a 10-year run in the 1960s (starting around Gamma Upsilon 1000). Among alumni in attendance was a current Gamma Upsilon Alumni Chapter officer, Gary Newton.

In other chapter news, Gamma Upsilon Brother Coleman Warren was named a 2022 Rhodes Scholar. Brother Warren is currently the Associated Student Government President at the university and is an honors double major in industrial engineering and political science. Warren is the university's 11th Rhodes Scholar overall and first since 2000. For the 2022 competition, more than 2,300 students applied for the Rhodes scholarship, with 235 finalists selected from 76 different colleges and universities. Brother Warren was one of 32 students chosen as Rhodes Scholars.
Finally, seventy alumni members of the Gamma Upsilon Chapter volunteered to serve as Pledge Fathers for the seventy-eight Fall 2021 candidate class members. The one-to-one alumni mentor initiative was piloted to great success with the Spring 2021 candidate class when each Gamma Upsilon Alumni Chapter Board member was assigned one of twenty candidates. For the Fall 2021 class, Pledge Father volunteers moved beyond the board, with initiation numbers ranging from the 1,000s to the 3,000s and spanning seven decades. According to alumni chapter Commander Tim Higginbotham, "Through personal relationships, these men will enrich the lives of their future brothers, improve our chapter, and give Gamma Upsilon another game-changing advantage in rush." Alumni were encouraged to make the relationship their own and share their experiences on the alumni chapter's social media platforms to recruit more Pledge Fathers for future classes.
Arkansas at Fort Smith

On November 17, the Nu Alpha Chapter candidate class at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith hosted a volleyball tournament benefiting the Boys and Girls Club. The event was a great success, with the chapter raising $500 for the charity.

On October 30, before the Auburn v. Ole Miss game, the candidate classes of Spring, Fall, and Winter 1987 and '88 gathered at the pavilion those same classes had built for their 30th anniversary and dedicated the pavilion to their Candidate Marshal, Charles S. Davis.
The funding for the pavilion project was led by Charlie Roach, and construction was led by Matt Rabren of Rabren Construction and Ben Garrett of Ra-Lin Construction. It's a favorite gathering place and location for many cookouts and grilling experiences.
Chapter Commander Harrison Rudd welcomed the group, Chaplain Nolan Sasser offered an invocation, Regent-Elect Maury D. Gaston recognized the classes and their generosity and accomplishments, and past Commander Jim Moss addressed the crowd with words of remembrance and tribute to Charles.
On hand for the event were Charles' wife, Anna, sons Sam and Jack, daughter Julie, brother Gary, sister-in-law Mary Beth, nephew Taylor and niece Katie.
The entire event is an example of the value of Fraternity, the principles of Love, Honor, and Truth, and evidence of "keep[ing] green the sainted memory of our loved and lost, their faults forgotten, their virtues enshrined in our hearts forever."

Ball State

On Saturday, November 6, brothers of the Theta Nu Chapter at Ball State University hosted an anniversary celebration recognizing their 50th anniversary as a chartered chapter of the Fraternity. There were 246 alumni and guests there for the event at the convention center, including members of the active chapter. They ran the gamut of all pin numbers for the chapter, including Theta Nu #1, G. Lynn Morris.
There were several presentations made during the evening. Brother Morris gave a historical perspective of the chapter focusing on the fact that the chapter was known back in the day for bringing in bands to campus like Chicago, 3 Dog Night, among others. A remarkable memorial service was performed by Brother Larry Dimick. He read the names as a candle was lit for some 34 brothers who had entered Chapter Eternal. Brother Bob Kasper discussed brotherhood during his time at the microphone. He also let the group know about a scholarship fund that had been created for the chapter.
Richard Sutton received several recognitions from G. Lynn Morris, David McCoy, and Terry Greetham for his and his wife's efforts in coordinating the event.
Grand Treasurer Al Wurster (Purdue) was also in attendance to present the chapter with the anniversary plaque commemorating the chapter's 50-year milestone.

Earlier this fall, the General Fraternity profiled Zeta Phi Chapter alumnus Jeff Hoffman. In the profile, Brother Hoffmann shared his Sigma Nu experience and insights from his time writing his debut novel, "Other People's Children." To read more about Brother Hoffmann, consider reading his full profile HERE.
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

For the past eight years, the Kappa Pi Chapter at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) has raised money for local philanthropic organization, Jack's Helping Hand, with their annual Ducky Derby event. Jack's Helping Hand raises money for children with cancer and special needs in the San Luis Obispo community. This October, brothers from the chapter delivered a check for $9,102 to the organization from their 2021 event.
Cal State LA
Eta Phi Chapter Alumnus David Lozano is on the campaign trail to become the next California Governor in the upcoming 2022 election. This fall, he stopped by to visit his old stomping grounds at the Eta Phi Chapter House after decades of worldwide adventures after leaving college. Brother Lozano grew up in Alhambra, graduating from San Gabriel High School, where he rushed Sigma Nu with his Alpha Beta pledge brothers his first week upon arriving on the campus of California State Los Angeles. David held many positions in the Fraternity and eventually became Eminent Commander in 1980. David also was elected to the University's Student Body Council Board of Directors, Representative of the School of Letters and Science.
Since rekindling ties with his chapter, Brother David recently attended one of the chapter's gatherings to offer opportunities and advice to those seeking careers related to criminal justice and law. He also met with the chapter's Candidate Marshal and Eminent Commander and took them out to celebrate their accomplishments and recognize Eta Phi for its achievements.
Case Western Reserve

The Delta Alpha Chapter at Case Western Reserve University hosted their annual AAC (Alumni-Active-Candidate Dinner) this fall. The dinner is held every fall with alumni from the chapter and is a great opportunity for younger and older members to connect. This year's event was held at the Holy Rosary Church in Cleveland, Ohio.
Central Arkansas

This fall, the Lambda Phi Chapter at the University of Central Arkansas celebrated the grand opening of their new chapter home. Alumni and collegiate members were in attendance at a celebration and housewarming to commemorate the occasion.
Central Oklahoma

Brothers from the Mu Tau Chapter at the University of Central Oklahoma participated in a World Kindness Day event benefiting The K Club. The K Club is an organization founded by Keaton Barrón, whose mission is built on the idea of random acts of kindness.

The Members of the Iota Rho Colony at the College of Charleston celebrate together after a recent beach clean-up day. The men regularly participate in beach clean-ups to make a positive impact in their local community.

Theta Zeta Alumnus Nelson Wills recently won an election and will become the next Mayor for the town of Cramerton, North Carolina. Brother Wills had not held political office before but ran for Mayor against an incumbent candidate, winning 52% of the vote.

In a chapter news submission to the General Fraternity, the Gamma Kappa Chapter at the University of Colorado, Boulder provided the following update, "Over the 2021 Fall semester, The Sigma Nu Gamma Kappa Chapter at CU Boulder has supported and raised money for several different organizations, including the Feel Good Foundation and Global Down Syndrome Foundation, and volunteered over 200 hours at the Colorado Railroad Museum.
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation is an organization we have supported for the past few years. We are extremely proud of our involvement with this foundation as we have developed a relationship with them and understand how important their cause is.
At the recent IFC Awards Ceremony, there were about 27 chapters involved, and our chapter was recognized as the Chapter of the Year! Not only were we recognized as Chapter of the Year but also, Brother Ryan Pagnelli, who was the fall IFC Treasurer, was recognized with the award of Outstanding Senior, and Brother Carter Lake was recognized with the Individual Academic Award. We are extremely proud of these accomplishments and are beyond excited to share them with the Fraternity.

Sigma Nu Fraternity has returned to Cornell University! A recolonization effort is currently underway, and General Fraternity staff will continue to be on-site throughout the spring term. The colony's primary recruitment period is quickly approaching. If you are aware of a man attending Cornell and would be a good fit for the Fraternity, please consider submitting a prospective member referral!

On October 30, the Brothers of Kappa Delta Chapter at Duquesne University held their White Rose Ball, which is their philanthropy event that supports the American Gold Star Mothers. The chapter was able to raise over $15,000 for this impactful organization.
East Carolina

During the weekend of November 20, Brothers from the Eta Beta Chapter at East Carolina University organized and hosted a LEAD Retreat for the chapter. Alumni and guest facilitators were invited to lead educational programs focused on leadership development for members of the chapter.
Eastern Kentucky

During the weekend of October 30, the Brothers of Theta Theta Chapter traveled to Lexington, Virginia, to visit the Fraternity's Headquarters Shrine. While in Lexington, the chapter participated in numerous activities, including tours of the headquarters and VMI, LEAD facilitation, and the initiation of their most recent candidate class.
Eastern Michigan

Lambda Pi Chapter Alumnus Mike Wilcox and his wife Jennifer have been selected to perform the coin toss at the 2022 Vrbo Citrus Bowl. Brother Wilcox, a retired firefighter, received recognition last year after making his vacation rental available free to first responders who needed to quarantine during the initial wave of the pandemic. More information about Brother Wilcox's rental can be found HERE.

This fall, the brothers of the Kappa Chi Chapter at Furman University held a car wash to raise funds for the Ava Claire DeVine Foundation. The brothers washed over 50 cars and raised over $300 in donations for the charity.
Georgia Tech

Members of the Fall 2021 Candidate Class from the Gamma Alpha Chapter at Georgia Tech traveled to Bessie Branham Park in Atlanta to volunteer with TEAM Buzz. During the event, members made a positive impact on the local community by helping clean up the neighborhood park.
High Point

On November 6, the Brothers of the Nu Delta Chapter hosted an anniversary celebration recognizing their 5th anniversary milestone. The chapter officially presented the chapter and alumni with an award recognizing the chapter's recent Rock Chapter distinction during the event.

During the Weekend of October 16, Nu Beta Commander Will Bearden presented an award on behalf of Huntingdon College's Alumni Board, the Outstanding Young Alumni Award, to one of the chapter's founding fathers, NB #006, Jhavonn Brown. The Outstanding Young Alumni Award is an award provided by the university which recognizes alumni for their achievement, loyalty, and service.

This fall, the brothers of the Delta Omicron Chapter at the University of Idaho held their annual Parent's Weekend. The weekend serves as a time for the brothers and their families to connect with the larger chapter. An Idaho victory in football made the weekend extra special.
Illinois State

The brothers of the Theta Rho Chapter at Illinois State hosted their PUPPY HEAVΣN event. Though the weather was chilly, the brothers put on a great event, which benefited the Wishbone Canine Rescue in helping provide local rescues with homes.

The men of the Beta Eta Colony at Indiana University hosted a successful Dad's Weekend. The weekend was a great opportunity for members of the colony and their fathers to connect and get to know one another.
Jacksonville State

Brothers of Iota Lambda Chapter at Jacksonville State University had a great time at their annual Alumni/Active Thanksgiving Dinner.

Brother Dr. Sean Killion of the Mu Pi Chapter was recognized this fall with the Joanne Goldwater Distinguished Senior Level Professional Award. The recognition comes from the Mid-Atlantic Association of College and University Housing Officers or MACUHO. Brother Killion is the Interim Director of Housing Operations for Temple University.

On the weekend of October 16, the Nu Chapter at the University of Kansas celebrated their homecoming weekend. This year also marks the 100th anniversary since the chapter occupied their chapter home, the Stubbs Mansion.

Earlier this year, the General Fraternity shared the story of the Eta Mu (A) Chapter at Kettering University and their rise from the ashes after their historic home was lost to an electrical fire. Read more about this inspiring story of the active chapter and alumni coming together to build back stronger than ever. Click HERE to access the story.

In October, Zeta Psi Chapter at Lamar University celebrated the initiation of their newest knight, Brother Nate Graham, son of long-time volunteer, Division Commander Chris Graham. Brother Nate was initiated as a non-matriculate initiate with many alumni friends of the Graham family in attendance to celebrate the occasion.
Louisiana State (LSU)

On October 10, Brothers from the Phi Chapter at LSU hosted their annual philanthropy event, Sigma CaNu. Through the canoe reaching tournament, the chapter raised funds in support of the St. Lillian Academy in Baton Rouge. With the help of sponsors and team entry, the chapter raised $6,830 for their charity.
Louisiana Tech

On the weekend of October 23, the Eta Zeta Chapter at Louisiana Tech celebrated the chapter's 60th chartering anniversary and the groundbreaking ceremony of their new 13,500 sq. ft. chapter house. The house is underway, and the construction is scheduled to be completed by the opening of the Fall Quarter, 2022.
During the weekend, the chapter enjoyed a Celebration Banquet on Friday evening, with over 350 alumni, active members, and spouses/dates present. The emcee for the event was long-time Fraternity volunteer Bud Richey. Special guests and speakers included Commander Jackson Kalahiki, Alumni Commander Jason Smith, Pastor John Pecoraro, House Corp. Treasurer Chris Barr, House Corp. President Frank Potts, keynote speaker Jerry Jones, and Barry Maxwell, Eta Zeta Chapter's head storyteller from the 60's era. Special Recognition was given to all the alumni who have contributed to the New House Campaign in the past two years. Special recognition was given to Danny Rea as the largest contributor with $100,000. The oldest brother in attendance was Don Mears of Ruston, Louisiana. Malcolm Murchison read a special letter of celebration from Brother David Wilson, early Commander of Eta Zeta Chapter.
The Groundbreaking Ceremony was also a huge success. More than 400 attended the event on a sunny Saturday Homecoming Day with emcee Danny Rea and special words from University President Dr. Les Guice and Ruston Mayor Ronnie Walker. Many alumni from each decade participated in the shovel-turning photo-op ceremony. Brother Mark Porter welcomed alumni as the Co-Chairman of the fundraising committee. The Ceremony was followed by a fabulous Louisiana fish fry and dinner on the grounds homestyle fellowship.

Active Member of the Mu Chi Chapter at Lynchburg University, Brother Matthew Gillett was awarded the Sommerville Scholarship, a scholarship named in honor of Richard Sommerville. The scholarship is awarded annually to a rising senior student with a GPA of 3.5 or higher scholarship and character without regard to activities or need. Brother Gillett was named the 56th Sommerville Scholar.

The week following Thanksgiving, the Delta Phi Chapter brothers at the University of Maryland hosted a festive philanthropy event. The chapter sold Santa hats with proceeds benefiting the Children's National Hospital in Maryland.

On September 30, brothers and candidates of the Eta Chapter at Mercer University volunteered at Campus Clubs, a local organization that helps kids after school in the Macon-Bibb area of Georgia. This event also served as an opportunity for the active chapter to educate their newest members on how service plays a big role in being a Sigma Nu.

During the weekend of October 30, brothers from the Gamma Nu Chapter at the University of Michigan and the Epsilon Rho Chapter at Michigan State University resurrected an old tradition, the annual Ball Run. Brothers from both Ann Arbor and East Lansing ran from stadium to stadium in anticipation of the Michigan/Michigan State rivalry game. The Ball Run raised more than $5,000 in support of the Wounded Warrior Project.
Michigan State

In late September, brothers from the Epsilon Rho Chapter at Michigan State hosted a blood drive for the East Lansing community.
Minnesota State

In October, the brothers of the Lambda Delta Chapter at Minnesota State University, Mankato spent a nice fall day cleaning up their local highway. The event is a part of the chapter's ongoing partnership with the Adopt-a-Highway program.

Brothers from the Epsilon Xi Chapter at the University of Mississippi recently had the honor of attending the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life's Pillars of Fraternity and Sorority Life Gala. There, long-time advisor, professor, and alumnus Dr. Jimmy Davis was recognized with the naming of a Pillar. Brother Dr. Davis is a tenured Peery Professor of Accounting and has been a member of the faculty at the university since 1965.

Mississippi State

In late October, Brothers from the Iota Gamma Chapter at Mississippi State University partnered with the Starkville Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Brothers spent the day making a positive impact in the local community.

Earlier this fall, the Rho Chapter at the University of Missouri organized a sold-out philanthropy concert at The Blue Note on Saturday, September 11, raising over $21,500 for Welcome Home, a homeless veterans' facility in Columbia, Missouri. The chapter members increased their social fee for the fall semester to underwrite the event's costs so that all ticket sales benefited Welcome Home.
Also, on October 1-3, the chapter celebrated its 135th anniversary with an alumni weekend in Columbia. Events included a golf scramble and reception/open house on Friday, a tailgate at the stadium on Saturday morning, block seating for the football game, and a brunch at the house on Sunday morning. During the Friday reception, 70 alumni and over 100 current chapters members gathered to enjoy a BBQ dinner and brotherhood, most staying late into the evening.
Missouri S&T

To get ready for the Christmas holiday, Brothers and Candidates from the Gamma Xi Chapter at the Missouri University of Science and Technology volunteered with Schuman Park in Rolla, Missouri. The men helped with decorations and ensuring that the park's train was decorated.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

On Monday, October 11, Brothers from the Epsilon Theta Chapter at MIT served as race day volunteers for the 125th Boston Marathon.
Montana and Montana State

In early October, brothers from the Gamma Phi Chapter at the University of Montana and the Zeta Nu Chapter at Montana State University joined forces in service of Turner Farms, a local family farm located just outside Missoula, Montana. The brothers got into the fall spirit working the farm and interacting with customers during the Turner Farms Pumpkin Festival.


In October, brothers from the Delta Eta Chapter at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln volunteered with The Bay. The Bay is a nonprofit organization in the community of Lincoln, Nebraska, that provides a place for the socioeconomically disadvantaged citizens of Lincoln. As the only indoor skatepark, The Bay also has a digital art and media lab, performance venue for all ages, community meeting spaces, an emergency food pantry for those in need, and is home to Goldenrod Cafe!
Providing youth with reassurance and confidence that they are important members and contributors to this community is the focal point of The Bay and can help be achieved through acts of service that the chapter was able to participate in.
New Hampshire

On October 22, the Iota Sigma Alumni Chapter (New Hampshire) hosted their inaugural Iota Sigma Alumni Association Golf Tournament. The event was a great success, with brothers raising just under $8,000 in proceeds leading up to the event.
North Carolina State

During Red & White Week, NC State University's homecoming celebration, Beta Tau Alumnus Daniel Gunter III received the Award for Meritorious Service from the NC State Alumni Association. The Award for Meritorious Service is given to an alumnus who has made outstanding contributions to NC State University, their profession, and the greater community. Brother Gunter is a past president of the Alumni Association's Board of Directors, has served on the Dean's Advisory Board for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity of Wake County.
North Dakota

On November 13, the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at the University of North Dakota hosted their annual philanthropy competition, Drop the Puck. The hockey tournament featured sorority and fraternity team entries, with proceeds going toward suicide prevention.
North Georgia

Brothers of the Kappa Chapter at the University of North Georgia hosted their philanthropy event, "Sigma Nuts," on October 18-20. The chapter sold boiled peanuts at $5 a cup, with proceeds going toward Testicular Cancer Awareness.
Northern Illinois

The Brothers of the Theta Eta Chapter at Northern Illinois University co-hosted and supported the brothers of the Eta Chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. during their Canapalooza canned goods drive. The chapter contributed 1,372 cans, which were donated to the Hope Haven Food Pantry.
Oklahoma State

For Veterans Day, the General Fraternity profiled Sigma Nu alumnus Sergeant First Class Ian Prescott, of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State, to learn more about his story of service, honor, and sacrifice. The article was written by alumnus Chris Codding with assistance from active chapter member Payton Mullikin. To read more about Ian's story, click HERE.
Old Dominion

On November 20, the Eta Chi Chapter at Old Dominion University made a pilgrimage to Lexington, Virginia, to initiate their recent candidate class at the Fraternity's Headquarters Shrine. While in town, the chapter completed tours of the Headquarters and VMI with assistance from staff member Michael Lay (Arkansas-Fort Smith).
Oregon State

In late August, almost 50 alumni brothers of the Delta Tau Chapter and their spouses from the 1950s to the 2000s gathered in Bend, Oregon, to renew their friendships over great food, activities, and the re-telling of long-lost stories from 143 NW 10th Street. During the weekend festivities, the Alumni Chapter also hosted the Inaugural Coy Scroggins Golf Tournament to fund scholarships for deserving undergraduate brothers. In total, the alumni raised $5,577 from the event.

Brother Jeff Hollings has hit the advising recognition trifecta. In 2021, he was named Sigma Nu Chapter Advisor of the Year, Purdue Advisor of the Year, and, most recently, Beta Zeta Chapter recognized his leadership and service to the chapter with an induction into the Beta Zeta Hall of Honor. An outstanding achievement and well-deserved honor for Brother Hollings. Pictured are Jeff (Center) along with two past Beta Zeta Hall of Honor inductees, Grand Treasurer Al Wurster (Left) and long-time advisor Chuck Ludwig (Right).

The Brothers of the Beta Upsilon Chapter at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology remained active in community service and philanthropy throughout the fall term. Pictured are brothers participating in the Rose Fall Day of Service.
St. Louis Alumni Club

On December 4, Brothers from across St. Louis, Missouri, and the surrounding area gathered for the St. Louis Alumni Club Luncheon. Approximately 75 alumni and 10-15 undergraduate officers were in attendance to participate in fellowship and good food.

A big congratulations is in order to Brother Peter Renkoski of the Iota Chapter at Samford University. He will present his senior sports marketing thesis at the 2022 National Council on Undergraduate Research. His thesis, "The Effect of Fantasy Baseball on Sponsorship Effectiveness," focuses on the success of sponsorship-linked marketing in fantasy sports and is one of the first of its kind.

This fall during a chapter meeting, the brothers of the Beta Omicron Chapter at Sewanee: The University of the South celebrated alumnus Chad Trammell’s amazing five years of service as Chapter Advisor. Chad was also the most recent President of the Beta Omicron Alumni Association, which he revived after decades of inactivity. The chapter leadership stated that they would not have a chapter on the mountain without Chad’s extraordinary long-term daily service. During the celebration, the Chapter presented Brother Trammell with a print of the chapter house signed on the back by chapter leadership from the last five years.
South Carolina

The Delta Chapter at the University of South Carolina received recognition for participating in a Walk to End Alzheimer's event in Columbia, South Carolina. The entire chapter participated and raised over $10,000 for the cause.
South Florida

Theta Alpha Chapter at the University of South Florida is home to a Team USA record holder! Brother Max Steinberg competed overseas in a powerlifting competition and broke the world record in his age and weight class with a squat of 660lbs.
Southeast Missouri State

Mu Kappa Chapter Alumnus and now Emmy Award Winner Jamie Overkamp was recently recognized at the 42nd Annual Sports Emmy Awards. Brother Overkamp received an Emmy as the Creative Director for his work on ESPN's The Last Dance "Predictions." A showcase of Brother Overkamp's work can be viewed by clicking HERE.
Southern Methodist

In a chapter news submission to the General Fraternity, the Iota Theta Chapter at the Southern Methodist University provided the following update, "The brothers of the Iota Theta Chapter have been settling into the new chapter house at 3035 Dyer Court. The transition has gone well, thanks to the generosity of donors as part of the chapter's fundraising campaign over the summer. David White provided the lead alumni donation along with several substantial donations from the parents of active members. The house has been outfitted with several amenities and anchors the chapter's presence on campus. The chapter expects the new home will be very beneficial in recruiting its upcoming spring class. The Iota Theta Chapter also continues to maintain high expectations for academic achievement. In a recent academic term, 13 members achieved a 4.00 GPA for the semester. This fall, the chapter enjoyed the opportunity to connect with numerous alumni of the Theta Alpha Chapter (South Florida) before the SMU vs. USF football game. Finally, this semester the chapter was able to host a philanthropy event at the on-campus house. The event included a grill out and pumpkin carving contest to benefit the Red Cross' Hurricane Ida relief efforts.
Southern Mississippi

This fall, the Theta Gamma Chapter at the University of Southern Mississippi was honored with the Aubrey K. Lucas Scholarship Award. This accolade is given to the USM chapter with the highest grade point average.
Stephen F. Austin State

In November, Mu Upsilon Chapter at Stephen F. Austin State University hosted their inaugural Sigma Nu Golf Classic. With the help of all of those who participated in and sponsored the event, the chapter raised $3,000 in funds to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

In preparation for Halloween, Brothers of the Gamma Delta Chapter at the Stevens Institute of Technology got into the holiday spirit with a pumpkin carving brotherhood event.
Texas Christian

This fall, the brothers of the Lambda Epsilon Chapter at Texas Christian University closed out their month-long fundraiser for the Movember Foundation with an astounding $30,873.02 raised. The chapter's total surpassed last year's fundraiser by almost $13,000 and was the most raised among all student organizations that participated at TCU. The Movember Foundation is a charity dedicated to the support and awareness of issues impacting men's health.
Texas State

During the week of November 29 through December 6, brothers from the Eta Tau Chapter at Texas State hosted a toy drive benefiting the Boys and Girls Club of South Central Texas in San Marcos. Pictured are members of the chapter delivering the toys collected during the drive.

On Monday, October 11, alumnus and current Chapter Advisor and AAB Chairman for the Delta Epsilon Chapter (Oklahoma), Tim Fischer (Tulsa) competed in the 125th Boston Marathon. Brother Fischer finished among the top 13% of runners. This was his 23rd completion of the Boston Marathon.
UC Davis

The Zeta Xi Chapter and alumni hosted the Return to Russell Alumni Event. The event served as an opportunity for alumni to revisit and share fond memories tied to the house and the brotherhood built within it.
UC Irvine

Alumnus Brother Jeffrey Vu of the Lambda Omicron Chapter at the University of California, Irvine was honored as a recipient of this year's UC Irvine Health 2021 ARIISE Award.
UC San Diego

Brothers of the Kappa Rho Chapter at the University of California - San Diego got into the Halloween spirit with their fall philanthropy. Through the chapter's "Sigma Boo" event, Kappa Rho collected non-perishable food to feed 1,600+ people as a donation to Mamas Kitchen.

Brothers from the Epsilon Pi Chapter at UCLA hosted a successful Movember Foundation fundraiser during the month of November. The brothers, who raised funds and awareness by growing mustaches, raised $14,743 for the men's health awareness charity.
UNC Asheville

In November, brothers from the Mu Eta Chapter at UNC Asheville volunteered in their local community by serving at the Veterans Restoration Quarters (VRQ), a shelter whose mission is to create a principle-based environment and a comprehensive residential program that addresses every area of restoration in the life of a Veteran experiencing homelessness.

Brothers from the Epsilon Lambda Chapter at the University of Utah hosted their fall philanthropy, Ranch Week. Through the chapter's event, the brothers raised thousands of dollars and donated dozens of medical devices to Project Embrace, a charity dedicated to increasing access to healthcare resources.

The weekend of October 30, brothers from the Kappa Zeta Chapter at Villanova University completed their inaugural Halloween Food Drive. The brothers trick or treated for canned goods around Villanova's campus and collected over 1,400 canned goods. All donations were taken to local food pantries to help fight food insecurity.
Virginia Tech

Brothers from the Theta Xi Chapter at Virginia Tech positively impacted their local community. The brothers volunteer to provide clean-up services at a local church.
Virginia Wesleyan

Brothers from the Iota Beta Chapter at Virginia Wesleyan University made a pilgrimage to the Rock during the weekend of October 9. While in Lexington, the chapter received tours of the Fraternity's Headquarters, VMI, and an All Chapter LEAD Session from Module A on Diversity from staff member Michael Lay (Arkansas-Fort Smith).
Washington in St. Louis

Brothers from the Gamma Omicron Chapter at Washington University in St. Louis got involved with two holiday service activities. Brothers partnered with the Washington University Service Club to wrap presents for the holidays and participated in a Red Cross Blood Drive.

Washington State

The Delta Iota Chapter at Washington State University turned a LEAD Session into a good meal with good company with an Etiquette Dinner. The brothers partnered with the women of the Beta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi at Washington State. Delta Iota alumnus Dick Mitchell served as the facilitator for the event.
West Georgia

In an interview with the General Fraternity, alumnus Chris Haack, from the Theta Pi Chapter at the University of West Georgia, talks about his experience as the Men's Golf coach for the University of Georgia. In the interview, he shares what it was like to lead the university to two national championships and who, among the pros that he's coached, is his favorite. Read more from Brother Haack HERE.
Western Kentucky

In late August, a group of Eta Rho Chapter (Western Kentucky) Alumni gathered at the family home of their late chapter brother, Todd Travis. Forty-three years after their brother's initiation, the alumni have remained close with Todd's family, with this latest gathering underlining the importance and power of connection, love, and fellowship. Hear more about this story HERE.

The General Fraternity interviewed alumnus Chef John Steiding of the Iota Phi Chapter at Wittenberg University. In the profile, Chef John shares his experience with the Fraternity and why he owes everything to the bond of brotherhood. Read more about Chef John HERE.

On November 10, the Brothers of the Eta Omicron Chapter at Wofford College hosted an event to raise money for the Haley Hughes Memorial Scholarship Fund. Haley Hughes was the chapter sweetheart of the Zeta Theta Chapter at Presbyterian College who passed after a tough battle with Ewing Sarcoma. Through the event hosted by the chapter, the brothers raised over $2,000 for the Scholarship Fund.
Submit News for the Next Quarterly
The Fraternity is now collecting stories, news, and updates for the next Chapter and Alumni News Quarterly which will be released for Spring 2022. Have something to share? Click here to submit your chapter news or encourage your alumni and chapter officers to make sure they provide an update for the next Quarterly.