Alumni Chapters
"Your association with Sigma Nu Fraternity does not end with college. Ours is a Fraternity for life. In fact, full appreciation for Sigma Nu does not come instantly; often it takes years to gain a complete understanding and appreciation. Rest assured that alumni experience and involvement in our Fraternity - on both the local and General Fraternity level - are essential ingredients in the successful operation of our international organization."
This excerpt from The Way of Honor describes not only the importance of staying connected and involved in the Fraternity, but the fraternal responsiblity of all alumni to do so. While there are many paths one may choose to stay engaged, the alumni chapter is a perfect starting point for all Sigma Nu brothers. It is the alumni chapter that most directly allows alumni to stay connected to their brothers, and the chapter; most readily extends, and expands, the Sigma Nu experience after college; and serves as an active demonstration of one's lifetime membership and commitment to Sigma Nu.
While in school, a brother is immersed in Sigma Nu. Every day, the Fraternity is there - it permeates every aspect of his daily life. What happens when his tenure as a student is complete?
Countless alumni have experienced the void created by their departure from the collegiate chapter. The excitement and stresses of entering the "real world" command all available attention and fill the space once occupied by Sigma Nu. As The Way of Honor reminds us, "Your association with Sigma Nu Fraternity does not end with college. Ours is a Fraternity for life."
Alumni chapters are an example of the extraordinary bonds and connections that exist in our brotherhood. They facilitate meaningful interactions among alumni, perpetuate friendships, and provide for the ongoing experience of brotherhood in Sigma Nu.
More to Experience
Staying connected to their chapter and chapter brothers is important to all alumni. As time passes, their daily lives evolve and the role the Fraternity play changes. Suddenly chapter brothers are not just friends, but also a network of connections, resources, and opportunities - personally and professionally. The alumni chapter brings these opportunities together, in one place, for the benefit of all.
Rekindle friendships
- Make connections with older/younger alumni to expand personal and professional networks
- Meet collegiate brothers
- Give back to the collegiate chapter with time and talent
- Support your alma mater with brothers
- Stay informed on what's happening with Sigma Nu, nationally
- Enjoy, strengthen, and take pride in the Fraternity
Sigma Nu is dedicated to ensuring that all alumni can be connected to their chapter, their brothers, their experience. The alumni chapter is that opportunity.
Next Steps and Resources
The first step to establishing an alumni chapter, or renewing an alumni chapter charter, is to file a an Alumni Chapter Petition for Charter. Filing a petition is simple, but it is a requirement for any alumni chapter.
Bylaws are a crucial step in establishing local governance and structure for alumni chapters. To assist alumni chapters, the Fraternity has provided a set of sample bylaws.
The Alumi Chapter Annual Report is due, annually, in May. It is designed to gather data and benchmark the operations of the Fraternity's alumni chapters.