Usage and History

"We want to study the Fraternity's very best chapters, the ones that excel in most or all areas of operations and learn from them the practices that make them excellent. We want to then share those practices with all other chapters. The work of the Task Force will create an even more specific roadmap to excellence."
"There is no honor in mediocrity." - Regent Robert Durham (Georgia), July 2010
Welcome to the Best Practices Library! Following the spirit behind Past Regent Durham’s words, the Fraternity’s Strategic Imperative, Chapter Strength, and the work of Task Force Hopkins, Sigma Nu is proud to provide the Best Practices Library as a resource for the use of collegiate members. The collegiate best practices included in the Library were collected from Sigma Nu chapters across North America. The current library includes practices from chapters of every size, institutional type, and region of the country. An Alumni Best Practices Library is also available and includes practices collected from the Fraternity’s most successful Chapter Advisors, Alumni Advisory Boards, and Housing Corporations.
How was the Best Practices Library created?
Practices were identified through the work of Task Force Hopkins, an ad hoc committee of respected alumni volunteers appointed by the Fraternity’s High Council (board of directors) and Fraternity staff. The Task Force reviewed Pursuit of Excellence submissions for specific operational areas when that submission received a rating of “excellence” to identify the practices that led to success. Fraternity staff members collected additional best practices during consultations with collegiate chapters.
For the Alumni Best Practices Library, the Task Force focused on collecting best practices specifically for alumni advisors. Many of the most successful Chapter Advisors, Alumni Advisory Board Members, and Housing Corporation Board Members were asked to provide specific practices attributable to their great success. Fraternity staff members provided additional best practices.
Today, both Libraries continue to be updated through the Pursuit of Excellence Program, direct solicitation of our highest-performing groups, and on-the-ground interaction of the Fraternity's Leadership Consultants and volunteers.
Task Force Hopkins
Michael Barry (Georgia), Chairman
Matthew Atkinson (Nebraska/Minnesota)
Jason Dooley (Kennesaw State)
Maury Gaston (Auburn)
Neil Gilpin (Oklahoma State)
Robert "Bob" McCully (San Diego State)
Jordan Wu (California Polytechnic, Pomona)
What is a Best Practice?
For chapters, a best practice is an activity, a practice, a program, or a process that results in or leads to performance at the "excellence" level of the Fraternity's Pursuit of Excellence Program. For alumni, best practices aim to develop advisors at the individual and group levels to improve operations and provide the necessary support for chapters to reach "excellence."
How do I use the Best Practices Library?
A table of contents for the Best Practices Library can be accessed through the main page. Practices have been organized based on the ten sub-categories of the Pursuit of Excellence Program. Officers and collegiate members can search for best practices based on these operational sub-categories by selecting each title. Areas of operation have been outlined below each sub-category to provide more information on the types of best practices found on each page. This makes it easier for officers to locate the best practices relevant to their position.
Having trouble locating best practices or looking for more information? Please contact Austin Lloyd, Director of Chapter Services, at
Call for Practices
If you have a great example or resource that you think should be included in the Best Practices Library, we want to know about it. Send your examples and resources to Austin Lloyd, Director of Chapter Services, at