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Chapter Consultation Program

Spring 25 Overview 23-24 Overview 22-23 Overview 21-22 Overview 20-21 Overview Our Commitment

Chapter Support Overview

We want to ensure there is no doubt on this point: We are here for you. If your chapter needs additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Leadership Consultant to discuss options.

Spring 25

Chapter support for the Spring 25 term will be conducted in a hybrid format.

Chapter/Colony Consultations (In-Person)

Consultants will conduct chapter consultations with all chapters between mid-January and mid-April. Consultations will be conducted in-person on-site at the chapter facility or on campus (when not possible, virtual meetings will be scheduled). Consultations will include officer check-in meetings; a chapter workshop on risk reduction; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

Officer Check-Ins (Virtual)

Throughout late April and mid-May, key officers will meet virtually with our consultant team to review end-of-year programs and expectations (e.g., PEP, awards), share best practices, and develop chapter-specific plans for Summer and Fall 2025.

Fall 24

Chapter support for the Fall 24 term was conducted in a hybrid format.

Officer Check-Ins (Virtual)

In early August, key officers met with our consultant team to review best practices, expectations for 2024, and chapter-specific operational plans for the fall term. 

Officer Check-Ins

  • August 12-16: Commanders and Treasurers


Consultants conducted chapter consultations with all chapters between early September and Thanksgiving focused on officer check-in meetings to review expectations and best practices; an anti-hazing workshop; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

Over the course of the fall, this resulted in nearly three days of consulting time with each chapter (a 150% increase over the pre-pandemic in-person model), including an opportunity before school starts for chapters to receive coaching in key operational areas.

23-24 Overview & Results

Consultations were conducted in a phased model for the 2022-2023 academic year, resulting in:

  • 150% increase in personalized officer meetings and support time for most officers
  • Approximately 5.5 days of direct consultant support per chapter/colony

The Fraternity’s chapter support team provided:

  • 569 consultations to chapters
  • More than 3,400 officer meetings
  • More than 480 advisor check-ins
  • Delivery of more than 300 educational programs.

See below for more details on the specific model used for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.

Spring 24

Chapter support for the Spring 2024 term was conducted in a hybrid format using a phased model.

Phase 1 – Chapter/Colony Consultations (In-Person)

Consultants conducted chapter consultations with all chapters between mid-January and mid-April. Where local conditions allowed, consultations were conducted in-person on-site at the chapter facility or on campus (when not possible, virtual meetings will be scheduled). These consultations focused on officer check-in meetings; a chapter workshop on recruitment; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

Phase 2 – Officer Check-Ins (Virtual)

Throughout late April and mid-May, key officers met virtually with our consultant team to review end-of-year programs and expectations (e.g., PEP, awards), share best practices, and develop chapter-specific plans for summer and fall 2024.

Fall 23

Chapter support for the Fall 23 term was conducted in a hybrid format using a phased model.

Phase 1 – Officer Check-Ins (Virtual)

In early August, key officers met with our consultant team to review best practices, expectations for 2023, Grand Chapter updates, and chapter-specific operational plans for the fall term. 

Officer Check-Ins

  • July 31 - August 4: Commanders and Treasurers

Phase 2 – Chapter Consultations

Consultants conducted chapter consultations with all chapters between early September and Thanksgiving focused on officer check-in meetings to review expectations and best practices; a Grand Chapter recap; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

Over the course of the fall, resulted in nearly three days of consulting time with each chapter (a 150% increase over the pre-pandemic in-person model) and an opportunity before school starts for chapters to receive coaching in key operational areas.

22-23 Overview & Results

Consultations were conducted in a phased model for the 2022-2023 academic year, resulting in:

  • 150% increase in personalized officer meetings and support time for most officers
  • Approximately 5.5 days of direct consultant support per chapter/colony

The Fraternity’s chapter support team provided:

  • 598 consultations to chapters
  • More than 3,700 officer meetings
  • More than 480 advisor check-ins
  • Delivery of more than 270 educational programs.

See below for more details on the specific model used for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023.

Spring 23

Chapter support for the Spring 2023 term was conducted in a hybrid format using a phased model.

Phase 1 – Chapter/Colony Consultations (In-Person)

Consultants conducted full chapter consultations with all chapters between mid-January and mid-April. Where local conditions allowed, consultations were conducted in-person on-site at the chapter facility or on campus (when not possible, virtual meetings were scheduled). These two-day consultations focused on officer check-in meetings; a chapter workshop on accountability; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

Phase 2 – Officer Check-Ins (Virtual)

Throughout late April and mid-May, key officers met virtually with our consultant team to review end-of-year programs and expectations (e.g., PEP, awards), share best practices, and develop chapter-specific plans for summer and fall 2023.

Fall 22

Chapter support for the Fall 2022 term was conducted in a hybrid format using a phased model.

Phase 1 – Officer Check-Ins (Virtual)

Throughout the month of August, key officers met with our consultant team to review best practices, expectations for 2022, and chapter-specific operational plans for the fall term. 

Officer Check-Ins

  • August 1-4: Treasurers
  • August 15-18: Commanders and Marshals

Phase 2 – Chapter/Colony Consultations (In-Person)

Consultants conducted full chapter consultations with all chapters between September and Thanksgiving. Where local conditions allowed, consultations were conducted in-person, on-site at the chapter facility or on campus (when not possible, virtual meetings will be scheduled). These two-day consultations focused on officer check-in meetings to review responsibilities and best practices; a chapter workshop on mental health; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

Over the course of the fall, this resulted in nearly three days of consulting time with each chapter and colony (a 150% increase over the traditional in-person model), opportunities before school starts for chapters to receive coaching in key operational areas, and an in-person chapter-level educational workshop.

21-22 Overview & Results

Consultations were conducted in a phased model for the 2021-2022 academic year, resulting in:

  • 150% increase in personalized officer meetings and support time for most officers
  • Approximately 5.5 days of direct consultant support per chapter/colony

The Fraternity’s chapter support team provided:

  • 459 consultations to chapters and colonies
  • More than 3,600 officer meetings
  • Nearly 470 advisor check-ins
  • Delivery of more than 400 educational programs.

See below for more details on the specific model used for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022.

Spring 22

Chapter and colony support for the Spring 2022 term was conducted in a hybrid format using a phased model.

Phase 1 – Chapter/Colony Consultations (In-Person)

Consultants conducted full chapter consultations with all chapters between mid-January and mid-April. Where local conditions allowed, consultations were conducted in-person on-site at the chapter facility or on campus (when not possible, virtual meetings were scheduled). These two-day consultations focused on officer check-in meetings; the Fraternity's award-winning Social Strengths Workshop; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

Phase 2 – Officer Check-Ins (Virtual)

Throughout late April and mid-May, key officers met virtually with our consultant team to review end-of-year programs and expectations (e.g., PEP, awards), share best practices, and develop chapter-specific plans for summer and fall 2022.

Fall 21

Chapter and colony support for the Fall 2021 term were conducted in a hybrid format using a phased model.

Phase 1 – Officer Check-Ins and Roundtables (Virtual)

Throughout the month of August, key officers met with our consultant team to review best practices, expectations for 2021, and chapter-specific operational plans for the fall term. In addition to direct consultation with select officers, consultants hosted a series of national roundtables to allow officers, advisors, and committee members to ask questions, solicit best practices, share ideas, and get feedback on their plans for the fall term.

Officer Check-Ins

  • August 2-5: Recruitment Chairmen
  • August 9-12: Risk Reduction & Social Chairmen
  • August 16-19: Treasurers
  • August 23-26: Commanders and Lt. Commanders


  • August 6: Alumni Relations, Candidate Education, LEAD
  • August 13: Recruitment, Scholarship, Service and Philanthropy
  • August 20: Alumni Relations, Candidate Education, LEAD
  • August 27: Recruitment, Scholarship, Service and Philanthropy

Phase 2 – Chapter/Colony Consultations (In-Person)

Consultants conducted full chapter consultations with all chapters between mid-September and Thanksgiving. Where local conditions allowed, consultants conducted their consultations in-person on-site at the chapter facility or on campus (when not possible, virtual meetings will be scheduled). These two-day consultations focused on officer check-in meetings; a chapter workshop on behavioral expectations, risk reduction, and social planning; advisor meetings; executive committee and candidate class meetings; and an opportunity for chapters to request additional meetings with specific officers, to conduct LEAD sessions, or attend other chapter or committee meetings.

20-21 Overview & Results

Fall 20

For 2020-2021 our team concluded that the traditional model of having Leadership Consultants physically visit every Sigma Nu chapter across the country would not deliver the level of extra support and service needed by collegiate chapters and would also not be prudent from a health and safety perspective.

We knew that each chapter’s situation would be unique and different, and that there was not a one-size fits all approach. Every chapter encountered its own unique set of challenges in 2020-2021, as they do every year. It was your courage, dedication, strength, honor, and commitment to Sigma Nu that ensured your chapter emerged, not just intact, but as strong as possible on the other side of the pandemic.

In that spirit, we are excited to share how the Fraternity innovated to support collegiate chapters and colonies throughout 2020-2021.

Virtual consultations were conducted in a phased approach for Fall 2020. 99% of chapters and colonies received three consultations between mid-August and Thanksgiving. This resulted in:

  • 150% more time with a consultant for every chapter
  • 200% increase in personalized officer support time for most positions
  • individual meetings with multiple officers not included in a traditional in-person consultation.

The Fraternity’s chapter support team – a collection of 12 consultants and directors – provided 460 consultation days to chapters and colonies over a ten-and-a-half-week period in the fall term. This included more than 3,400 officer meetings, and nearly 400 advisor check-ins.

A description of the phased approach is below.

Return to Campus & Fall Planning - from mid-August to mid-September

Focused on updating operational plans for the year, familiarity with changes to the Pursuit of Excellence Program (expectations, planning, and resources), chapter finances and budget, and adapting to campus plans and limitations (e.g. recruitment, housing, social distancing).

The Membership Experience – late September to late October

Focused on how the chapter is engaging and supporting all members

Transitions and Maintaining Operations after Thanksgiving – late October to late November

Focused on officer transitions, plans for a virtual end to the term, looking ahead to Spring campus/chapter plans

Winter/Spring 21

Virtual consultations were conducted in a phased approach for Winter/Spring 2021. All chapters and colonies received two consultations between mid-January and late April. These one-day consultations were complemented by a series of regional officer roundtables in early March, the virtual College of Chapters program in early January, and a series of national Sigma Nu Institute offerings in early 2021.

This phased approach resulted in:

  • 200% increase in personalized officer support time for most positions
  • individual meetings with multiple officers not included in a traditional in-person consultation.

The Fraternity’s chapter support team – a collection of 10 consultants and directors – provided 310 consultation days to chapters and colonies over a twelve-week period in the spring term. This included more than 2,400 officer meetings, and nearly 300 advisor check-ins.

A description of the phased approach for Winter/Spring 2021 is below.

Return to School, Officer Check-Ins/Transitions, & Spring Planning – from mid-January to end of February

Focused on officer transitions and updating operational plans for the year, familiarity with changes to the Pursuit of Excellence Program (expectations, planning, and resources), chapter finances and budget, and adapting to campus plans and limitations (e.g. recruitment, housing, social distancing).

Officer Roundtables – Early March

Roundtables were facilitated virtually within consultation regions providing geographically similar chapters the opportunity to share best practices with one another and participate in Q&A with a staff member. Roundtables were conducted on LEAD / Brother Development, Candidate Education/Development, Brotherhood, Service and Philanthropy, Recruitment, Alumni Relations, and Scholarship.

Officer Check-Ins and Summer/Fall Planning – mid-March to late April

Focused on end-of-year programs and expectations, maintaining operations over the summer, and looking ahead to Fall campus/chapter plans.

Our Commitment

At the onset of the pandemic, the Fraternity established three guiding principles for its support of collegiate chapters/colonies, alumni advisors, and house corporations: 1) the health and safety of members, volunteers, and staff; 2) continuity of the Fraternity’s operations at all levels; and, 3) enhanced communication with constituents.

The Fraternity maintained these guiding principles throughout 2020 and in its plans to support collegiate chapters for the 2020-2021 academic year, as also seen in the updated Pursuit of Excellence Program framework, and in developing the 2021-2022 chapter support model.

The same was true in determining how best to provide ongoing assistance and personalized guidance to chapters, officers, and advisors for each academic term, especially through our Chapter Consultation Program.

In planning out scenarios for what the 2021, 2022, and 2023 academic terms would look like, we researched and evaluated the campus return plans for every campus where a Sigma Nu chapter is present, evolving CDC guidelines, and the shifting landscape of state and local restrictions. 

But as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of innovation.

The necessity piece of that equation is that we (the staff) are here for you (collegiate members and officers, volunteers, general alumni, and campus partners). We refuse to accept a scenario in which your Fraternity is not offering the most robust, personalized, and impactful direct support to its chapters.

Questions, concerns, and inquiries about the Chapter Consultation Program should be directed to Scott Smith, Director of Leadership Development, at scott.smith@sigmanu.org.

© 2015-2022 Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc.
9 North Lewis Street, P.O. Box 1869, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1869 | Fax: (540) 463-1669 | Email: headquarters@sigmanu.org

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