1869 Club
The opportunity
Are you a collegiate member of Sigma Nu who has had a positive Sigma Nu Fraternity experience? Do you feel you have grown as a person and leader during your time in Sigma Nu? If so, please join your fellow brothers in joining the 1869 Club today. 
What is the 1869 Club?
The 1869 Club is Sigma Nu’s collegiate giving society for members who give at least $18.69 to the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation during the fiscal year.
With your support, the General Fraternity can provide an outstanding Sigma Nu Fraternity experience and continue to improve or expand our leadership development and educational programs for collegians at your chapter and across the country.
When you join the 1869 Club, you are supporting the brothers in your chapter and more than 10,500 brothers across the country.
Your investment in Sigma Nu also helps protect, strengthen and advance our Fraternity.
How do I join the 1869 Club?
Visit the Donate Now page and join your brothers in support of Sigma Nu! We accept Venmo, Credit Cards and pledges.
If you have questions, please contact the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation staff at foundation@sigmanu.org.
Why should you join the 1869 Club?
The following are some reasons that collegians have joined the 1869 Club in the past year:
- You want to support the brothers in your chapter and help develop their mind, heart and character.
- You believe it is important that Sigma Nu remain a strong national fraternity.
- You believe it is important that Sigma Nu continue to provide the best leadership development program, the LEAD Program, for collegians in the fraternity and sorority community.
- You believe it is important for Sigma Nu to hire outstanding Chapter Leadership Consultants to support, coach, and share best practices with chapter officers and chapter members.
- You believe it is important for Sigma Nu to build a strong brotherhood in your chapter and nationally based on Love, Honor and Truth.
- You believe it is important for Sigma Nu to provide a fraternity experience that has meaning and adds value. Not just one that is based on parties and social opportunities.
- You believe it is important for Sigma Nu to provide collegiate members with a strong network of more than 180,000 alumni.
- You believe it is important that we protect, strengthen, and advance Sigma Nu.
- You want my future son or nephew to be able to become a Brother in Sigma Nu.
- You believe it is important to keep your local chapter strong. You also value the assistance and resources that Sigma Nu Fraternity provides to help our chapter move forward.
Learn why other Brothers have joined the 1869 Club

"Sigma Nu Fraternity has given me the opportunity to grow and learn vital leadership skills outside of the classroom. This place is not only a home in which I feel welcomed and supported but also is a place that cultivates motivation and success for my life beyond college. The different programs like College of Chapters and Sigma Nu Institutes funded by Sigma Nu Educational Foundation enable this experience to happen and supplements my growth as a member of my chapter and a leader at my university. I can easily reflect on how much of an impact Sigma Nu has made on my life and I want to share this to my fellow Sigma Nu’s across the United States through my gift."- Spencer Davis (UC Davis)

"I support the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation because it gives college kids like me access to build their leadership skills unlike anywhere else. The bond members have with Sigma Nu is special and lifelong, and the 1869 club is the perfect start for collegians to build a connection with an organization bigger than themselves. The undeniable need for leaders in our country largely depends on well-educated collegians and I cannot think of a better organization to support and shape the impactful men of our future." - Kingsley Smith (Mississippi)