Risk Reduction
Fraternity of Men, Not Boys
“Sigma Nu is an association of congenial minds and kindred souls founded for the specific purpose of influencing the development of mind, heart and character of its members. Its Creed – To Believe in the Life of Love, to Walk in the Way of Honor, to Serve in the Light of Truth – represents the basic principles that form the philosophical underpinnings which guide its actions in the development of future leaders.”
The above quote is from the first paragraph of the preamble in the Risk Reduction Policy. This reminds us of the overall purpose of Sigma Nu. While there must be specific policies and rules governing our activities, the opening paragraph of the Risk Reduction Policy reminds us to not lose sight of the philosophical purpose of Sigma Nu.
And with this higher purpose in mind, Sigma Nu’s Risk Reduction program has been molded and formed over the years. The Fraternity’s risk reduction program is titled “Fraternity of Men, Not Boys.” This was selected to remind us all that this Fraternity will not tolerate childish behavior such as hazing, sexual misconduct, and alcohol or drug abuse and misuse. We are a Fraternity dedicated to developing the ethical leadership capabilities of collegiate men at higher education institutions.
Sigma Nu is an organization that firmly believes in chapter self-governance. A few pivotal lessons that membership in Sigma Nu provides are learning how to effectively hold your peers accountable and understanding there are consequences for your actions. However, it must be noted, the General Fraternity has a legal and ethical responsibility to investigate and respond to allegations of chapter violations of Fraternity policy and/or law. The resources within this section of the Sigma Nu website will assist you and your chapter in understanding, managing, and reducing risk. If you have any questions or need any assistance in this important area, do not hesitate to contact your chapter’s Leadership Consultant and/or the Directors of Risk Reduction at (540) 463-1869.
Where to Find What
The risk reduction section of the Sigma Nu website is comprised of the following sections:
- Chapter Resources - this section has resources dedicated to reducing and managing risk within the chapter.
- Insurance Policies Overview - this resource provides a summary of the Fraternity's insurance program that provides coverage to recognized Sigma Nu collegiate chapter, alumni entities, and other groups.
- Risk Reduction Chairman - this section includes resources dedicated to helping the Risk Reduction Chairman effectively manage his important duties and responsibilities.
- Social Chairman - like the Risk Reduction Chairman section, this webpage includes resources that will help the Social Chairman perform his duties effectively.
- Social Planning - this section includes the Fraternity's resources for effectively planning chapter social functions.
- CommunityEdu - this section explains the CommunityEdu program and the financial incentive policy.
- HazingPrevention.Org - this section shares information about Sigma Nu’s longtime partnership with HazingPrevention.Org.
- National Hazing Prevention Week - this section discusses Sigma Nu’s efforts to support National Hazing Prevention Week and highlights several resources chapters can use to organize and support local National Hazing Prevention Week efforts.
- Educational Posters - this section includes a series of posters and accompanying discussion guides on a variety of student health and safety topics.
- Don’t Play Doctor - this section includes the Don’t Play Doctor video the Fraternity created to urge members to seek medical attention whenever they see a person exhibiting signs of alcohol poisoning.
Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention
In 2021 and 2022, the only years in which fraternities have been eligible, Sigma Nu Fraternity earned the highly regarded Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention for our best-in-class digital prevention and wellness programs. The CPN Seal represents the highest standard for online prevention education, with a rigorous set of criteria to ensure the Fraternity makes a measurable impact across the critical areas of sexual misconduct, alcohol and drug misuse, and mental health.
As this recognition reflects, Sigma Nu Fraternity has made it a priority for all members to participate in a number of online trainings and virtual programs aimed at creating a safe and inclusive organizational culture. Participation in some of these programs has been incentivized, and others will be part of the ongoing wellness initiatives integrated throughout the Sigma Nu experience. This continued investment in prevention is central to upholding the Fraternity's mission, honoring member trust, and preparing members for success on campus and beyond.
The Fraternity's comprehensive digital education efforts, paired with the work of advisors, alumni, and collegiate members every day to reinforce the values and expectations of our organization, will support the Fraternity in moving through challenges and help prepare a bright future ahead.