Virtual Recruitment Webinar 2: Lead Generation
What is Lead Generation & Why is It Important
- Businesses and companies all over the world use this as their sole and primary tactic to find new customers who need their product or service.
- Lead – a person who has shown interest in a service/product that a company/organization offers (potential new member/prospect/rushee)
- Lead Generation – methods a company/organization uses to collect leads. A process that has an organization funnel eventful customer.
- Lead Generation = Growing your Master Prospect List
- The reasons why this is so crucial for stronger, better new members is simple. The more men we recruit means the more interest is stirring about Sigma Nu which inevitably means more candidates!
- The cliché phrase “quality over quantity” is used quite frequently, but Quantity drives Quality, meaning, the quality within a list of 400 men is way better than that of a list of 40 men. Therefore, we have to grow our list to promise ourselves the best quality possible. WE AND ONLY WE CONTROL OUR QUALITY THROUGH LEAD GENERATION
Best Ways to Generate Names
- Social Media: FOLLOW/FOLLOW-BACK/DM: Follow incoming or current students from the chapter account. Chapter account can follow hashtags that are relevant to the university such as #GoDawgs #Spartans2024 #UVASophmores that would be used by a student or incoming student. What a person uses these tags, they will pop up on the account news feed and chapter account can immediately follow
- If it is a male that seems like a strong candidate = DM him and try to set up a virtual meeting
- If it is a Female = Still add them and ask if they know any males that would benefit from Sigma Nu
- PAID ADS: Purchasing advertisements on social media platforms is a smart and useful use of your money if those ads direct people to connect with you and give you their contact information. Social Media business accounts allow accounts to advertise on a mass level pay-per-click fee which is quite cheap. Business accounts can create an add that can be concentrated on 17-22-year-old males in a select area
- List Acquisition: There are tons of lists out there that hold names, contact info, and additional things of men that could be great members of Sigma Nu. These lists include incoming male freshman list, students from key feeder high schools, online summer orientation, etc. The need is discovering how to receive these as best as possible.
- Referrals: Not just from your local alumni, but the local/regional Alumni Chapters. Reach out to your Division Commander to introduce you to these groups. Other chapters and colonies in your region probably have members or soon-to-be candidates from the high schools that funnel students to your school. Create a partnership with your neighbor chapters. Sorority Referrals are great. Develop a competition where the Sorority that gives the most referrals to you win a certain amount of money or treated a social when we get back to being on campus. Other organizations that breed great potential members like Boys Scouts of America or DECA club. These organizations have regional offices you can contact to ask for names.
- Scholarships: Scholarships can attract more leads than any big event you could imagine. The quality of the men they attract can be even greater. A chapter could create a scholarship for all incoming male freshman or current on-campus students that are attracted to intellectual men that have shown leadership in their community and schools. The application itself is the info we would add to our Master Prospect List, and the scholarship interviews are recruitment sessions. This is also a very strong way to fight the restrictions of schools giving you lists of names, where now you can give the school an application they can promote to our desired list.
- Partnering with Organizations: A mutually beneficial way to advertise and promote resources for each other’s potential and current members that can grow each other’s Master Prospect Lists
- Local Virtual Philanthropy: Chapters could utilize GoFundMe to raise money for causes that are heaviest affected by COVID-19. Those who donate might potentially know men coming to our school. Strong causes are great reasons for people to refer you their family or friends.
- Chunking: Those who we have already recruited or plan to recruit may know more interested or qualifying students. Make sure to always ask them for more names!
Additional Resources