Best Practices Library
Principles Congruent Environments
Chapter House Management
VCE1 - For members who do not do their house duties on time the chapter has an accountability mechanism called the 'Wheel of Justice'. On the Wheel of Justice are the less desirable house duties that every member only does once or twice a quarter, the wheel is spun, and that member draws a name as well and he takes that member's less than desirable cleaning duty.
VCE2 - The chapter utilizes a House Director, with two House Managers as assistants. The House Director is responsible primarily for proactively identifying areas in the chapter house that need improvement, while the house managers organize and enforce cleaning schedules.
VCE3 - The chapter has in place a bylaw that requires members to live in the chapter house for one full year. This ensures the house is always full. When the number of beds exceeds the number of members who have not yet fulfilled the requirement to live in the house, the chapter solicits volunteers and then does a drawing among the youngest members (those with the lowest badge number) to fill the house.
VCE4 - The chapter has implemented a Chapter House Damages Contract/Committee to deal with house damages and hold members and alumni accountable for any damages they may cause.
VCE5 - The House Corporation has a property manager hired to oversee the chapter house and conduct all necessary maintenance. The property manager is responsible for ensuring the house is up to all local fire and building codes/ordinances. The House Corporation is billed directly for all services. This practice has helped the chapter in keeping the facility clean, well maintained, and safe for all members and guests.
Event Management
VCE16 - The chapter uses a modified form of the Army's "Composite Risk Management" system in preparation for social events. With his committee, the Risk Reduction Chairman identifies potential risks facing an event, identifies ways to mitigate the risk, and the assesses the risk level posed after implementing mitigating strategies. Sober monitors also wear vests that identify them to brothers and guests during events.
VCE15 - The Social & Risk Reduction Chairmen split the chapter into two teams - Black & Gold - and then all events are run by one of the two teams on an alternating schedule. Additionally, during social events the team members rotate through a series of stations (e.g., door monitor, sign-in table) including an "off period" station that allows them to mingle during the event. The rotations keep the team fresh and actively focused throughout the event.
VCE16 - For social event planning, the Social Committee splits their weekly meetings into two parts. The first part of Social Committee meetings are open to the entire chapter so that members can generate ideas and have a voice in deciding themes for parties and gatherings. The second portion of the meeting is closed to only committee members and is designated as the time to make final decisions and work on event logistics.
VCE17 - The chapter has representatives from a sorority they are close with come in and give a workshop on being respectful to guests and making sure all feel welcome and safe at chapter events.
VCE18 - The chapter uses reusable or compostable cups for their social events to minimize plastic cup waste.
Risk Reduction Education
VCE19 - The chapter reads the Risk Reduction Policy aloud during the first chapter meeting of the academic term. Each brother is also provided a personal copy of the Risk Reduction Policy.
VCE20 - Chapter uses the Risk Reduction quiz in LEAD Phase I as an Honor Board punishment for brothers who violate policy at social events. Brothers are placed onto social probation for a certain amount of time and must connect with the LEAD Chairman for education and pass the quiz on Risk Reduction before the probation is lifted.
VCE21 - Chapter hosts a simulated social event for candidates where brothers and alumni model ideal event procedures and role play common event scenarios like how to talk to campus PD and how to appropriately intervene in concerning situations, rather than being a bystander. Following the simulated event, the Risk Reduction and Social Chairmen facilitate a debrief the experience and review campus and Fraternity social procedures.
VCE22 - Chapter enforces CommunityEdu retakes for brothers placed on social probation for conduct at social events.
VCE23 - The chapter invites significant others and friends of brothers to attend the Risk Reduction LEAD Phase I session. This helps frequent guests learn the policies the chapter follows and standards that all members and guests should be following at chapter social events.
General Fraternity Resources
GFVCE1 - Chapter Housing Operations Room Condition Report
GFVCE2 - Chapter Facility Self-Inspection Checklist
GFVCE3 - Social Planning Guide
GFVCE4 - We Have a Situation Guide
GFVCE5 - Code of Conduct Form
GFVCE6 - Special Event Request Form
GFVCE7 - Principles Congruent Environments Action Plan
GFVCE8 - House Maintenance Checklists
Call for Practices
If you have a great example or resource that you think should be included in the Best Practices Library, we want to know about it. Send your examples and resources to Austin Lloyd, Director of Chapter Services, at
Additional Officer Resources
The perfect complement to the Best Practices Library is the specific chapter officer resources page. Here you can access additional resources and the chapter officer manual for each officer.