Why do alumni support the Black & Gold Society?
Below a few Sigma Nu alumni share why they support Sigma Nu:

"I am the person and professional I am today thanks in large part to the Sigma Nu Fraternity experience. I’ve gained lifelong friends and valuable lessons in leadership, service, and accountability. I support the Educational Foundation so Sigma Nu can continue to recruit, develop, and support ethical leaders dedicated to excellence guided by the values of Love, Honor, and Truth."
-Wells Ellenberg, Mu Chapter (Georgia), Initiated 2009

"Giving to Sigma Nu adds value to our brand and helps our next generation excel. Sigma Nu put me in a position to succeed and now I believe it is my obligation to help create that opportunity for others. I believe that not giving back fosters the expectation that average is acceptable which ultimately results in mediocre performance - and as I once heard, 'there’s no honor in mediocrity.'"
-Mark McClure, Epsilon Epsilon (Oklahoma State University), Initiated 2007
"I financially support Sigma Nu Fraternity because of the effect that membership has had on my life and my knowledge that it can have similar effects on current and future members. Through my membership and service in various roles including the role of Commander, I learned the basic leadership skills that served me well throughout my life. By attending several national fraternity conventions, I was able to visit many national parks and monuments and gained a real appreciation of how large and wonderful our country is. Being a Sigma Nu resulted in making many life-long friends. Most importantly, while Sigma Nu helped me meet my future and now current wife, resulting in a marriage of 59 years and a wonderful family."
-Bill Pritts, Delta Alpha (Case Western Reserve University), Initiated 1958