Risk Reduction
Even with a shift to virtual operations, the job of the Risk Reduction Chairman and his Committee remains essential. In particular, the Risk Reduction Committee should be focusing on adjusting event plans and chapter house management protocols in consideration of the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and social distancing regulations imposed by local and state municipalities.
Event Plans
The chapter should exercise extreme caution in executing any contracts in the immediate future. If the chapter intends to execute a contract, it should be closely reviewed to ensure the chapter can cancel the event without penalty due to disruptions caused by the pandemic. If you should run into difficulty or would like further advice in this regard, please contact the Director of Health and Safety, Fred Dobry at fred.dobry@sigmanu.org.
Chapter House Management
There are two different scenarios to consider in reviewing the chapter house management protocols the chapter has in place – the chapter facility remains occupied or the chapter facility is vacated. The decision to vacate the chapter facility is at the sole discretion of the property owner, in many cases, this is a local alumni house corporation.
If your chapter facility remains occupied, the General Fraternity recommends the following:
- Follow CDC Guidelines. Consult the CDC Coronavirus website for the latest up-to-date guidelines.
- Encourage Members to Practice Good Hygiene. Consider posting the CDC’s Steps to Prevent Illness Recommendations at various locations throughout the chapter facility.
- Review Chapter House Cleaning Plans. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service to assist or lead the cleaning of the chapter facility. Consult the Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Consult with Appropriate Stakeholders. Reach out to your host institution’s Fraternity and Sorority Life and Housing Offices, as well as your local house corporation to learn appropriate next steps.
- Adjust Event Management Protocol. Ensure planned events are compliant with local, state, and host institution restrictions and federal guidelines.
If your chapter facility is vacated, the General Fraternity recommends the following actions:
- Check-in with Members. Some members may have difficulty finding a place to go. Many universities will accommodate students that cannot, or are unwilling to, return home to stay in some on-campus residential areas. Check with your host institution to determine the viability of this option.
- Consult with Appropriate Stakeholders. Reach out to your host institution’s Fraternity and Sorority Life, and Housing Offices, as well as your local house corporation, to learn appropriate next steps.
- Utilize General Fraternity Resources. The General Fraternity has guidance on preparing and implementing appropriate monitoring safeguards for periods of vacancy in the Summer Chapter House Maintenance Checklist Resource.
- Cancel, Postpone, or Update Events. No events should take place at the chapter facility while it is vacated.