1869 Club Chapter Challenge

The 1869 Club Chapter Challenge is an opportunity for Sigma Nu chapters to show loyalty and pride in Sigma Nu Fraternity through competition. All collegiate members will be asked to consider a gift of $18.69 or more as part of the challenge.
Why is the 1869 Club Chapter Challenge Important?
- We need to ensure that we can help every brother in every chapter grow as a person, leader, student and prepare for a lifetime of success.
- For Sigma Nu to remain strong and deliver a transformational experience for collegiate members, the Fraternity needs the resources to innovate and deliver the best leadership development, wellness, and educational programs to our collegians.
- Sigma Nu alumni want to know if collegiate brothers believe in Sigma Nu and value their Fraternity experience. A gift to the 1869 Club is a vote of confidence. Your gift gives a strong testimonial and can help the Fraternity and Foundation gain alumni support.
- Each leading national fraternity has a similar program for collegiate giving. For Sigma Nu to remain a top-tier fraternity, we need our collegiate brothers to step up with alumni brothers and invest in our Fraternity.
How Long Does the 1869 Club Chapter Challenge Run?
It runs from February 1 to April 30.
How Do Gifts from the 1869 Club Impact My Chapter and Sigma Nu overall?
Gifts to the 1869 Club impact the brothers in your chapter and the more than 10,500 collegiate brothers across the country.
How? 1869 Club gifts support the leadership and wellness programs that every brother relies on to help develop their mind, heart, and character. These programs include the LEAD Program, College of Chapters, Behind Happy Faces (mental health program), Sigma Nu Institutes, and our Careers series.
When you take your gift of $18.60 or more and multiply it by hundreds of collegiate brothers, it makes a big difference in our ability to deliver outstanding leadership programming. When you join the 1869 Club, you are joining Sigma Nu brothers who are making an impact in the lives of your chapter brothers, both present and future.
How Does a Brother Participate in the 1869 Club Chapter Challenge?
You can visit the 1869 Club donation page by clicking here.
10 Reasons Why a Brother Should Consider Participating in the 1869 Club Chapter Challenge
- You care about the brothers in your chapter and want to see them succeed.
- You believe it is important that Sigma Nu remain a strong national fraternity.
- You believe it is important that Sigma Nu continue to provide the best leadership development program, the LEAD Program, for collegians in the fraternity and sorority community.
- You believe it is important for Sigma Nu to hire outstanding Chapter Leadership Consultants to support, coach, and share best practices with chapter officers and chapter members.
- You believe it is important for Sigma Nu to provide resources for chapters to build a strong brotherhood based on Love, Honor, and Truth.
- You believe it is important for Sigma Nu to provide a fraternity experience that has meaning and adds value. Not just one that is based on parties and social opportunities.
- You believe that Sigma Nu needs to provide a mentoring program and a strong network of more than 185,000 alumni for our collegiate brothers.
- You believe it is important to protect, strengthen, and advance the Fraternity.
- You want your future son or nephew to be able to become a Brother in Sigma Nu.
- You believe it is important to keep your local chapter strong, and you value the assistance and resources that the Fraternity provides to help your chapter move forward.
What Prizes and Recognition Are Part of the 1869 Club Chapter Challenge?
There are two divisions for prizes:
Group A: Chapters of 69 brothers or more:
Participation: % of chapter brothers participating
First Place: A set of 10 Sigma Nu branded pennies and a trophy for the chapter
Second Place: A framed print of “A Serpent, A Rose and A Star” for your chapter
Third Place: A Sigma Nu Flag and a trophy for your chapter
Group B: Chapters of 68 brothers or less:
Participation: % of chapter brothers participating
First Place: A set of 10 Sigma Nu branded pennies and a trophy for the chapter
Second Place: A framed print of “A Serpent, A Rose and A Star” for your chapter
Third Place: A Sigma Nu Flag and a trophy for your chapter
***Any Chapter Who Reaches 100% Participation (or 69 brothers participating)
A Sigma Nu branded event tent (10 x 10)
All chapters that place in the top five (5) in Group A or Group B will be listed in The Delta.
Where Can I Learn More About the 1869 Club or Send Questions?
To learn more about the 1869 Club, visit the 1869 Club webpage by clicking HERE.
For any additional questions, contact us at (540) 463-1030 or email foundation@sigmanu.org
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is the 1869 Club, and why does it exist?
Answer: The 1869 Club is Sigma Nu’s collegiate annual giving society for collegians who give at least $18.69 during a fiscal year. The 1869 Club is a unique way for undergraduates to learn about the Foundation and join other brothers and friends providing charitable gifts to the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation. It provides a way for collegians to impact the brothers in their chapter and a unique way to begin their lifelong journey of building a bridge for those brothers who follow.
Question: Where do gifts to the 1869 Club go? How do they help my chapter and Sigma Nu overall?
Answer: Gifts to the 1869 Club help the brothers in your chapter. Gifts help support the programs like the LEAD Program, College of Chapters, Sigma Nu Institutes, Mental Health Programs, and Career Programs that benefit all the brothers in your chapter.
Question: As collegians, we pay chapter dues to our chapter and insurance to Sigma Nu HQ. Why is it important for collegians to join the 1869 Club?
Answer: Dues from collegians to Sigma Nu Fraternity Headquarters don’t fully cover the costs of the leadership programs, supporting chapters, or College of Chapters. Right now, we can provide the basics for the collegiate experience. If all collegians and alumni were to participate with a small gift each year, we could improve the experience for the collegians and expand all our programs for collegians.
Question: How does a collegian join the 1869 Club?
Answer: Any collegian who gives $18.69 or more to the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation is a member of the 1869 Club for that fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). There are additional perks for collegians who give at the $25.00, $50.00, $125.00, and $250.00 levels. Contributions can be made online by Venmo, PayPal, or Credit Card. at: https://www.sigmanu.org/1869Club
Question: What kind of impact can I have by becoming a member of the 1869 Club?
Answer: Simply put, you will be helping change the lives of the brothers in your chapter and more than 10,500 brothers across the nation. You impact the brothers in your chapter by helping to provide the programs that build their leadership skills, increase their confidence, help them find their career path, assist them in improving their mental health and help them realize their potential. By supporting Sigma Nu through the 1869 Club, know that you are directly helping your chapter succeed.
Question: Where does Sigma Nu stand in giving compared to our peers?
Answer: While Sigma Nu is 153 years old, we are far behind other fraternities when it comes to our work on alumni commitment and the Foundation. We rank 16th in fraternity foundations for total resources. We are not satisfied being in this position. This puts us behind many of our peers and aspirant peers and is a disadvantage as we try to improve as a Fraternity. We need our alumni and collegians to invest every year for the Fraternity to excel.
Question: Doesn’t Sigma Nu’s endowment provide funds for our leadership programs?
Answer: Unfortunately, no. No endowment exists to support the LEAD Program, College of Chapters, or the Sigma Nu Institute. The funds to provide the programs come from operating funds or annual gifts. Other leading fraternities have endowments that partially or completely fund their collegiate leadership programs.
Question: How can I do my part as a collegiate brother to advance the 1869 Club and Sigma Nu Fraternity?
Answer: The objectives of the 1869 Club are: 1) To educate collegians on the purpose of the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation and how it helps Sigma Nu 2) Create the next generation of brothers to help protect, strengthen, and advance Sigma Nu Fraternity
If you want to help advance Sigma Nu, you can do the following:
- Join the 1869 Club and encourage other brothers in your chapter to join.
- Serve as an 1869 Club Ambassador for your chapter. In this role, you help promote the 1869 Club Chapter Challenge, a competition between all Sigma Nu Fraternity chapters each Spring semester to support the 1869 Club.
- Share the mission of Sigma Nu Fraternity with other brothers in your chapter.
- Work with your chapter’s Marshal and LEAD Chairman to educate each Candidate class on the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation, the 1869 Club, and the programs/scholarships available to your chapter.
Act Now! Email foundation@sigmanu.org to serve as an 1869 Club Ambassador for your chapter!
Noah J. Hubbard |
Beta Beta |
1/3/2023 |
Rehan D. Dhala |
Beta Eta |
1/3/2023 |
Gavin M. Murphy |
Beta Eta |
1/5/2023 |
Jeffrey T. Raley |
Beta Eta |
1/5/2023 |
John R. Kosior |
Beta Eta |
1/5/2023 |
Thomas Kucharczuk |
Beta Psi |
1/3/2023 |
Krish Patel |
Beta Psi |
1/3/2023 |
Elijah C. Levine |
Beta Rho |
1/5/2023 |
Kenneth Gipson |
Beta Upsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Chandler Terrell |
Beta Zeta |
1/4/2023 |
William M. Van Horn |
Beta Zeta |
1/8/2023 |
Colby M. Fritz |
Delta Epsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Scott W. Mortimer |
Delta Epsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Nathan L. Kindall |
Delta Omicron |
1/4/2023 |
Diego E. Jaramillo |
Delta Tau |
1/4/2023 |
Riley P. Blankenship |
Epsilon Chi |
1/4/2023 |
Zachary R. Sullivan |
Epsilon Delta |
1/3/2023 |
Mason A. Brummell |
Epsilon Delta |
2/5/2023 |
George D. Lovett, IV |
Epsilon Epsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Christopher L. Bogie |
Epsilon Epsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Kyle A. Kane |
Epsilon Mu |
1/5/2023 |
Graham J. Earnest |
Epsilon Pi |
1/4/2023 |
Jackson S. Burt |
Epsilon Sigma |
1/4/2023 |
John S. McCullough |
Epsilon Xi |
1/3/2023 |
Don L. Fruge, III |
Epsilon Xi |
1/4/2023 |
Archie A. Miller |
Epsilon Xi |
1/4/2023 |
Christopher D. Cobb, Jr. |
Epsilon Zeta |
1/4/2023 |
Dain Hutton |
Eta Beta |
1/4/2023 |
Joseph L. Sciortino |
Eta Chi |
1/4/2023 |
Jason Roberts |
Eta Delta |
1/4/2023 |
Ikenna E. Ugwumadu |
Eta Gamma |
1/5/2023 |
Jackson R. Schubloom |
Eta Iota |
1/4/2023 |
Ryan J. Trecker |
Eta Iota |
1/4/2023 |
Joe-David V. Gadd |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/3/2023 |
Peyton M. Jones |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/3/2023 |
Jason A. Green |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/22/2023 |
Corey Shafer |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/22/2023 |
Mariano P. Grillo |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/23/2023 |
Morgan D. Hensel |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/23/2023 |
Gavin M. Krebs |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/23/2023 |
Jason T. Barksdale |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/23/2023 |
Robert kunkemoeller |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/23/2023 |
Nicholas R. Dodge |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/24/2023 |
Nathaniel J. Kramar |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/28/2023 |
Zachary L. Andrews |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/29/2023 |
Nolan L. Jones |
Eta Mu (A) |
1/29/2023 |
Alexander T. Rouse |
Eta Mu (A) |
2/2/2023 |
Jack F. Tuttle |
Eta Mu (A) |
2/5/2023 |
Andrew Johnson |
Eta Mu (A) |
2/12/2023 |
Kyle J. Langlois |
Eta Nu |
1/3/2023 |
Evan M. Bechac |
Eta Nu |
1/3/2023 |
Demitrius L. Eddings |
Eta Tau |
1/5/2023 |
John T. Costner |
Gamma Alpha |
1/4/2023 |
Zachary M. Jacobson |
Gamma Alpha |
1/4/2023 |
Diego P. Guerrero |
Gamma Beta |
1/5/2023 |
Logan M. Winstel |
Gamma Chi |
1/3/2023 |
Andrew B. Hengstler |
Gamma Chi |
1/3/2023 |
Caden G. McKinley |
Gamma Gamma |
1/4/2023 |
Ryan P. Beckwith |
Gamma Iota |
1/4/2023 |
Cameron B. Cahoon |
Gamma Kappa |
1/4/2023 |
Kaid S. Nieslanik |
Gamma Kappa |
1/4/2023 |
Joseph S. Newport |
Gamma Mu |
1/5/2023 |
Athanasios D. Hatzopoulos |
Gamma Mu |
1/5/2023 |
Caleb H. C. Giacomini |
Gamma Phi |
1/3/2023 |
Ryan P. Sokol |
Gamma Xi |
1/4/2023 |
Garrett Ard |
Iota Gamma |
1/5/2023 |
Brandau |
Iota Lambda |
1/4/2023 |
Anthony J. Perrotti |
Iota Pi |
1/4/2023 |
Michael L. Castle |
Iota Theta |
1/3/2023 |
Thomas Powitzky |
Iota Theta |
1/3/2023 |
Hunter T. Bonham |
Kappa Lambda |
1/3/2023 |
Joshua Craddock |
Kappa Lambda |
1/3/2023 |
Nathaniel E. Brown |
Kappa Theta |
1/4/2023 |
Douglas J. Steinhardt, Jr. |
Kappa Theta |
1/4/2023 |
Joseph A. Roeser |
Lambda Delta |
1/4/2023 |
Lawson T. Ewing |
Lambda Epsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Cameron W. Pollard |
Lambda Epsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Muhammad F. Ejaz |
Lambda Eta |
1/4/2023 |
Tyler D. Sanders |
Lambda Gamma |
1/3/2023 |
Nicholas D. Rhinehart |
Lambda Phi |
1/4/2023 |
Ethan J. Meyer |
Lambda Phi |
1/4/2023 |
Nathaniel D. Perry |
Mu Beta |
1/26/2023 |
Steven E. Cornelius, II |
Mu Beta |
1/26/2023 |
Jahir A. Sanchez |
Mu Beta |
2/1/2023 |
James K. St. Peter |
Mu Beta |
2/1/2023 |
Richard C. Maass |
Mu Chi |
1/5/2023 |
Edward J. Limon |
Mu Eta |
1/4/2023 |
Elliot C. Siekmann |
Mu Kappa |
1/4/2023 |
Joel M. Philpott |
Mu Kappa |
1/4/2023 |
Roman Holloway |
Mu Kappa |
1/5/2023 |
Nicolas J. Kincheloe |
Mu Phi |
1/3/2023 |
Mason M. Marshall |
Mu Phi |
2/7/2023 |
Michael Tudda, Jr. |
Mu Pi |
1/4/2023 |
Cody G. Ruiz |
Mu Rho |
1/4/2023 |
Derrick J. Varnado, Jr. |
Mu Rho |
1/4/2023 |
Joshua A. Cajina |
Mu Tau |
1/4/2023 |
Carson P. Journee |
Mu Upsilon |
1/4/2023 |
Joseph M. Nickel |
Nu |
1/4/2023 |
Alexander M. Dinyer |
Nu |
1/4/2023 |
Dawsyn W. Smith |
Nu Alpha |
1/4/2023 |
Caise A. McGraw |
Nu Beta |
1/4/2023 |
Whitt A. Spurlock |
Nu Beta |
1/4/2023 |
Charles A. McKenzie |
Phi |
1/5/2023 |
Zachary J. Althoff |
Theta Eta |
1/3/2023 |
Elliot A. Weiskopf |
Theta Eta |
1/3/2023 |
John K. Brock |
Theta Gamma |
1/5/2023 |
Andrew M. Scott |
Theta Kappa |
1/4/2023 |
Connor A. Kinard |
Theta Kappa |
1/4/2023 |
Jacob E. Rohn |
Theta Nu |
1/3/2023 |
Benjamin P. White |
Theta Pi |
1/4/2023 |
Benjamin H. Stallsmith |
Theta Theta |
1/12/2023 |
George H. Dunlap, IV |
Theta Zeta |
1/5/2023 |
Stefan B. Wechsler |
Theta Zeta |
1/5/2023 |
Caleb A. Covarrubias |
Zeta Chi |
1/4/2023 |
Chance P. Duffy |
Zeta Gamma |
1/3/2023 |
Sean W. Thorup |
Zeta Lambda |
1/4/2023 |
Cameron M. Allen |
Zeta Nu |
1/4/2023 |
Logan A. Turner |
Zeta Nu |
1/5/2023 |
Paul Rupprecht |
Zeta Nu |
1/5/2023 |
Jacob A. Kerr |
Zeta Pi |
1/3/2023 |
Bailey A. Dunigan |
Zeta Pi |
1/3/2023 |
Kenneth Edwards |
Zeta Psi |
1/3/2023 |
Zachery J. Leso |
Zeta Upsilon |
1/3/2023 |
Bailey S. Powledge |
Zeta Upsilon |
1/4/2023 |
Dev G. Singh |
Zeta Xi |
1/4/2023 |