This officer resource page curates the many General Fraternity resources pertinent to your position to provide an overview of available tools. It is recommended you take time to review the resources below to familiarize yourself with relevant expectations, guides, and resources.
Office of Recorder Manual
The Recorder's Manual has been written as a user guide for the position. Officers are encouraged to review the introduction for an explanation of the manual and how it is organized. Officers should then conduct the included self-assessment of competencies for the position; and then spend time reviewing the areas they're not familiar with, have questions about, or are looking for best practices.
Important Due Dates UPDATED for Fall '24
This quick reference sheet covers the regular paperwork and billings chapters need to submit to the General Fraternity. Major events are also included.
Law and Risk Reduction
The Law of Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
The Law is the Fraternity's constitution. It sets membership requirements, standards of conduct, and the framework for the operation of all entities of the Fraternity, including collegiate chapters. The Law also includes the Trial Code - a set of due process rules and procedures for disciplining initiated members.
Risk Reduction Policy
Along with The Law of Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc., the Risk Reduction Policy provides our constituents with specific policies on areas such as the education of initiates and candidates, activities of the chapter, premises of the chapter, and hazing.
Risk Reduction Resources
These resources focus on assisting the chapter as a whole through education and accountability. Take a moment to look through these resources and consider how they could positively impact your chapter.
Anti-Discrimination Policy of Sigma Nu Fraternity
As adopted by the 67th Grand Chapter (2016, San Diego, California)
No member of Sigma Nu Fraternity shall discriminate, with respect to fraternal decisions, on the basis of race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, disability, age, and/or national origin.
Updating the Members Area
Members Area Instructions for the Commander and Recorder
An overview of the Members Area for the Commander and Recorder. This document includes instructions for each of the Members Area functions the Commander and Recorder control. More specific how-to instructions for updating the chapter’s roster and other information can be found in the documents below.
How to Update the Members Area
Step-by-step instructions with website screenshots make updating the Members Area easy.
Recording and Reporting
Event Report Form
A standard document for chapters tracking attendance at the many events throughout the academic year.
Sample Chapter Meeting Agenda
A sample outline for a standard chapter meeting agenda. The document has been provided in a Word format for easy editing.
Sample Chapter Meeting Minutes
A sample set of minutes demonstrating a standard chapter meeting. Document has been provided in a Word format for easy editing.
A Checklist for Each Meeting
A checklist for planning and conducting meetings that also includes steps for preparing agendas and minutes.
Parliamentary Law Desk Chart
A one-page quick reference for using motions to run a meeting
Basic Rules of Motions
A description of the types of motions and when & how to use them.
Using Parliamentary Procedure in Meetings
A guide to Parliamentary Procedure for Sigma Nu chapter meetings.
Meeting Etiquette: Acting the Part
Tips and expectations for putting your best foot forward in meetings.
Generating Positive Press
This resource explains the basics on earned media, or the practice of getting reporters and news media outlets to cover your chapter's events and accomplishments. From philanthropy events to innovative LEAD sessions to recruitment milestones, generating positive media coverage begins with mastering the press release.
Officer Transitions
Officer Transition Resources
Compilation of resources to assist collegiate chapters with elections and officer transitions.
Officer Transition Checklist
Outgoing officers should use this checklist so they know what to prepare and provide for their successors.
Officer Binder Checklist
This checklist will guide new or outgoing officers on the preparation of the Officer Binder/Notebook, an important resource for the officer transition process.
New Officer Goal Setting
This resource should help new officers hit the ground running and aid them in establishing their goals and acquiring the necessary resources to be successful during their term.
The Art of Delegating
Introductory strategies for sharing the workload, empowering others, and getting things done.
Best Practices Library
Best Practices Library
This library includes activities, programs, processes, and practices that result in or lead to excellent performance. Practices were collected from Sigma Nu chapters across North America of every size, institutional type, and region of the country. The best ideas and practices that could and should be replicated by other chapters are found here.
The library allows users to sort through ideas, examples, and templates. Best practices are sorted by area of operations (as defined by the Pursuit of Excellence Program) and subcategorized by type (e.g., accountability ideas, events, finances).