Unique for the 2020-2021 academic year, there were two versions of the Pursuit of Excellence Program (PEP) – one for chapters operating mostly in-person and one for chapters operating mostly virtually. The criteria for Acceptable through Excellence have been adjusted to reflect the limitations of either operating in-person with social distancing restrictions or operating mostly virtually.
For the 2021-2022 academic year, the Fraternity has retained the in-person operations resources and criteria for chapter use. The criteria and resources continue to offer virtual and hybrid alternatives for chapters - accounting for pandemic conditions and allowing chapters to substitute virtual activities in place of in-person events.
- Criteria were removed when they were no longer relevant to a specific mode of operations (e.g. organizing a campus-wide event is not advisable in a social distancing situation and nearly impossible in a virtual format).
- In some cases, new criteria were added to ensure chapters are addressing new needs of their membership created by the pandemic (e.g. virtual study groups, virtual brotherhood events).
- Finally, some criteria were adjusted in their scale by either lowering to ensure they could be reasonably met in the given situation or offering an alternative to fit a chapter’s situation (e.g. having candidates complete a service project OR two hours of individual in-person service or virtual volunteerism).
Evaluation Guidelines Changes for In-Person Operations
The adjustments for in-person operations are detailed below. These modifications were made only for the 2020-2021 year. Click here for more information on how the guidelines and review process was modified to accommodate the sudden shift to virtual operations for all chapters in March 2020.
Service and Philanthropy
- Modified Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter performs # or more service or philanthropic activities with participation from most members each academic term.
- Criteria modified to allow for either in-person or virtual participation and lowering the number of required events from three (3) to two (2) annual events at the Acceptable level.
Campus Leadership
- Eliminated the Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter participates in campus-sponsored activities and leadership development programs at least once a semester.
- Concern about whether campuses will be able to consistently provide these programs for all chapters and members in the current environment.
- Eliminated the Excellence criterion: Chapter hosts at least one campus-wide event or program.
- Removed due to concerns over the feasibility of doing so within social distancing limitations.
Values Congruent Environments
Intellectual Development
- New Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter promotes the use of virtual study groups (not necessarily limited to their own chapter/campus).
- Chapter promotion or organization of virtual study groups should be standard practice for all chapters whether members are taking classes in-person or virtually. Online study groups promote social distancing and allow for connection with other students regardless of physical location.
Candidate Development
- Modified Acceptable criterion on a candidate service project: Candidates complete a service project OR individually complete two (2) or more hours of service (in-person or virtual volunteerism)
- Creates the option to count individual candidate service (in-person or virtual) in place of a joint service project.
Brother Development
- Modified Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter members attend campus or interfraternal leadership development programs (i.e. UIFI, IMPACT, LeaderShape, and officer training programs), if virtual programs are available.
- Added caveat on the availability of virtual programs. Chapters will not be expected to attend any in-person programs and participation in virtual programs will be measured based on availability, opportunity, and prudence of chapter attendance.
- New Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter holds a virtual brotherhood event at least once per month.
- Chapters are expected to offer opportunities for all members – in small groups or as a collective – to gather virtually on a regular basis to promote brotherhood and connection.
- Modified Very Good to Excellence criterion: Chapter conducts an annual in-person or virtual brotherhood retreat.
- Rather than an in-person only option this expectation now allows for a virtual retreat.
Alumni Development
- Modified Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter sponsors one virtual alumni event each year.
- Rather than an in-person only option this expectation now calls for a virtual alumni event.
- Modified Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter uses virtual platforms (e.g. social media, online newsletter, email, website) to communicate with general alumni on the activities of the chapter.
- Replaces Good to Excellence criterion on keeping alumni updated through a chapter website.
- Communicating updates with the general alumni on the activities of the chapter, through one or more virtual platforms, is as important as ever and should be standard practice.
Recruitment and Manpower
Chapter Operations
Governance & Accountability
- New Acceptable to Excellence criterion: Chapter incorporates into its operational plans all host institution social distancing policies.
- It will be critical for chapters to review and incorporate all the college/university’s policies related to social distancing (e.g. event size limitations; mask, sanitizer, PPE requirements) into all activities of the chapter. Review these plans with officers, committees, and members and build them into the chapter’s standard operations and planning.
Questions about the rationale or application of the above changes should be directed to Scott Smith, Director of Leadership Development.